15049669? ago

Soros needs to follow "No Name" ASAP.

15036430? ago

I sure hope so

15028871? ago

Then we redpill them and get them up to speed.

15027844? ago

Agree soros / others will lose.
Soros takes orders from P.
You have no idea how sick and evil these people are.
Rothschilds (cult leaders)(church)(P)
Banks / Financial Institutions
WW Gov Control
Gov Controls People
Oil Tech Sex/Children SA Controls (assigned) US / UK Politicians / Tech Co's (primary)
Controls organizations of people (create division / brainwash)
+ management / operator of slush funds
(personal net worth never reduces think DOJ settlements Consumer Iran Enviro pacts etc etc)
Nov 3 2018
[D] Party Con:
When you can't raise money 'organically' through party (individual) donations (voter base)
YOU STEAL IT from the American taxpayer
and give it back to yourself in the form of campaign contributions.
[Example 1]
Planned Parenthood
$1.5 billion provided in taxpayer funding over 3-year period.
[Case 1]
PP spent $30 million [disclosed - real estimates close to $65 million]
in taxpayer subsidies to influence the outcome of the 2018 midterm elections.
What is the FED?
What does the FED control?
Who controls the FED?
Who approved the formation of the FED?
Nov 11 2018 12:58:18 (EST)
Let the unsealing begin.
Let the DEC[L]AS begin.
Let the WORLD witness the TRUTH.
We, the PEOPLE.

15027712? ago

His family money must be forfeited to ‘the people!’

15025511? ago

I didn’t understand this EO’s wording of foreign players until this post. Thank you OP for helping me understand that Soros is in the crosshairs!

This is definitely a big move and I fully believe that Soros needs to burn for what he’s done his entire miserable life but we’re still just cutting tails off with him, we need to start going for the heads!

15024251? ago

There will always be fuckwits who shill against Q - because they are useless idiots.

15024093? ago

I hear Russia has an arrest warrant out for Soros. Turn him over to Putin, end of story.

15024030? ago

Thought he had already transferred billions elsewhere anyways so it cant be touched

15023957? ago

Wrong. The "big drop" from "Q" is a deuce, and it will land squarely on your head.

15023886? ago

“Big drop” Sure.

15023319? ago

Soros is just a front man. He is an actor who played a part all his life. The NWO told him what to do and made certain he would "earn" his money through 'financial acumen'. In return, he got to live an opulent livestyle and has been dispersing said monies on NWO agenda items. As long as he is out of prison he won't have to worry about money.

15027748? ago

Why has there not been JSOC hits or drone strikes on these antiAmerican satanic jews?

15027955? ago

Because he is doing more harm than good to the New World Order. Same goes for Hillary, Obama, etc., etc.

If these people are taken out—especially violently—it will garner sympathy towards them with the normie, pajama people.

Why do you think McStain's execution for treason was not made public, and the charade of his funeral was played out on legacy media uninhibited? Who's even talking about McStain anymore? He's already forgotten by normies.

There's a time and a place for everything. It may feel good—albeit temporarily—if one of these evil shitlords was publcly taken out, but I would rather win the war.

15024922? ago

Yes. I’ve heard it said that the real people/things pulling the strings are those whose names we don’t even know. It’s creepy.

15028889? ago

Those are the Reptilians.

15027777? ago

I bet NSA knows who they are! And Trump, too!

15026322? ago

That's how the powerful run things. The entities with real power stay behind the scenes and pull the strings. The people out front are their puppets.

15025464? ago

The people in the limelight are the public fallout figures. The only reason why they begin to take on more publicity is because they’re going to be blamed for whatever it is they’re getting thrown into. The puppet masters are never seen publicly and we most likely will never find out who they are. It’s very similar to what happens in HW, people like Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey are the ones that fall on the sword while the higher ups get the heat taken off of them.

15023159? ago

Pretty sure KN is not completely on board....may be DS sleeper. She has to go. Get an aggro prosecutor in there. Use the same law for temporary appointments 210 days to clean house.

15022824? ago



15022748? ago

Fox, Drudge, Wikleaks haven't tweeted for almost a week and that's interesting. And Rupert Murdoch has met Mitch McConnel on capital hill while their the only 2 in there. It's not Soros. Somethings going on.

15023890? ago

Fox made it clear they were boycotting twitter because of how they handled the Tucker Carlson debacle. After his home address was posted, Twitter refused to take down the tweet.

15022729? ago

Maybe this is why they are letting the fraudulent election process finish before they bring down the Hammer.

15022570? ago

Remove the "cce" from access and the code is solved! Hooah!

15022550? ago

Soros 1 Trillion $ , how many politicians controlled? This operation must coincide with FisaDeclass and arrests !!! Clean house, hold new elections !!!

15022541? ago

I am tired, just now. I hope it is true! I'd like to see that. That POS needs to be cornered, and I think he has already been cornered, yet he has such an inflated ego that he thinks he is a winner. In fact, it is wonderful.

15022223? ago

Hate to break it to you ... but shortly after POTUS took power and before he signed an EO allowing for the seizure of assets related to human trafficking, Soros transferred all his personal wealth to his NGO's. So to go after Soros's assets ... you will need to go after 187+ different special interest groups. It blows.

15022017? ago

In your theory, why does his, rumored, firing of Nielson mean he is going after enforcement of the EO? Why couldn't he do it with her there? This is the part of your theory that's unclear. The rest I get.

15037778? ago

if he is truly looking to remove her its because something big is happening/ this hunch is based on his previous shell game tactics. he moves his chess piece around and something big happens. then if this is accurate then i think his EO is a clue as to what he is up to. it has to happen within 45 days so it might be what is next on deck

15039026? ago

That makes sense. Thank you! :)

15021972? ago

I think you're a spot on anon

15021814? ago

And hopefully lose access to his autonomic nervous system soon after.

15021778? ago

Build the wall with $oro$-bux!

15021515? ago

I think he is already feeling the 'pinch'. The Treasury Department is locking down bad actor money any where they can. But not all of Soro's money is where the Treasury Department can grab it. It will take time.

15021546? ago

i hope he takes a big pinch outta his hide this week. they may have softened him for the big blow. its gotta be voter fraud. if we do a new election. it has to be soon.

15021452? ago

We do not condone violence.

15022241? ago

Ignore Call For Violence

This is your reminder about "Ignore posts calling for violence". Read more in this sticky discussion at https://voat.co/v/QRV/2806951

15022949? ago

Looks better if you combat violent messages, not ignore them

15022944? ago

Thanks niggermom

15021556? ago


15021340? ago

love it! i am totally tired of him!

15021166? ago

I didn't know anything about POTUS firing Nielsen. When did that happen?

15021332? ago

he hasnt fired her there is several stories that she may be removed this week. nothing definitive. unless trump is trolling. if not and he changes her then he is after soros

15021364? ago

Thank you. I try to stay up to speed and hate it when I think I may have missed something important. I want to see Soros go down SO bad.

15021491? ago

there are several sites albeit not reputable stating she might be gone this week. it could be fake. but if not. this is my take on the news. and yes soros is way up there for me. even if she isnt gone i still think the voter fraud is topmost on trumps agenda. that is a bee line for soros

15021542? ago

I hope he has another job for her somewhere in the administration.

15021347? ago

in my opinion

15021318? ago

Might still be rumor stage...

15021945? ago

All rumor until it occurs.

Such is the life of Qanon.

15020800? ago

I would gladly be the executioner for good ole george! I want to have the live round in my rifle if it's death by firing squad! I wonder why when the Jews were chasing Nazi war criminals they never went after Soros?

15023420? ago

I've always wondered that???

15020900? ago

You think the Jews that worked for the Germans during WWII got punished? That's hilarious. They walked away scot-free.

15020966? ago

No I don't think any of those shit bags were captured and punished probably because it didn't fit the holocaust narrative! It was all about bringing "justice"to all those horrible Germans.

15020831? ago

good question. he is slippery one tho

15020372? ago

Is this before or after all the stolen votes are set right?

15020592? ago

well I am not a lawfag. but....if i think in a general sense how the law works. you provide enough proof to a judge that you need a warrant. judge sees if the warrant request is just enough to proceed with the arrest/seizure of assets. then you have a trial. but....this is not a typical criminal case. this is the govt. thats out or my league.. so i dont have a clue how that would go down. we all know this guy must have a sealed indictment. he is into a ton a fraud sedition treason? not sure about treason. he is a hungarian i think. not sure if he has dual citizenship. he may be a huge fish. i dont think he will be totally taken down. but i do think some of his shell companies will be identified in the voter fraud and the assets seized or frozen. then the long process of litigation begins. meanwhile we keep going with all the other things that are going on. maybe just one or two of his companies gets pulled into the voter fraud. i still think whatever Trump does this week it will be against Soros.

15021997? ago

Dude he's an enemy combatant. I think Putin got the greenlight from POTUS to wax his ass. Quite possibly with his own, bare hands

15022919? ago

Oh, I fucking hope so!

15021931? ago

Saudi Arabia+++
Soros ++
Pope +

15023424? ago

Don't forget Rothchilds. Bigger than Soros.

15024608? ago

[rothschilds] worth $500 trillion

15020589? ago

Forget about the stolen votes. Arrests happen first. Then a new election will be scheduled. There won't be any top-level Dems walking free. Unless you're a muzzie or Antifa you're safe. Oh I forgot about the Black Supremacist groups. Back to Africa with them in exchange for the Boers.

15021309? ago

Don't forget Muslim Brotherhood. We need to drop them out the back of a C-130 at altitude, without parachutes. Not particular about where, but not looking to dirty up the streets of the USA either.

15022839? ago


15020319? ago

😎 Gamers rise up! 😎

15020278? ago

Please let this be true.

15022198? ago

Soros already "donated" most of his money to his NGOs.

15023377? ago

Yep. To protect it. But he still has access to it - for his destructive purposes. We need to cut that string and seize the funds.

15021914? ago

Please, please, let this be true.

15020090? ago

Great. When is he going to be arrested? Hillary too?

15020234? ago

haha. no opinion on the moo moo fashionista. i think GS is this weeks flavor of the month.

15020341? ago

Arrest them all.

15019826? ago

even if they take his money, doubt it, but if they do the Rothchilds will move money for him.

15019928? ago

then the target gets moved to the rothchilds. its the plan. Soros must go down. he must be taken out. Q will not stop or rest. this is no half ass fight. nobody leaves the field till there is only one standing. the Rothchilds are definitely on the list. this is not over yet....Q is not done. if we dont take them ALL out it was all for nothing. Dont believe for one minute this war is over till the Deep State and Shadow Govt is decimated.

15020310? ago

The rothschilds have $500 trillion in gold. You can't freeze or seize hard assets like that. You have to seize them with troops. Where is that gold hiding? My guess is china and jerusalem and iran. Iran I get, but are you suggesting a military invasion of jerusalem and china? Now that would be a boom.

15023619? ago


15025406? ago

Why do you say Philippines? What have I missed?

15020486? ago

That sure is a lot of gold. Are you sure they haven't been trading it to the Pleadians for Magic Gummis?

15020395? ago

my focus is the lever of George Soros. to go after the Rothchilds is going Nuclear. I dont think that will happen this week. i think if it did my head would explode. but i think George Soros time has come. it has to happen to keep moving forward and i think once you starting talking about voter fraud then the bullseye is on him.

15019890? ago

Are they still able to move their money around that easily? I'm sure there's ways but getting into Soros accounts might be tricky.

15020186? ago

are you kidding?

They print the money!

THE FED PRINTs their own serial numbers

15020290? ago

Ya but he's not going to be able to make any deposits. His accounts will be frozen and he's not going to have a semi carrying around his cash for him.... Well you never know I guess lol

15020442? ago

right, they pay with the blood of saints..

currency is paper money. Also, they pay with heroin, drugs, fentynl

15020943? ago

15000 troops at the southern border is going to slow down the fentynl, heroin, trafficking. that is the real reason they are there. remember all the ports to human trafficking have been closed. watch the water...remember. and trump changed the law on the postal service. i cant remember the details but it was an op ed article that basically said what he did was a deathblow to the illegal fentynl trade since they use the mail for a lot of the illegal trade

15021243? ago

watch the water. NAVAL Blockade on west coast of Mexico.

Chinese ships bring in FENTYNL

15020068? ago

I wish I had a definitive answer to that question. They must have a plan for that. if they didnt then they wont be able to stop the paid shills and antifa. they took out the Saudis and they have lots of money and house it in a different country. why wouldn't they have a plan to take out Soros and his money as well?

15020361? ago

They forsure have a plan to take Soros money, and knowing Trump, he'll give it back to the people where it rightfully belongs.

15019727? ago

Soros has already given most of his money to a number of the globalist non profits he has created in case of this happening.

15020549? ago

18 billion? Chump change for GS.

15019862? ago

Since I think Trump is a friggin genius and they have the best military minds who have been working on all contingencies i do not think this will save Soros...at all. moves and counter moves. I dont know. but i bet they do.

15019955? ago

If they could get Khashoggi to walk into a SA embassy in Turkey, surely fuck someone can find a way to put a bullet or 40 into Soros and all offspring he has. The drunk playboy son is probably already HIV positive from banging skank models.

15020350? ago

The DS has a cure for HIV, so he can skank away without worry. They don't have a cure for bullets though. I like that idea.

15019925? ago

Yes and Soros is a Retard compared to Trump. You ever hear that guy speak? Uhh ummmm ahhh. Yes, I know English is not his first language, but still. He doesn't come across so great.

15022350? ago

I read Soros' book, one of them. He's not rich because he's a genius. He's a part of an international crime syndicate. He's the money man for some(one|people) bigger and launders money so some rich muslim or Israel intelligence can funnel to Hillary without it being traced back to them. But you can be sure, our own government spy agencies know full well the flow of money, even though they likely can't testify in court since it's illegal and would render the info inadmissible in court.

15019967? ago

He has no conscious at all.. none...pure evil empty hollow shell. he is the definition of a pure narcissist. he feels no remorse for anything he has done. he thinks he is what comes first. true evil. its his turn. that is my opinion. if not going down he definitely is going to start feeling the heat turned up a notch this week. i hope he burns to a crisp!

15019682? ago

Visit Crunchbase.com plug in his name and follow the trail. Not going to happen.

15020214? ago

so i dont have an account ....what am i supposed to be looking for that would cause me to believe thus guy is untouchable? no one is untouchable. like i said no access not paying for it . maybe you can summarize why he cant go down.?

15019779? ago

ok. i will check it out.

15019680? ago

So why fire Nielson?

15019769? ago

because he has someone better for the job. Trump moves people around all the time. this one he puts in here for this phase of attacks then he puts in another for that phase. he has been moving his team around from day one. there is constant appointments and re-appointments being made. he is ready to pull the DHS voter fraud trigger. that is why Nielson is gone. she is not needed for this phase of the operation. that is my opinion. I do not think Trump will wait on the voter fraud. America is in disarray people are pissed. he needs to act on this fast.

15025342? ago

Very fast. We need to reverse this election theft ASAP. And that better be the plan. Speaking from AZ here.

15020902? ago

Time to install another stealth bomber!

15020979? ago


15020002? ago

That makes sense. I don’t think she is tough enough to do whatever it takes to keep the invaders from crossing the border. Plus I think she has too emotional!

15020282? ago

could be. i dont really know much about her. i just think she isnt qualified for this phase of the job simply because Trump is removing her. if he needed her she would not be on the chopping block.