17374638? ago

Now don't it make you wonder what global progressive "event" he would be there for?!

17374070? ago

If Q has information on Podesta's coordination of this event, they need to snap him up and herald it to the world.

17372554? ago

He needs to be detained, put on a Boeing 737 Max 8 and flown back towards America...halfway back, that is.

17372095? ago

Mr Podesta played a starring role in one of the great conspiracy theories of the election - his hacked emails included an exchange about a Washington DC pizza joint called Comet Ping Pong.

"[The rumours were] that HC and I were running a child porn ring, which had no basis in anything, but a guy showed up with a gun and ended up shooting up a pizza parlour," he says.

This is a cautionary tale from someone who understands too well the influence and damage hacking and fake news can do.

New Zealand is not exempt - and Newshub understands it's something the Prime Minister is seriously concerned about.

17371413? ago

Podesta traveling the glove is giving White Hats further information on the black hats WW. When the hammer drops on them all it will be delicious. And, it will be worth the wait, IMO.

17370288? ago

Another article on that site says there is a video but police are asking it not be shared and are working to take it down.

What do they not want us to see

https:// www.newshub.co.nz/home/new-zealand/2019/03/christchurch-mosque-shooting-alleged-footage-emerges-of-apparent-gunman.html

17369964? ago

I think he is there a lot though. They all are.

17369061? ago

I wonder if Christchurch is the New Zealand equivalent of Broward County???

17368550? ago

He makes me ill.

17366842? ago

-- No, Johnny Podester would never do such a thing... He loves children and muslims.

17366787? ago

these fuckers just dig the hole deeper, smart move in a lot of ways.

17366405? ago

The article says it was published in October of 2019. This is March.

17365698? ago

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17364369? ago

Perhaps doing a walk through on the MkUltra FF. Need to practice those FF to get them right. Otherwise they might be like fireword duds in NYC. (Blunt and Direct Time). Ha see Q Post 327.

17364046? ago

How the fuck is Podesta allowed to leave the country? Sieze his fucking passport.

17368987? ago

^ He hasn't been charged with anything.

17366481? ago

Equally interesting: article from 2011 http://archive.is/1G20W

“Mossad spy ring 'unearthed because of Christchurch earthquake'‘

Want to guess where this also took place?

17367102? ago

A leaked Hillary email in reference to the earthquake read "right on cue".

US congressmen were in ChCh at the time and escorted out just before it hit. Deputy FEMA Director was there too.


17364031? ago

They can't communicate privately any more, they have to do their scheming in person.

17363702? ago

This deviate criminal should be locked up in GITMO feeding on his own faeces and being tortured 24 hours a day until he dies!

17363487? ago

Does he have a security clearance? He was there during the outages?

17363165? ago

I grind my teeth thinking of the SOB being allowed to roam the globe. WTF?

17368996? ago

You know , we should get this Podesta guy off the streets? No?

17362650? ago

Of fucking course!

17362251? ago

That wasback in early January... Couple months ago,

17362484? ago

No it wasn't. The date on the article is from five days ago.

The last sentence says "Mr Podesta is in New Zealand for a Global Progressives event."

17363716? ago

You're right, I appologise.