15844715? ago

Great read, informative. Thanks!

15827787? ago

Uummm...will someone explain this, please. I'm lost.

15827229? ago

@40_head is one smart man. Awesome decode and research. WWG1WGA

15826791? ago

Quality link to excellent info. Good work patriot.

15826558? ago

Getting wayyyy to close so DS panics and attacks 8Chan.

Knock knock neo!

15825470? ago

Could someone help a genuine old geezer and explain this issue and why it's important? As far as I can tell, a transformer blew up, had a unusual blue glow. To me, it doesn't look like a big deal. Obviously, I'm missing something.
PS: And who was the deep state guy who was exposed?

15826976? ago

There were power, internet and phone and 911 service outages all over the country, some entire states like Washington, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico etc and also including parts of Alaska and Hawaii. This is not just about the transformer in NY. This is BIG

15828377? ago

Did the white hats do this!

15829999? ago

Who the fuck know, could be hackers, foreign entities , cabal, white hats, testing by DHS, many options. I have no idea though.

15825493? ago

Basically Model 800, Series 101 is back

15824963? ago

Is this sign that Trump is about to vector is Presidential Emergency broadcast system? or new routing system (government controlled) under

marshal law, to vector routes...

==== Large portions of the 911 Emergency System in the United States have been crippled over the past 24-hours—a system managed by the American telecommunications giant CenturyLink,

15824912? ago

  1. Food stamp: money -people running in street protesting, because no money to pay them. (perhaps millions of illegals) 911 system overwhelmed...?

Buried within this government shutdown standoff between Trump and his “Deep State” enemies, this report explains, is a deadly ticking time bomb set to explode on 1 February 2019—and is when money will no longer be available to pay over 38 million Americans their Food Stamp rations—and whom the “Deep State” and its leftist radical allies plan to exploit by flooding them into the streets of their country to stage food riots as cover to begin the immediate impeachment of both Trump and Vice President Mike Pence and install into power the soon to be Democrat Party US Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi—and about which Trump has received his final warning from the “Deep State” mouthpiece The New York Times in their article titled “The Inevitability Of Impeachment” wherein these leftists offered “to make a deal to get him out of there”.


15831166? ago

President Pelosi.....can't even imagine what a shitshow that'd be! An interesting scenario, though, and it might explain why the troops are coming back home.

15824527? ago

The DS has woven quite a large, invasive network that was closing in to the point of choking us all. So we can add the DS control over all emergency communications. Thank God for POTUS and Q team. I think we are going to live, Patriots!!!

15824365? ago

Holy Hemmroids BatDick, that’s HUGE... Who needs an EMP weapon when you can just, turn the shit off ?!?!

15824241? ago

As my father taught me - “Takes a man to say sorry.”

Fellow Anons and Qfags - I apologise.

I didn’t believe any of the LaserBeamFags or BlowingTransfomerFags over the last couple of days and I posted as much.

But now, I can see. This. The Keystone. It was the target. The 1st Amendment. I understand now. I glitched. I fell off the Q bus, but just stepped back on board. Phew, that was close....

15824322? ago

Look Patriot, we are on a Treasure Hunt,and Gold is everywhere!

Keep hunting...

We have a treasure map, that grows organically.

100's and thousands of anons out their looking.


15823711? ago

I don't think so, I can't blame every thing that happens on the Kabal. Dialing 7 digits instead of 3 would be nothing more than a temporary emergency.

15823672? ago


15823615? ago

Gawd I hate Twitter links. Sloowww with no account. Anyone have on threadreader?

15823472? ago

Excellent twat post! The KEYSTONE = The First Amendment of the Constitution.

15823403? ago

Hmm, yeah. I’m not sure I caught the punchline.

What the fuck happened? What is it’s signifcance?

15823509? ago

Keystone = Free Speech (the 1st amendment). If we lose Keystone; we lose everything.

15823772? ago

Wait - how the fuck are they gonna cut off free speech again? By owning CenturyLink? I think we’re missing a few steps there.

I mean, yeah, Facebook and Google can undermine free speech, but they can’t kill it. Look at your screen very closely. Free speech is occurring. Right here.

I don’t see how CenturyLink is a threat to free speech. Clearly a threat to the proper functionality of the internet, but free speech?

15828427? ago

Ya, I'm with you. Not seeing it.

15823367? ago

Outstanding run down!

15823188? ago

It's the decipher of the Century, Link ing together many threads into a whole pattern. Kudos and thankQ for helping us put together the bigg picture!

15823129? ago

People should look more into Vanguard https://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/110515/who-are-owners-vanguard-group.asp

They along with BlackRock and State Street control all of the MSM. Funny thing is - Vanguard, State Street and BlackRock are all owned by the same people.

Choice is an illusion, at the very top one group is buying up everything.

15824214? ago

Not for long

15822272? ago

Good post!

15822216? ago

Wow, this is getting bigger than we can imagine.

15820756? ago

Great Dig and Thread by 40 Head.....thank you for sharing.....connects many dots. Yuge

15820742? ago

This is why all of you screaming, "Hurry up with the arrests and Nothing is happening" can go POUND SAND

This is bigger than you Know

We have one shot to get it right

15827904? ago

Most of you speak generally with no sustenance to your posts. Title reads KEYSTONE like it's providing new information. I get it if you use the outages as the blackout and blackout during shutdown as a substantial Q proof, but I fail to see one comment that even infers Keystone has been deciphered.

This post links to a tweet that reads absolutely NOTHING to do with a keystone.

1, Are you kidding me! Yesterday's #911Outage exposed a MAJOR #DeepState player! The #KEYSTONE!?!?!

NOTHING to do with a keystone

15844729? ago

Wow you are ignorant.

15824336? ago

Exactly. These people have no idea just how big this is, or how deep the tentacles go.

Q and the gang have taken over the helm and have assumed control over the boat with Trump's election, but the Deep State? They control and operate the rest of the boat. While they can still slow the helm down, they ultimately have lost control to influence the boats direction. Hence, "Patriots are in control."

What we are witnessing now is patriots that are currently working to get the rest of the boat back under the control of "We, the people."

15826632? ago

It is and it is deep and evil. In the last 20 years for instance there has been an explosion in the growth of the occult. 1.6 million witches. AND 1.6 million so called pastor's preachers, aka hirlings are deep state assets. They were hired to passify the population and get us to all to along with our doom. A new church is rising and a new nation.

15820598? ago

some people have never learned how to play chess!

15820613? ago

many want to-be-patriots are soy boys!

15820537? ago

https://archive.fo/ZPOWG :

(((❌40Head❌))) on Twitter: "1, Are you kidding me! Yesterday's #911Outage exposed a MAJOR #DeepState player! The #KEYSTONE!?!?!


@findtruthQ @martingeddes @intheMatrixxx @StormIsUponUs @LisaMei62 @prayingmedic @qanon76 @WeAreOne_Q @MagniFieri @realQNN1 @Anon_decoder @andweknow @cordicon @maccloskey1"

This has been an automated message.

15820504? ago

What will be done about it? ---> ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!

Who will go to jail? ---> ABSOLUTELY NO ONE!