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15968635? ago

This is retarded.

We finally got everything we want with a nationalist patriotic POTUS who is spearheading the world-wide movement against the Jew World Order...

...and you want a revolution now?

Fuck off George Soros!

15968665? ago

Q is hopefully the revolution, is hopefully the clean slate and revival of a broken world with all the cards set up against you and not the elites and privileged few. Not saying Q is not, just hope it's true.

15968714? ago

Rather than giving the Jews and the liberals what they want, you should instead be encouraging people to hope for the best but arm themselves and prepare for the worst...

...because if President Trump fails then the Jews will destroy our economy and the globalist (((UN))) and (((EU))) will "provide humanitarian aid" in the form of destroying our power stations and farming infrastructure and kicking in our doors to steal our guns.

15969147? ago

Yes. We'd be at the mercy of the [UN]. The EU looks to be falling. They're allowing the new world order control without much of a fight. I wonder how long, a year, two? before the powers that be step in, and take control.