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16988002? ago

Do we have incoming?

Who knows because nobody has threatened so many 3,500 year old Jew Zionist dynasties before?

The best thing we can do is pray for the best and prepare for the worst:

If President Trump missteps then the only thing left that will save America, western civilization and humanity is U.S. patriots!

Please prepare yourselves for the fight to save yourself, your children and mankind:

Cheap and easy ways to prepare for long periods of martial law or civil war without power or water.

16988966? ago

Adolf did more with less.

16988993? ago

Unfortunately Adolf was Jew opposition to the Jew narrative.

The Jews let all the goyim fight to the death so they could be victims and have Israel.

16989020? ago


16989585? ago

Learn true history.

16989599? ago

... thanks literally for nothing. How about a link or something.

16989723? ago

There are some good youtube videos (or there were, not sure if taken down) but I don't remember the names. Maybe somebody will jump in with titles. I can point you to an author M. S. King who has some well researched, easy to read kindle books on Amazon.