15172929? ago

communicate on other subverses that are not anonymous. with 100 CCP (cant get them from posts, only comments), you will be able to downvoat.

caution: if you are not racist, beware to not get into discussions on that topic. every time i engage with it, i am being downvoated like fuck. thats voats mob censoring, lol, its one big echo chamber.

15170798? ago

You gotta be able to meme pretty hard or it will take a while. I got my downvoat ability after like 2 weeks.

15169574? ago

Define 'obvious shill'. I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess it rhymes with 'anyone not in my echo chamber'.


Fucking cultists.

15172886? ago

you dont seem to be a shill, only a troll who loves to beat up Qtards. too many of them here, sigh, but they are not dangerous, only stupid.

15169110? ago

It's explained here: https://voat.co/v/QRV/2744073

15168915? ago

You need at least 100 ccp.

Go out into other Voat communities and interact by leaving comments and they'll get upvoted.

Making a new post is a good way to create discussion.

Here's a list of every Voat community, sorted by popularity: https://voat.co/discover

I recommend these communities too:



15169071? ago

Yes - this.

Please ignore all the shill comments - it's likely they are all from one Shareblue shill or a butt-hurt Hillary supporter who's trying to chase you away.

15169014? ago

This is the way^

15168815? ago

Ha HA! Suck a giant back of dicks. One by one.

15168774? ago

You have to perform cyber sex with a mod and cum twice. Then you get super downvote powers here.

15168757? ago

You have to have 100 comment points, but you can't earn comment points in this sub.

Don't ask for people to upvote you to give you points either, that is not looked kindly upon here.

15168716? ago

You have to get positive points and do it outside QRV on Voat.

15168625? ago

Comment and post in a non-anon subs

15168727? ago

Wow. Your post was downvotes before I even viewed it! Off to norm I’d-land!

15168789? ago

Care to explain how you missed the guide on participation, stickied in this sub?

15168634? ago

There's a sticky thread in this subverse, on how to participate on Voat.

I sincerely doubt that OP is genuinely asking.