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16040263? ago

I like Neon's work. Does he have a large ego? Sure. But I don't mind if he earns his keep from the results of his efforts. If he's made the effort to write a book, and it wakes some people up, good on him. If he prefers to spend his time fighting other researchers, that's his choice. I don't care if he has ads on his site or whatever. People gotta put food on the table, and researching and writing the volume he does takes an awful lot more than a half hour a day kinda thing.

IMO, half these anons would do better to stop hiding behind their high and might chivalrous "A real anon always works pro bono" mentality and just get down to business.

After all, we all know the (((shills))) are being paid. Why can't the good guys get some too?

16043389? ago

The issue isn't that he's selling hats. It's that he is using his blog to smear real researchers who have been at this much, much longer than he has, for no personal gain whatsoever. Did you read what @Vindicator said?

16089586? ago

Ah I see. Well I agree with you there, and no, had not seen the post you mentioned.