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16177858? ago

I'm not aware that anyone has disarmed me.

I've got enough arms and munitions and supplies to invade a small country or wage a one man civil war for decades.

Cheap and easy ways to prepare for long periods of martial law or civil war without power or water.

16177863? ago

It’s coming....

16177919? ago

I've taught myself to farm and I recently purchased two solar cookers, a massively powerful solar generator and a water treatment system that can purify 25,000 gallons, enough for 20 people for 20 years.

I have several weapons stashes.

Bring it on.

16177930? ago

I commend your resolve. I really do. But if the authorities can shut down a couple of young kids selling lemonade from their front yard you think they won’t come for you and your 25,000 gallons?

This battle isn’t going to be won by individual preppers like yourself, hiding out in the woods.

The only way this evil will be stopped is when We, The People become United again and show these fuckers we mean business...

16177960? ago

Even if I'm caught with my pants down, my security sensors will see them coming from a mile away and I have my supplies in several off-site bunkers.

I'm prepped to bug-out in three directions and I'll be off the grid before most people have filled their water bottles / the police can find their arse with both hands

I don't even need to take my car off my main property if I think the UN / NATO / police have me "surrounded".

I built all of this with the time and money most people waste on fancy new cars and pumpkin-spice-latte and watching sport.

16177969? ago

You don’t get it do you? It’s not about ‘You’, it’s about ‘We’.

If they win. You think you’ll be safe from a Drone Strike?

16178027? ago

Waaa waaa waaa! You don’t get it do you? It’s not about ‘You’, it’s about ‘We’.

You retard, why the fuck do you think I have a 25,000 gallons water treatment unit, enough weapons and ammo to invade a small nation, skills in farming and a Ham radio network to all my other preppers?

You have shown yourself to be a useless cry-baby.

Now, you have my permission to pee your panties some more while the rest of us are prepared for anything.

You disgust me.

16178065? ago

Do you drink hooch with the ‘Good ole boys’ while you bang your sister as well?

16178203? ago

You are partially correct - it will be those who have prepared to save their communities and those who can farm and have stockpiled food and water and medicine and weapons who will save America - but it's also people like myself who can smell how useless a soyboy like you are. After 48 hours, you'll be begging for water like a little baby.

The Good 'ol boys are rural farmers and survivalists who know how to survive and are armed to the teeth.

You mock patriots but I doubt you've ever fired a rifle or know which tree bark can be used to start a fire when damp or looked up a list of non-perishable foods.

Yes - please laugh. Have a good giggle at how well prepared other people are.

16178254? ago

Spoken like someone that has no idea what I’ve done, or what I’m doing.

Dream on prepper. Your small mindedness shows you up for your complete misunderstanding of current events.

This isn’t just about your and your redneck prepper friends. This is about humanity as a whole.

Attitudes like yours are the reason we’re in this mess in the first place.

Good luck to you.

16178279? ago

Yes - I will rely on being prepared.

Please you do continue to mock us with water purification and hunting and farming survival skills now, when you're sipping your pumpkin-spice latte and while you're dying of thirst and starving to death.

I doubt you even own a medical kit or a gun.

Good luck to you.

16178405? ago

Wrong, on all accounts.

I don’t drink coffee and I’m suitably trained and armed thank you very much.

I just believe in ‘We, The People’ - Not ‘I the Prepper’.

16178426? ago

You believe in "we" but not "prepping"?

That's the most retarded thing I've ever heard - Somali-level stupid.

Adults are responsible for their own actions whereas you want to be a parasite on others.

Good luck begging for food and clean water if the shit hits the fan.

16178455? ago

Ha ha. You don’t get it. I get that.

You know nothing of me.

Just know this - I’d rather fight on my feet with fellow patriots, rather than hide out in the woods on my knees like a coward.

Good luck.

16178484? ago

Your plan is to be at the place where NATO / UN troops first attack... rather than fall back and coordinate using Ham radio with other preppers?

Your plan is to take on several foreign military forces before you've even had a chance to evaluate their forces or coordinate with local militia?

Jesus Christ, this isn't a Hollywood film.

I bet your plan involves having a fist-fight while dangling from a helicopter and being chased down a corridor by an explosion.

You really are a Somali-level-retard.

16178650? ago

Clearly, you’re the one watching too many movies.

Ham radios to Coordinate for what? Your imminent slaughter via drone strike?

Is this Arnold Schwarzenegger I’m arguing with?

You know what a fishing rod is for, right?

16178801? ago

Wow - you really won the argument against that other guy.

Although his prepping advice for beginners was amazing!

Would you mind linking me to your prepping guides and websites and I can learn from your greatness and better understand how wrong he was?