18 Anomalies at Christchurch Mosque Massacre, Jamie McNicol from The Sentinels of Truth. (hooktube.com)
submitted 6 years ago by 3104198?
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17476099? 5.9 years ago
Write them down in a post man. Fking 2 and a half hour video...no one got time for that.
17476815? 5.9 years ago
https://voat.co/v/QRV/3104340/17474786 'and now NZ wants to shut the internet?'
17477649? 5.9 years ago
I hope they all kill themselves. Save us money. This is the tiny tip of the iceberg. The Avalanche starts tomorrow.
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17476099? ago
Write them down in a post man. Fking 2 and a half hour video...no one got time for that.
17476815? ago
https://voat.co/v/QRV/3104340/17474786 'and now NZ wants to shut the internet?'
17477649? ago
I hope they all kill themselves. Save us money. This is the tiny tip of the iceberg. The Avalanche starts tomorrow.