15505024? ago

Check Qmap every day or every other day, refresh QRV and /pol/ frequently throughout the day. I'd like to go back to 8, but it lags so damn hard I quickly lose patience. It's common for my browser to lock up completely in those threads.

15504164? ago

Brushing, flossing, enema, breakfast, another enema, then three more enemas for good measure, amirite?

15504303? ago

I'd say so! Totally and don't forget the laxatives, most of the day wasted!

15503892? ago


SGT Report



In Pursuit of Truth/IPOT/ Sir Patrick Mac!

Tim Pool to see what the 1/2 sane libs side is


Body Language Ghost

SecureTeam10 for alien/mystery/paranormal

Dan Bongino in the afternoon

Coast to Coast am at night

Voat/QResearch General throughout the day

15504839? ago

Better save the list you shared and his current hits. Have a feeling they'll be popping up somewhere else.

15504788? ago

Thank you. Nice to get a non shill reply :-). I’ll check a bunch of these out

15503715? ago

Every day is pretty consistent.

Step 1: Watch the Q-folks pray to Q to save them. Trust the plan.
Step 2: Watch in amusement as they are constantly disappointed.
Step 3: Watch new Q-folks come in for the next wave.
Step 4: Watch in amusement as they are constantly disappointed.
Step 5: Rinse, repeat. Dd nauseam.

After a while the amusement fades into pity as the endless cycle continues for over a year.

15503772? ago

Are you kidding? Stop watching the MSM and you will see major happenings every freaking day.

15503712? ago

I really wish I understood how to use 8ch. I'm afraid I'm gonna piss off the wrong nazifag and end up spitroasted by a couple of skinhead nazi homos who bought my information from being hacked on the line.

15504188? ago

See this thread, 8chan Orientation

15504033? ago

I don't really get it either but the TYB boob pics are really nice.

15504777? ago


15504830? ago

"Thank you baker" From what I gather, the baker organizes that page or something. Like I said, I don't really get it.

15503740? ago

Nazifags aren't real.

15503787? ago

Nazi’s were the 1930’s - we’re way beyond that. ‘Antifa’ are the new Nazi’s

15503676? ago

I leave https://qanon.pub/ open overnight so I immediately know if something new has been posted.

Then I check Dustin Nemos' YouTube channel.

15503540? ago

Troll qiggers.


Repeat as needed.

15503728? ago

Why do join forces with kikes and Shareblue to attack President Trump supports rather than investing your time to undermine the Jew Fake News?

Is your war against western civilization (i.e. are you a kike or a "Wakanda Forever" nigger)?