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16040082? ago

I absolutely love Neon. Don’t know who you are but you stink.

16040169? ago

These shills are just attacking one of the most popular Q researcher in an attempt to use lies to damage his reputation.

They attack every day at about this time.

If they were ever successful in damaging neon then they'd just move on to the next most popular Q researcher.

What a sad existence.

16043438? ago

Total bullshit. He came over to v/pizzagate and started talking shit. Smeared researchers who have been trying to expose the cabal for years. It was disgusting.

16050292? ago

No, I didn't, you liar.

I hit back after being attacked.

Be honest and stop lying. It's pathetic.

16060565? ago

You're so arrogant that it's off putting.