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16580453? ago

Every time hillbilly. Every. Time.

You are the same dumbass who gets so mad. Anon called your ass out and its funny as hell. Hillbilly!! Love it or leave it precious. ;)

Thank God this crap gets burried. This one known as HILLBILLY. You guys need to recognize whats going on in QRV. Mods are aware of who op is. He posts as distractions. I friend of mine showed me rhis several days ago: so far as what he references to ops "pattern of speech." He does not and will not support q, patriots or anything regarding our movement. He is also young, very- and would surprise you as to where else he posts. Q stated these people are stupid. Before you even give this guy the satisfaction of answering or responding, take a minute to evsluate his pattern. No substance, concerning, divisuon, racist rhetoric and usually the speech of an angry, unintelligent teenager. If you report him and ignore him he tends to act accordingly. Although, as you can tell -All he does then is just move on and recreate another thread in the same fashion. He will most definitely respond to this sometimes with a halfassed 'ah yes understood but..." Theres always the catch of him getting angry and outing himself. Guys the individual is honestly not to be made fun of. He is infact mentally ill. This isnt some derogatory term or label to put in his face. It is a fact though. Mods are being given info on him as of about 2 weeks ago from what we've been told. The negative, racist, hateful, gangster and just plain idiotic posts are ONE person. Again. There are more than a few but the individual in question posts to a degree of becoming unstable and it becomes obvious very quickly. There are many times he recreates accounts or uses his other ones and talks (or redponds) to himself along with upvoting his own thread comments. Be mindful patriots. Q said when we "See" these people there ignorance would astound us and that these people "Are Stupid." Ignore and report. Remember there is NO color, no racist terminology and above all, we support our POTUS. Watch his reactions. . You can hear the similarities when you start looking. Good luck and God bless Patriots

16580637? ago

I like you anon. Keep it up.

16581741? ago

Niggers aren't people though.

16582080? ago

You aren't referring to anyone with that race bait comment you dumb fuck.

NAMES OF SPECIFIC PEOPLE is what you dumbasses fear.

16582088? ago

Niggers like Colin Kaepernick aren't people.

16582109? ago

This is a hillbilly_bot running "divide them by race.exe".

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q

"They want race wars" - Q

16582129? ago


16582233? ago

^ Panicking "race bait" anti-Q shillbot is PANICKING.