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16341191? ago

Attention all new visitors:

The above account is a verified "Joofag" shill trying to deceive you into falsely believing the Q movement is anti-semitic or even a race-based/ethnicity-based movement at all.

The shills always always always speak in tribal warfare narrative and rhetoric, this tribe of people are enemies with that tribe, based on ethnicity or race or gender or religion or age.

Never do the shills use exclusively the reality of individual choice and values.

They want you and everyone else divided into allegedly economically and socially incompatible and antagonistic...Appearances.

They are psychotic.

Why do they shill like this, which their evil rhetoric is guaranteed to cast guilt against an innocent individual because of what they look like?

To turn you away from the accelerating great awakening taking place worldwide that they are deathly afraid of continuing to accelerate.


Because these shill's puppet masters are the very enemy Q is taking down and the world is learning about

Any time you see any poster submit or make a comment like this one, which makes sweeping judgments of an entire ethnicity as guilty, while refusing to focus exclusively on individual choices and values, are 100% guaranteed shills who are trying to divide the movement that scares the living daylights out of the cockroach shills.

The real Q:

"They want you divided by race" - Q

"They want race wars" - Q

"They want you divided by religion" - Q

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q

These "Joofag" shills do not represent the Q movement, they are enemies of the great awakening.

Everyone who loves america and loves Americans are welcome here, regardless of appearance!

The shills are panicking.

How to identify these sick fucking shill pieces of shit with 100% accuracy:

16341566? ago

Because we all want to be around friendly niggers/

16341577? ago

Panicking shill is panicking!

Run "RACEBAIT.EXE" NPC programming


16341502? ago

You are a bit of a delusional person, aren't you. Do you know what's happening? You're being set up. Q counsels inaction and that 'jews are your friend' while at the same time saying 'saving israel for last'. You are being played.

16341547? ago




Look at them squirm!

16341604? ago

This is interesting. What is it in that post that you've decided for yourself is 'squiriming'. Personally, I don't think you're actually a goat. This post, and posts like it, these baiting attempts to create drama and conflict smack of IDF or CIA. Never anything to offer, just witless nonsense.

So, bot, here's a question. What's your favorite color and what's your favorite place to walk in September when the Aardvarks are flying low?

16341626? ago


Oh 100% for sure without a doubt squirming.

Look at it having a meltdown!

16342753? ago

Interesting. So what we've learned is that this bot doesn't read or respond to posts. I wonder if it's or cia.

Odd that they'd put it in here though. Sure to have a greater impact on reddit.

Seems like a waste.

16344643? ago

Shills always display this kind of panic.

16345790? ago

What are you talking about? What shills? What panic? Are we reading the same website? There's no shills, there's no panic...

I don't think you're a real person. I think you're a bot.

What american organized sports figure was famously known for a tattoo of the phrase "the world is mine" paired with the superman logo?

16350408? ago

Hahahaha, THAT panic!


16350784? ago

Interesting. So, what you're saying is that when people respond to posts on internet forums they're experiencing some kind of anxiety episode. Do you believe this about all forums or only the ones you yourself post in?

16360704? ago

No no, not just "respond".


The attacks on Q, the attacks on Q anons, on this subverse are coming from panicking shills.

In other words, you are experiencing anxiety right now and are trying and failing to project.

16361808? ago

Aaah so you believe you're under attack. You.

The scum that turned voat into garbage believe theyre under attack.

Irony is thick today.

Tell me more about your shill theory though Im curious about that.

How many times does someone hqve to disagree with you before theyre a 'shill'.

Im betting none. They just automatically are until they stroke your ego enough.

You are the shills. The only folks that don't realize that yet is you.

16367869? ago




16341360? ago

Hey, Caps Lock Kike. Your kvetches are much easier to read since you've figured out how to switch off the caps lock.

Oh btw, we're going to continue kicking you out of our nations. Your 1031st expulsion is right around the corner.

16341417? ago

^ ^ ^

Panicking "joofag" NPC shillbot is panicking

16341489? ago

More jewish projection. Your tribe is trying to overturn the first amendment because we wont stop talking about what a disgusting race of perverts you are. Thats real panic.

16341558? ago




Look at them melting down!


16341671? ago


16341804? ago





16341267? ago

Attention all new visitors ^ This person has not accepted the real Red Pill ^. The JQ.

16341439? ago

^ ^ ^

Panicking "joofag" NPC shillbot is panicking.

Red pill = SATANISTS

Not jews as an entire ethnicity.

Dumbasses are scared shitless.

Look at them spam with "JQ" programming accusation

16341508? ago

You are doing harm to the future of your people. Stop assisting the enemy.

16341538? ago



Look at them squirm!

16341288? ago

Hahaha! This shill is absolutely terrified.