16393624? ago

This submission was linked from this v/pizzagate comment by @srayzie.

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16393519? ago

I didnt forget! Thank you for posting this Patriot!

16392920? ago


16390235? ago

16396293? ago

I believe Caputo

16390560? ago

wow, very interesting!

16389828? ago

Corsi also attacked @srayzie. Sound familiar?

16391455? ago

are you kidding?

16390754? ago

Corsi attacked me because I made a big Twitter thread about him, was posting memes and making gifs of him for being a traitor

16389534? ago

So far Mueller hasn't linked any of the Alex Jones crew to ANY intelligence agencies. All Mueller has on them are more process crimes. Mueller is extremely dangerous to the republic.

16389860? ago

What is a process crime?

16391438? ago

An exceedingly stupid excuse. Stone is accused of tampering with a witness and lying to Congress. Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI. Cohen pleaded guilty of lying to Congress.

These folks are sophisticated operators with access to lawyers. Why would they lie if they weren't trying to cover up something. Especially if those lies could throw you prison for five years. It's one thing to lie on Voat or Twitter but when 5 years is on the line?

It's also a dumb excuse because it implies it's all Mueller has. When it seems to be the Mueller is following a strategy and that strategy is to try to turn people and get them to cooperate. He is indicting people are cases like lying that are open and shut. Because he has all he documents. Manafort? He had Manafort's money transfers and tax returns very easy to prove money laundering and tax fraud. Cohen? Same thing, very easy to prove bank fraud.

But that doesn't mean these are ALL the charges against these people, he can still bring a superseding indictment that lays out the crimes they committed together, especially if he is working on a conspiracy to defraud the United States case....this is the charge he charged other with so far. So he is only playing the cards he needs to play at this moment and can lay them all down later.

I would be very worried if I worked near the top of the Trump campaign.

16393097? ago

Yeah this Mueller Cunt worries me too Anon. I feel better knowing Q has told us, Mueller is fighting to stay out of Jail.

16399356? ago

I feel better knowing Q has told us, Mueller is fighting to stay out of Jail.

Ignore every thing you've heard about Q, now take a look at Mueller. See him with new eyes. What do you see about him about his investigation. Have you seen the indictment of the 12 GRU spies? Do you think all that specific detail is faked?

16399602? ago

Well, he LOOKS like, he's fucked up royally indicting Russians generally for riduclous FB ads, and Russian Companies, that ACTUALLY ended up turning up to Court to defend themselves, and pissed on Mueller's parade fucking up those parties. The Court wasn't happy!

The GRU spies thing I will look into ASAP, and get back to you, rather than me spouting off about shit I am currently unaware of (as other's should do when trying to have a civil conversation on here BTW...).

Stay tuned TBA.


16390175? ago

Crimes arising from the investigation, such as lying to the FBI.

16393636? ago

And congress. Seems pretty clear these weren’t little baby lies... What for? If there is nothing going on, why are all of these people lying to the feds and to congress?

And this is especially if they believe the investigation is a witch hunt... In that case, one would be 100% sure the “corrupt feds” would only be able to nab people on white lies.

If you take a moment to reflect on that: It doesn’t make sense.

16389440? ago

Good point, take a look at all the owners of ALL our entertainment and MSM in this country, they all have loyalties to Israel to one level or another. Looking at the landscape I would venture that people are chosen to own the MSM, they are not as much owners but caretakers of the MSM and can and will be replaced if they ever dare get out of line.

If all the "legitimate" News outlets are owned and controlled by one group it should not come as any suprise that they same group would want to control all the " illegitimate" news as well.

If did that you would control it all.

Keep this in mind as well, this is a concept all of us should put into our frame of reference and it helps to destroy the false delusion we live under.

One group also controls the Worlds money, we all globally use the money they create out of thin are, to use it we agree to go into debt to them. Here is the concept, no one truly owns anything in their eyes, everything you think you own through use of their money is theirs. Great example, you buy a house with their debt, you pay off the debt. Put if you do not agree to pay the continuing debt that you are never free of in the form of taxes to the money changers, then the house taken from you and it goes back to the money changers.

They install Kings but someone else rules over us through their dominion.

16389183? ago

Q is a Larp created by four bakers.

This has been proven over and over again.

16393214? ago

Shilbo Baggins^

16393237? ago


Now don't throw such a tizzy fit. It will be OK. I promise.

16390202? ago

All this for a rainbow cake.

16390285? ago












It is the same game the Illuminati has been playing on folks since Washington. Different players, same Divide and Conquer chess board. There has been controversy surrounding every President since the inception of the United States. Study your history.

The puppet masters create "dis order" so the people will demand "order". The price of "order" always entails a handing over of control and loss of freedom on the part of the citizenry. Out of "chaos" comes "order" - THEIR order - their new WORLD order. ORDO AB CHAO.

Trump the PUPPET.

All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances and we are but fools who believe the LIE. The rulers make it appear as though it is something that it is not. Our world is filled with an extraordinary amount of lies, deception, disinformation, misinformation, fakery, fraud, facades, mirages, propaganda and brainwashing created by the Rulers.

34 Trump Campaign associates indicted. Roger Stone taken down.

0 Shillary Clinton Campaign associate indictments.

Yep. The Illuminati is Large and in Charge.

16389104? ago

AJ shills are all over the damn place today. Anyone remember "i went golfing with the real Q"? LOL. That pretty much makes it case closed.

16389075? ago

I know Stone is a part of Inforwars, but did he personally try to discredit Q? I only ever recall Jones and Corsi trying to usurp the movement. I don't watch that trash and was never a fan of Stone so I have no idea.

If Stone didn't personally try to discredit Q, then is he guilty by association? Or is he just working for an entity that has long term nefarious objectives?

16389187? ago

Also they were all in for Q and then they changed their minds rather quickly. Was that because they were all involved with this Mueller bullshit and then became afraid to continue with Q incase the same bullshit would happen again, but this time being called in with questions about Q? I know Stone has been a friend of Trumps for a long time, and Jones still to this day backs Trump, so this is all really confusing, unless it is just them being used because they were so popular to continue the Mueller Show

16390794? ago

You're right, it is extremely confusing. They openly back Trump and refuse to flip on him, despite threats from the deepstate. Yet Q says be careful who you trust...

16393171? ago

I want to put out there a FAR fetched theory, that AJ et. al., are disinformation agents working for the white hats, and part of Q's 'Disinformation is necessary" drops, which are referring to them, specifically, and that they have been told to stop analyzing and backing Q, as they are too important a player for conservative broadcasting, and the info war generally. What's the MOS connection though, and WTF is going here overall?! Thoughts?

16389418? ago

Trump is on the record calling Stone a loser as far back as 2008. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2008/06/02/the-dirty-trickster

16391305? ago

This is kayfaybe. This a WWE feud. He still launched his campaign with Roger Stone on his team. Roger Stone told Tucker Carlson the other night he knew what Trump had told Mueller....i.e. they are still very close.

16391031? ago

2008? Dude, it's 2019 and Trump just tweeted in defense of stone

16391649? ago

Somehow magically Stone isn't a Mossad nigger anymore?

16396252? ago

Maybe he defenden him because he is Mossad.

16389882? ago

So Trump associates himself with losers?

16390147? ago

Nice bait. Trump uses whoever he needs.

16389085? ago

Q didn't mention his "associates" for nothing

16389121? ago

That could be anyone though, like associates behind the scenes giving them funding.

16389132? ago

Who's going to associate with Mossad agents on accident?

16390753? ago

How would he know they're Mossad? If he's no a part of any intelligence agency, how would he be privy to thy information if they didn't openly tell him.

16414618? ago

Q clearance is the highest security clearance in the US. Q would know.

16390162? ago

Mossad agents aren't in the habit of saying that they're Mossad agents. You could know one yourself and not know it. That's who.