15098365? ago

Was he found at the bottom of a cliff, or stairway, or something similar? Because barring that, people don't tend to beat themselves to death. It would tend to result in one changing his mind long before he got close to succeeding.

15098311? ago

Shot five times; stabbed nine times; beat about the head with what may have been a claw hammer; kicked with steel toe boots resulting in broken ribs and a collapsed lung; and decapitated with a machete. None of the weapons found at the scene. Yep. Suicide. (Yeah yeah. I know. I watch too many true crime documentaries.)

15094935? ago

Can someone please tell me how you commit suicide by multiple blunt force trauma unless you drive you car into or keep banging your head on BRICK WALL????

15093433? ago

Never heard of a blunt force suicide. Not buying it.

15092999? ago

Terrible shame, may he rest in peace

15092928? ago

Who kills a man like this? God damn you cabal demons.

15092512? ago

Somewhat odd.

15092111? ago


15092090? ago

Daniel Best, a pharmaceutical executive from Bay Village who was tapped to oversee government efforts to reduce prescription drug costs

Q695 probably coincidence https://voat.co/v/QRSP/2823391

15092085? ago

The need to start catching these killers. They should then be hung for everyone to see.

15091793? ago

Why is it that the local gov't that used to share info is not sharing anymore? What a shame. First step to unlawful control.

15091616? ago

"Sounds like a suicide to me." Deep State Coroner number #458

15091666? ago

The good, old multiple blunt force suicide. Very effective.

15092823? ago

He beat himself to death. Right.

15091688? ago

Works every time... and if it doesn't, you just do it again until it's over.

Beats jumping off a bridge.

15092814? ago

Except for when you just knock yourself out. And then you wake up with a monster headache and you're still alive.