15100838? ago

Nobody is going to use nukes in a civil war. That is just dumb.

15100878? ago

Yeah, I guess you will just surrender then.

15097319? ago

Too funny. lol

You know you fucked up when Russia tells you to fuck off about nuking something.

15097222? ago

My how much the world has turned during the almost 70 years of my life. Now the same "Ruskie's" we conservatives fought so hard to defeat have become our greatest protector against our own citizens. Somebody pinch me. I spent too much time on a Boomer pointing nuclear hell at Russia. The ultimate mind game. Now, they are trying to help keep the nukes from pointing at us, the same nukes that were pointed at them. Like I said pinch me now, please.....

15098209? ago

Nukes don't work on populated areas. It's the elephant in the room. USA and Russia have tried to trade nukes over a dozen times since the cold war, they just don't work.

15098310? ago


15099362? ago

Have you heard the rumors about power being shut off at nuclear silos. Watch what happens when they try https://youtu.be/AXwAUYAIT_w?t=81

15112027? ago

Just started learning about that.

15094992? ago

I don't always disagree w/ the American public, but when I do, I nuke them.

15094618? ago

That is enjoyable to read over & over.

15094116? ago

Sorcha Faal. Such a Fail.

15093474? ago

Fake news.

15092368? ago

Hell I've banned talks with them. I feel sorry for the elected people that can't do so.

15091782? ago

Sorcha Faal my ass. How many times do we have to go over this. SMFH.

15092429? ago

Your opinion dont mean shit, get used to it

15100771? ago

My opinion is that your opinion that my opinion doesn't mean shit doesn't mean shit. ✌️❤️

15090911? ago

Saving stuff. A useful utility I use is called "page nest". It will download entire websites and save them to hard drive. I just downloaded the entire whatdoesitmean.com website will all articles and images for safe keeping. Does not work on all website but older simple formats work great. Only took about 10 minutes to download, all article in about 10,000 files as complete HTML webpages. Good thing to do for info that is at risk of being removed . There are other programs that do similar. https://www.malavida.com/en/soft/pagenest/

15091022? ago


15090798? ago

Know what you're upvoting here people. Here's Sorcha Faal's archived articles if you guys want to do further research

Don't be sheep http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index632archive.htm

15090744? ago

Swalwell and these leftists should be referred to as “The Red Terror” from here on in. Patriots, let’s brand them as such starting TODAY!

15089851? ago

Seems legit.

Nuking your people for failing to turn guns in is sort of like saying, "I shall sacrifice my Queen to take your Pawn!!!" and your Queen is a nuke.


Totally , totally legit.

15089935? ago

yeah it's a quote, you should tell him that. let him know how you feel


15090275? ago


15090493? ago

awesome... my nationality is Texan

15094069? ago

you know what I was referring to, right?

If not, Google "my nationality is mormish" and watch the whole thing, it's worth it, trust me.

15096615? ago

cop ran away from me after he asked if i was in state of florida i said no then he asked if i was in united states i said no, he didnt know what to do, called county attorney then he suddenly became such a nice guy, then he just ran like mofo

15102653? ago

I have no idea what you just said.

15105602? ago


15089664? ago

Someone should nuke this thread.

15093061? ago

I nuked your mother's womb with semen bombs last nite.

15089654? ago

The bolshevik kikes killed WAY more than 500k people, but otherwise a good article

15089699? ago

theyre just talking about the first wave, 100 million people ended up dying to communism in Russia and China

15093073? ago

If communism is good at 1 thing it's definitely population control.

15089381? ago

Sorcha Faal


15090182? ago

The fact I had to get to page 2 of comments to find this is quite disturbing.

15091596? ago

Yeah, I was scrolling as well thinking, fucking hell what a bunch of fucking idiots. You might as well read the onion for your news.

15090288? ago

What's disturbing about it? That SF is obviously a CIA/KGB buddy-cop bro team-up psyop, or that nobody has any discernment?

15091376? ago

The latter, I expected top comment to be a bit of, hang on a second..

People have short memories it seems

15089184? ago

The first thing I would do would be stay very, very close to this idiot. Since he would never nuke his precious self. Since he would then by disarmed it would be my turn.

15089101? ago

Jump at me all you want guys but this article is full of truths and I truly hope that they have banned the DS. The world is waking up and standing up. There is nothing in the Democrat agenda that is "for the people". WWG1WGA

15088992? ago

40 upvotes for bullshit from "whatdoesitmean" known disinformation peddler Sorcha Faal???

C'mon people, you're supposed to be smarter than this

15088949? ago

Swallwell is panicking.

If he really does believe a nuclear armed state beat a gun armed public, then why would he want to disarm the people from their guns?

Because he knows that communist police states cannot have full control over the population without the boots on the ground, door to door police state thuggery, they can't force communism on the people.

Police states require a disarmed public so that when the police state thugs are dispersed throughout the country, they will be able to shoot the people like sheep on a farm.

Believe me, nukes alone are not enough. Nukes can only control governments, and thus the people only indirectly. For direct control they need a police state force over a disarmed public,

Hitler took the guns.

Stalin took the guns.

Mao took the guns.

Pol Pot took the guns.

Castro took the guns.

These fascist/communist (no difference from the perspective of the individual forced to live under police state tyranny) "gun control" advocates know that they have no power over the people, so they're trying to disarm them under the cover of stopping "mass shooting" that they themselves always seem to be associated with. We see the evidence and the connections. Fake news can't hide it anymore.

The people are awake.

15089740? ago

Hitler didn't take any guns from German citizens. Only the dirty kikes who ruined his country, ruined Russia, ruined Rome, and are trying to ruin every western country in the world. Hitler ARMED his citizens with Volksturmgewhers.

15090291? ago

Hitler was a no good Dirty Rothschild. He threw his own people under the Bus, Conspired with other Polish Elites and others on How to make it so Hitler and Germany could justify invading because they had to "protect german ethnics" . Hitler Ordered a HALT when they were on the Edge of Winning the WAR. But that halt gave time for america to step in. All done on purpose. He played his role of the bogeyman.

15100373? ago

And he had only one ball, and...and... duhhhhheeeeeeee!

15090787? ago

This sounds like something a Rothschild would want to have you believe.

15089447? ago

hitler took the guns

oh give it a rest. He removed the guns from the jews, the actual german citizens were allowed even looser gun regulations than they had before, just look at the role of shooting training in the hitler youth

15091158? ago

Then, to better clarify the point: Hitler took guns from certain citizens, and then imprisoned, and murdered defenseless people by the millions- just like all of the popular fascist/marxist dick-taters have done throughout history.

The point stands. Never give your vote to a gun-grabber, under any, and all circumstances. No exceptions!!!

15091894? ago

a.) he took the guns from citizens who deserved it

b.) he imprisoned citizens who deserved it

c.) the holocaust never happened darling, more's the shame

The point stands. Never give your vote to a gun-grabber, under any, and all circumstances. No exceptions!!!

This bit is highly valid though. Remember, if someone insists they're taking your gun, shoot to kill. You can ask questions when they're bleeding out on the floor.

15089726? ago

Their guns are very restricted NOW! Generally, only more wealthy Germans have weapons. Hunting has always been reaerved for the wlite there. USA replaced the Germans and made th jews the elite there! Great job USA. We fought WW2 for Communists (USSR) and jews in GB, France and Germany. Needless to say USSR was run by jews!

15089553? ago

^ ^ ^






15090059? ago

implying Jews have a distinct skin colour

are you even trying anymore captain caps lock?

15090971? ago

^ ^ ^




15092606? ago



How to expose, 100% guaranteed


15093143? ago

^ ^ ^

Self-admitted shill right here folks.

15093995? ago

You just expect people to believe you with no facts or evidence. Sad!

15104220? ago

^ ^ ^



15105054? ago

You are nigger tier stupid aren't you? I gave you a big list of facts in another post, go re read it nigger

15105455? ago

^ ^ ^

Self-admitted shill right here

15105852? ago

You will not stop the racial awakening of our people kike shill. Your White Genocide scheme will fail.

15106025? ago

^ ^ ^

This NPC shillfuck piece of shit is admitting itself to be an NPC shillfuck piece of shit

How to identify shills on this anti-racist subverse:


15169913? ago

Guilty till proven innocent? Maybe in your communist fucking kike dream, not in reality here in the US. Go back to Reddit. This place is for men.

15094976? ago


15096207? ago

Fact- Jews support open borders for White countries but nowhere else

Fact- Jews support the whole LGBTWTF thing

Fact- Jews created communism

Fact- Jews own the Fake News Media

Fact- Jews own the censoring social media sites

Fact- Jews hate Christians so much they thought an x was too much like a cross, and signed their immigration papers with a circle or in their tongue "kikel" which is why we call them kikes

Fact- Jews owned the slave ships that brought the blacks here

Fact- Jews use the Holocaust to shame all whites, German or not

Fact- the Red Cross only accounted for 241k deaths in all concentration camps combined

Fact- the world census showed a Jewish population increase over the time WW2 took place

Fact- No human remains with traces of cyanide have been found and proven real

Fact- Jews claim being anti globalist is anti semitic

Fact- George Soros is a Jew, so Jewy he Jewed other Jews to save his own skin

Fact- Jews were seen dancing on a roof celebrating 9-11

Fact- The Talmud likens gentiles to cattle and says they are to be cheated and used

Fact- Yes, behind every stinking, anti White, anti European, anti American scheme, there is always a Jew.

15102438? ago

^ ^ ^

Self-admitted shill right here

15105091? ago

It's called reality nigger. Only a kike would say differently.

15105434? ago

^ ^ ^

Self-admitted shill on this anti-racist subverse

15105825? ago

Wake the fuck up dumbass, everyone else is

15106036? ago

^ ^ ^



How to identify shills on this anti-racist subverse:


15169897? ago

This is voat kike. There are no anti racist subverses. Stop shilling your leftist, anti-white garbage. Nobody cares.

15089710? ago

It's isn't about skin color you obvious kike. It's called Jews are the enemy of all other peoples. The fucking Talmud calls us cattle and says we are to be used and abused. You aren't even trying

15090975? ago

^ ^ ^




15091923? ago

Nobody's buying it kike. Nor will anyone take you seriously posting in all caps. For anyone else reading this- this sums up this shills argument strategy- https://i.4pcdn.org/pol/1483621443990.jpg Argue with him and see. He gave up after I called him on it earlier so I'm not wasting my time doing it twice

15092300? ago

^ ^ ^


100% PROOF.



15100371? ago

All the subtlety of a carnival barker. lol

15092387? ago

Being against a cult who is actively destroying us, who's religious book calls us cattle and to use and abuse us, is not the same as dividing us. The Jews is the enemy of all other races and religions. The Synagogue of Satan. Nobody believes you, you are getting no upvotes, you screech and nobody cares. Give it up rabbi.

15104180? ago

^ ^ ^

Self-admitted shill right here.

"They want you divided by race" - Q

"They want you divided by religion" - Q

"This is not about religion, but good versus evil" - Q


You shills want to divide people up based on what they look like.


15105079? ago

You buy into "muh civic nationalism" and then call those of use who want to preserve our race "leftists"? You are the dumbest kike shill Ive encountered yet.

15105448? ago

^ ^ ^

Self-admitted shillfuck

15105841? ago

Racism is reality. You wouldn't yell at someone for familyism for protecting their family would you?

15106028? ago

^ ^ ^

How to identify shills on this anti-racist subverse:



15169898? ago

Welcome to voat, kike.

15088917? ago

Hopefully someone nukes NY and israel

15088809? ago

More "WhatDoesItMean" drivel. I will give them this, they do OCCASIONALLY get something right, but not enough to sift through their posts on a regular basis.

15089128? ago

They said France about to have civil war and we see now France is about to have a civil war. No one is 100% correct.

15091220? ago

French person here, not even close to a civil war.

15095245? ago

You serious? Do you have problems with migrants?

15099299? ago

We do, I live 2 miles away from a 'no-go' zone. Trust me, we're far from a civil war. We're cucked beyond belief

15099363? ago

Why is there a 'no-go' zone?

Isn't there lots of immigrants in France now that's causing havoc? I saw riots by them. Rubbish everywhere. Destroying a lot in their path.

15099680? ago

Those are very small areas in Paris. I can assure you 110% confidence that most of the country is not impacted. We are so far away from civil war that these titles are laughable. Oh and today 'riots' have absolutely nothing to do with immigration.

15099757? ago

Thanks for the update Patriot! Much appreciated

15092845? ago

Youre a bitchy lil cucked faggot and your opinion counts for less than nothing. If you still voluntarily live in that 3rd world commie shit hole you fail at life.

15099303? ago

How's puberty going?

15090390? ago

Even a broken clock is right twice a day. In the age of Fake News you cannot fault people for being skeptical.

15091418? ago

The source is questionable. The reporting has yet to be corroborated. This news does not seem out of line with how Russia uses our politics to their benefit, as we do the same. It is an interesting read that requires more validation.

15090487? ago

Bible is fake news too, doesn't mean anything. If it's fake news then all the news is also fake.

it's pro Trump and pro America so who gives a fuck besides you communist shitbags

15141715? ago

I did not say this specifically is fake news. The fact that you are getting so upset that people question everything says it all.

15089283? ago

Sorcha Faal is just clickbait for fringe internet peeps. 90% bullshit with current events mixed in.

This for instance, sensationalized bullshit about Russia mixed in with a real tweet.

15089005? ago

Anyone who pays attention to anything remotely Q related has know Sorcha Faal to be full of shit for a long time.

15091805? ago

I wouldn't go that far.

15088800? ago

While the guy spoke carelessly, I do believe that he let slip what they'd really like to do to those who disagree with them. In fact, it seems it is part of Q-Theory that the Cabal wants to facilitate some kind of nuclear war or disaster to eliminate huge swaths of population. Maybe this guy is involved and let it slip in his childish temper tantrum. All that said, the value of the Second Amendment is not that we would be facing military weaponry with Glocks and AR-15's, but that the gangs of enforcers that such would be occupiers or would be authoritarians would need to send house to house would be facing the 300 million guns in the general American population. These gangs would only be lightly armed, would lose members at each armed house they tried to take, and would be eliminated through sheer attrition from having to face so many armed citizens. Therefore, such authoritarians as this guy is might take the government for a time, but they would never control the population and would eventually lose the government via this attrition.

15089225? ago

We can only hope their attempts to turn us into cucks over the last 5 generations has failed when it comes to the test.

15088672? ago

Anytime an article contains the phrase (at least my searching over the last year of Q) " report circulating in the Kremlin today", its a fake.

15089267? ago

you would know because youre in the kremlin right?

15089776? ago

Actually no. There is a fair about written on it. Some examines articles republished by Sputnik News (which I think is a good source btw). Many of the false stories (and I believe in the DS so I actually have a tin foil hat) have their very very first origin with the phrase "a rumor circulating in the Kremlin". That is the genesis of the story line. ///

15089967? ago

you miss the entire context by stopping at the first sentence

15088662? ago

please stop cluttering Q boards with links to the nonsense of Sorcha Faal

the dude sits around conjuring up nonsense articles out of recent happenings that has some sort of sensationalism angle

he's such an obvious click-bait (con) artist that the only reason I would imagine someone would link his stuff as a source is because they're a shill just out to make Q Anon community look like the very kookiest of kooks

15089022? ago

Well it got upvoted straight to the top here so we've either got a bunch of shills or a bunch of retards in here.

15088649? ago

Currently, for me, none of the articles on that site are opening up. All I get is the logo at the top.

15089319? ago

It's from known disinfo bullshit artis Sorcha Faal, just google "sorcha faal" and you'll see what I mean.

15088582? ago

Sorcha Faal...


15088542? ago

Swalwell had this same conversation with his fellow democrats many times before. He is so used to discussing the plan with his cronies that he was comfortable repeating this group think plan of his fellow democrats. Democrats- they think alike, they stick together! Swalwell let the cat out of the bag a wee bit early. If you have heard Swalwell’s previous talking points you already know how he is 100% in step with the democrats agenda. He is repeating what he has been told many time by his democrat leaders.

15089244? ago

yeah i see him on Tucker sometimes acting like a fool.

15088409? ago

Fuckoff with the russian bullshit propaganda.

15088374? ago

Looks like MoFA will be helping Trump and military take down these NWO democratic socialist/communists. Thank God.

15088288? ago

And yet the asshole has his time on Maher’s show

15088269? ago

Yea I would imagine a politician who openly declared his bid for president and also is threatening (in the same month) to use nukes on the very people he is swarn to protect would undoubtedly unnerve other nations leaders. If he is willing to go that far on his own people what would he be willing to do to us with the power of the US military? Granted the military would revolt if this order was given but still...

15089568? ago

The military leadership has always been cucked! Examples Vietnam Tonkin Incident and 911! Low IQ, serve the masters at the time. They served Clinton and Obama with no problem. Don’t count on them, they need to protect their rank. It is their life!

15090147? ago

You're not wrong, but good luck finding people who find the Truth within the sentiment.

15088562? ago

...still the fact that he even thought of such a thing is disturbing. We cannot let these people gain full power ever again.

15090998? ago

Not just disturbing, it is asinine. Why didn't we just nuke ISIS, Rep. Swalwel?

15096490? ago

Why would you nuke your own team?

That kind of thing gets you kicked out of the game.

15098129? ago

They're not OUR team. Maybe Swalwel's team, but not ours.

15089759? ago

I'm not even sure disturbing is the right word. If he had said he'd have them shot, that would be disturbing. To nuke them is ludicrous in so many ways I'm not sure how it even crosses a persons mind

15090593? ago

I think he intended to give an iteration of the leftist talking point that our little guns would not be able to match the might of the military, as if the military would go after civilians for him, but he botched the point by so grossly exaggerating it by implicating the use of nukes to counter a resistance armed with AR-15's. Still, it is a window into their thought process regarding those who disagree with them.

15090298? ago

What if I told you demons that feed on negative energy exist?

15092185? ago

And they're sucking off humans because it's an easy meal? I'd agree.

15093304? ago

Yes, and the mentally ill/drug addicts/etc are susceptible to their whispers... and there's those who would sell their soul (rape and murder of children) for power.

It's a lot easier to understand these kinds of people's motivations for mass murder when you know they're a minion of the devil.

They have to pay for their staircase to heaven, and they'll do it with the sacrifice of others.

15093972? ago

I think the proud and haughty are far more susceptible to their whispers, but yea. Who, as a group, do they target the most for their divers purposes? Is there any information on that because it seems important.

15088100? ago


15088083? ago

Ah that silly Dim stooge is blowing smoke out his ass. No, he does NOT have nukes, the Defense Department has nukes, and they are not about to make them available to this asswipe. What IS true, however, is that We The People have millions of guns and trillions of rounds of ammunition...so... checkmate, clown.

15089625? ago

Under Obama a nuc was nearly stolen. They stopped the deal in Barksdale AFB (I think) it was probably ready for delivery to someone. Several generals lost their careers ( though they kept their retirement!)

15091048? ago

And that is provided that the claims surrounding 6 missing Davey Crockett tac nukes is false. We cannot be so sure that the black hats don't have access to shit that they should never have.

15099027? ago

they wouldn't be trying to make nukes in Iran and North Korea if they could get them from the US. Then Again Isreal almost certainly has them but in that instance they want to keep that an open secret for as long as possible.

15099545? ago

Iran and NK were getting nuke technology from the US. It is easier to smuggle in the tech, one time, to build them, than to try to steal, and then smuggle complete warheads, multiple times, to fill an arsenal.

15088196? ago

Gun confiscation has already begun.

15088346? ago

Rifles go through police vests.

15089647? ago

Don’t count on a carbine. Go full rifle!

15089326? ago

so does flame thrower

15089366? ago

Flame throwers aren't as effective as a rifle at immediately incapacitating.

Only destruction of the central nervous system will do that.

15089743? ago

you start setting people on fire his friends wont want to come in that way lol

im tempted to plant 5lbs of explosives under my front porch just in case you know, maybe another 10lbs by the mailbox just for laughs

15089788? ago

his friends wont want

I don't care what they want.

I decide for them by severing their spinal cord.

15088286? ago


15091091? ago


15089238? ago

Didn't a guy get killed by police for refusing to comply with the red flag laws? Also several people in Seattle months before that.

15087736? ago

Considering how the Democrat's comment might be perceived by a foreign power should be an everyday concern for one in such a position.

15087880? ago

i agree, it should concern everyone, he should be called out on it by the press, but there is no free press because of the secret treaty of verona

15089768? ago

The press is jewish. They never call out their own.