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15936259? ago

Update: Fake News Site DailyCrusader is BANNED from VOAT! - PLUS PROOF or VOTE MANIPULATION!

15936697? ago

Literally no one cares what the jews at v/GA have to say. Bunch of jew paid mods

15936882? ago

If they were Jewish they'd love dailycrusader, it's a Jew rag.

Owned by a felon who beats up old ladies on Sep 11.

15937168? ago

I thought it was owned by Muslims?

15936667? ago

v/greatawakening is a sub designed for gatekeeping so fuck off back there and take your trash talk with you.

15936393? ago

eek... censorship gets us nowhere, it just proves you're scared of what Daily Crusader is saying

15937173? ago

But they just make up shit that sounds good and generates votes. Qlowns see all these votes and think that makes it credible information. Qlowns then pass along as real this fake made-up bullshit (while dismissing and labeling anyone who questions these hoax news stories a “shill.”)

15936865? ago


Jews gonna jew, and dailycrusader is literally jew propaganda

15936884? ago

I thought it was owned by a fat arabic muslim girl?

15936920? ago

The size of that schnoz? No way. She's clearly a fat jew with a felon husband. They beat up an old lady last September 11.

15937181? ago

Wait though you guys said they were Muslim? Are you sure they're really jewish?