15030141? ago

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15029780? ago

And their memes. Like I appreciate the attempt but they’re so bad. They just clutter the feeds with shouting about shills and other nonsense. They stay here because they don’t know how to navigate the Chans. They’re like feral animals looking for scraps of information and validation.

15030327? ago

They don't understand Internet culture and are trying to blend in.

15029586? ago

Whenever I see a millennial act like a jackass... And no, I'm not a boomer, but you are definitely a jackass.

15029614? ago

Explain idiots like this: https://voat.co/v/QRV/2852758

They make you guys look really sane.

15029768? ago

^ ^ ^


15031577? ago

Winner. This is the correct answer.

Shills are shitting their pants.

Here's an example of a shill posting while doing ass to mouth with his gay lover, Tallest Shill: https://voat.co/v/QRV/2852807

15030303? ago

Uh oh.... looks like I woke the broken caps lock boomerfag from his nap!

15030334? ago

^ ^ ^





15031485? ago

You're not very good at this, are you?

15031520? ago

^ ^ ^


15029987? ago

Winner. This is the correct answer.

Shills are shitting their pants.

Here's an example of a shill posting while doing ass to mouth with his gay lover, Tallest Shill: https://voat.co/v/QRV/2852807

15030358? ago

Tallest skill is awesome because he triggers boomer homosexuals like you.

15029641? ago

I dont even bother reading their shit. I already know all of their programming.

15029530? ago



15029581? ago

This guy is a real winner right here.

He's trusting the plan so hard, he's going to have a brain aneurism.

15029622? ago


15030287? ago

See? Just like this guy! ^^^

15029453? ago

Don't forget the Boomers are the ones who either voted for this mess or failed to do nothing for decades.

15032219? ago

Well no, sorry but no. Now you force me to do Story Time... You claim Boomers voted for this...nope, not so. Many of us Boomers did choose the lesser of two evils in most elections, that's true. Do you think it would have been better to not vote, or to try and fight against the government by voting them out/new in. Yeah, we did not have the benefit of instant comms, like you basement dwellers...and we struggled against the lies of government and media with futility for decades, knowing the media lied, knowing government lied, knowing PC-think was Evil, knowing the liberal agenda was driving God out of public life. We did refuse to declare civil war against the injustices, just as you have so refused to declare. But we also continued to Build Society, invest in America, we offered Peace over and over, turning the other cheek, being sure we exhausted every possible avenue before we shed blood. Do nothing? Horsefeathers, we got you to this point, we made you as safe as we could, fed you, built a wonderful country and tried our best to make Peace. We Boomers are responsible for all you see, yeah, good and bad. Computers and roads and supermarkets and health care advances, from Pong to Whatever kids play today, we did that.

We may not have killed the corrupt government but we kept it from killing you, so far. The struggle we've known, in my case for going on 50 years, has been harder than yours has, we didn't have any internet to help us research, we didn't have instant gratifications we had libraries and books, period. we knew JFK and LBJ were corrupt, we knew media was corrupt, we knew Evil stalked Society and we tried every peaceful means to interdict it, sometimes we tried less than peaceful means even. But it was beyond our ability UNTIL Human Society developed instant comms, the internet. Then it took years of research and coalescing as a group. Those things we built had to BE built before Humanity had any chance of fighting back successfully.

And you're welcome, we hope your struggle is not as long and hard as ours has been...and we worry greatly that you lack the wherewithall to carry on, actually. Many, so very many of you are shallow, selfish, immature seems like. Blame us Boomers for everything, and we accept it, we understand your dependence upon us. And we worry, your intellectual depth doesn't seem adequate for the future.

15030109? ago

I didn't vote for any mess. There are only two or three choices for President. Voting anything other than D or R accomplishes nothing. So you are left trying to decide which one is the lesser of two evils. For example, as bad as McCain was, Obama was worse. So it was either McCain or not voting.

15029512? ago

Indeed. Their plan is simple: delay action for as long as possible to give themselves time to enjoy all their money and a comfy retirement. Then, after they're dead and gone, who cares? Fuck it! Let the young people clean up the mess. Not my problem!

15029441? ago

We can't bust heads like we used to. But we have our ways. One trick is to tell stories that don't go anywhere. Like the time I caught the ferry to Shelbyville. I needed a new heel for my shoe. So I decided to go to Morganville, which is what they called Shelbyville in those days. So I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time. Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel, and in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on 'em. "Gimme five bees for a quarter," you'd say. Now where were we... oh yeah. The important thing was that I had an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time. They didn't have any white onions, because of the war. The only thing you could get was those big yellow ones...

15029462? ago
