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16501630? ago

Most of the black-pilled crybabies are paid shills - here to try to poison the well of free speech not with sincere pessimism but as a psychological attack.

You need to not allow the thoughts in other people's heads to control you.

I will have to engage with the lies and the outright anti-human, anti-American crap that the leftists spew.

If you're referring to criticism of Jews and Negroes then too fucking bad because Voat is one of the last places where we can speak freely and honestly about these dangers to western civilization.

We are so goddamned pussified. How did we let it get THIS bad?

Speak for yourself. While you are complaining about "negativity" a.k.a your fee-fees, some of us are stockpiling guns and ammo and supplies and hoping and praying for the best while preparing for the worst.

Cheap and easy ways to prepare for long periods of martial law or civil war without power or water.

16501942? ago

Wasn't referring to the kike posts. I'm talking Pelosi...and these goons who were booing and pounding their desks while a woman recited the pledge of allegiance.

I support their right to free speech, but the IGNORANCE behind it...

Stockpiling is good, but while you are stockpiling, Pelosi is plotting to kill Trump. (Madam Speaker...soon to be Madam President?)

Makes me sick, and this is the place where I find the most HOPE.

16502412? ago

I support their right to free speech, but the IGNORANCE behind it...

Their minds have been poisoned by kike controlled fake news and kike controlled late night television and kike controlled Hollywood.

Those people are fed nothing but white genocide propaganda about how wonderful America would be if it were washed away in a tsunami of illiterate taconiggers and inbred sandniggers and violent niggerniggers. They are reminded at least once an hour about how innocent and smart and beyond criticism the kikes are.

The sad truth is that a percentage of these people will never be saved.

The good news is that most of those who have been brainwashed will be easy brainwashed back to reality once we stop allowing the kikes to poison their minds.

President Trump has made incredible progress in disarming the kike's most powerful weapon - the fake news.

The normies trust in fake news is at an all-time low and reruns of Yogi-Bear from the 1950s are now getting more viewers than CNN.

Unfortunately the Overton Window must be opened slowly because we need to bring as many normies back from the darkness and help them understand they were victims in a war.

President Trump and Q have already named the enemy in posts like this and more clearly with their hyped Fake News Award "winners".

I try to distract myself by focusing on stockpiling guns and ammo and supplies in case not everything "goes to plan", but I'm also enjoying the ride because we're about to see if President Trump's three week window to open the government will get the Dems to approve his merit based immigration reforms - which is the only thing this shutdown is really about. Either way we will get our wall in a couple of weeks but it will be hilarious if POTUS can get EVERYTHING he ever wanted and ratify RAISE Act as the cherry on top of his wall.
