14880461? ago

Not a troll or shill, but what happened to July being the month the world finds out the truth? July came and went.

What happened to 2018 being GLOURIOUS? 2018 is almost over and here we are. Mueller has his trophies and we are painted as literal Nazis by our friends and neighbors every fucking day.

14879562? ago

You been patient for decades? I have, and I don't mind playing it out. You see what's habbening? If you do then you should understand why it takes the time it is taking.

For instance...we had to seat Kavanaugh and other Judges, we had to flip the Sauds and Kim in Korea, we had to fix trade and borders, we had to discredit the lying media, and we had to get the Senate fixed. No name is gonegonegone, other Senators who were problems (didja hear POTUS say 'I retired Flake'?), and now we have the power to ensure our indictments are acted upon, to ensure our declas is published and understood/acted upon, without worrying about media manipulations and deep state attacks interrupting. I mean, the Deep State attacks on Kavanaugh were atrocious, taking place in Congress like that. Yeah the Deep State fake LaBomber was atrocious also but he wasn't actually on camera in Congress.

If you but ponder what all has been done in our names the last couple years it is impossible to think you are 'waiting' on something/whining about waiting...good grief Trump has done so much while fighting media lies and deep state spying/attacks and still setting the stage for the end game, not yet but when we get there huh.

Consider what all has to happen, it takes time and the Enemy does fight back, the Enemy 'leaders' know this is mortal and will expend the lives of their soldat. We are roughly on schedule, if you follow the Map or clock the consensus is we are roughly on schedule/on course.

War doesn't run on your schedule, we have exactly one chance to get this done probably so we have to get it right first time. And amazingly enough we are on schedule, Plans never survive contact with the Enemy but this one has pretty much survived OR adapted successfully.

We expected The Habbening to commence building up steam about now, after seating Justice Kavanaugh and other judges, after flipping people, after midterms, after neutering media, after other worx and we are roughly on schedule with Time and events.

We all wanted to pick up seats yesterday but the Enemy fights back, we won where we needed to win most. Heck, Soros and others put 100 million into Texas trying to mess with us, they fight back so all things considered, knowing we beat back satan...we're doing ok.


14878956? ago

My wife is asking simple questions like, I thought HRC was supposed to be arrested? Same with Hussein and all the others? So why are they still walking about? And my answer is silent....because I don’t fuckin know why

14878825? ago

Relax Tampax

14878452? ago

I love ALL Anons, but sorry, what "you need" is irrelevant. This is not about you and your need to be satisfied.

14878026? ago

Q has and continues to step up and in a major way. I am sorry that many things do not have name tags on them for you to see this is step so and so in the plan. To understand what the plan consists of and where it is headed requires hours of reading and is a slow and tedious process. Oct. was a very Red month Patriot, we laid a bigger claim to the majority in the Senate. We lost two purple Senators that hindered the plan. No you want justice or do you just want people locked up without ever going to trial because it wasn't done correctly? We are a nation of laws the plan must be an execution of the laws or we are worse than they are. Trust the plan Patriot, patience. WWG1WGA

14877121? ago

I'm not running out looking for that wolf anymore, there is never anything out there when the wolf drops tell me to look.

14877086? ago

In my own selfish way, I want Q to drop some of the heavy conspiracy stuff, like he was before. Give me some crumbs on Merkel, Rothschilds, Soros, bloodlines, Nephilim, Obamas beginnings with the CIA and Berzinski, OBL, etc.

I neeeeeed it!!!! Please Q, feed me some crumbs!

14877007? ago

Kek, you boomers.

I've been in this fight for 10 years. What do you think ? That you can bring down a cabal that date back centuries ago, that plan for the centuries to come in a few month ?

Get your head out of your ass, and fight.

Quit crying like a little kid and fight for your freedom as a man.

14876988? ago

Been following Q since this time last year ... ya'll need to relax ... Patriots are in control ... The plan is underway and things are progressing as planned ... "FISA brings done the HOUSE" ...


14876781? ago

The crying needs to be kept to yourself. TRUST THE PLAN. It is not OVER. It is now beginning to their end. Declass occurs any day now. Trump to meet Putin on Veteran's Day. Possibly be Declass day? Does not matter, the new Senate controls everything and Trump with Q can do everything they need to. The House is not a loss as they do not matter. Remember, they need to be reelected in 2 years. Their future will change very soon. Yes, I have been frustrated, but I need to keep reminding myself to reread the Q drops. Judicial process takes years for decades of crimes. Q claimed the past 2 years went as planned. The next 2 years are for the judicial process of the criminal acts. We know the Military Tribunals take effect Jan 1, 2019 due to the National Emergency declaration from Trump in 2017. They had to expand GITMO for all of the soon to be residents and the incoming troops to control them. DO NOT be misled by TROLLS here. So calm down, give it some time as it won't be much longer, the world will be changing very soon. TRUST THE PLAN.

14876728? ago

This guy has a point though

14876595? ago

Goodbye! The true Q supporters will still support him

14878380? ago

AKA Retards

14876428? ago

Q has been stepping it up..All the "facts" (proofs) are on 8ch. READ IT. You have to READ. Yes, it takes TIME. It's the concern/impatient faggots just not doing research who are NOT stepping it up,. Also, they are the ones where "they need everything right now" type personality trait which leads to bad choices in life and in current affairs. Maybe see a shrink if you carry this trait. Not healthy.

14876211? ago

Said 2018 will be glorious so reserve judge till January 1st patriot.

14876061? ago

OMG! Me, Now! Momma! Damn it!

This is WWIII; get over your self-absorbed instant needs.

Grow up and get busy doing something to help.

14876485? ago

you have two years for q and or trump to make us eat our words or else america is going to have to implement a horrible and entirely unnecessary plan B.

fuck you and anybody else that shits on anybody getting impatient.

14876696? ago

You obviously don't TRUST THE PLAN.

It's simple. Q said the FISA brings the HOUSE down.

14876742? ago

two years. if its kicked back any further you lose, its that simple.

14878804? ago

(in two years) are you gonna start screaming at the sky like the farleftians? It seems to be very effective! Much more effective than your threats and time constraints.

I think I hear your mommy calling, ya better go.

14875985? ago

"I have been very patient"

This shit cracks me up. Anons sitting on their fat asses, incapable of even decoding ANY of the Q drops themselves - but they have been patient? Patient doing what? Sitting on ass? The fuck are you talking about? What were you doing 5 years ago? Sitting on ass. What about 2 years ago? Sitting on ass. How about today? Sitting on ass, bitching.

Do you REALLY think you are even a necessary component of this movement? You're not. Nobody is going to notice if you are here, or leave. Honestly, you being here only benefits ONE person, YOU.

We have a unique opportunity to have an eye on whats REALLY going on behind the scenes. If you think you deserve to be briefed on every one of POTUS/Q's moves, you're in the wrong place, friend.

Patience is a virtue. And a blessing. I suggest you sit back, relax, and do what YOU need to do for YOU. Like, exercising, working, reading, and being a good husband/father/civilian.

Unfortunately, you will not be the knight in shining armor cresting the hill on your steed to come and save the day. At best, you are one of the one-legged waterboys. So am I, and like 99% of the fucks here on VOAT. Get over it, accept it, and either move on, or move along. The movement will not feel your decision, at all.

14881051? ago


14878765? ago

During on our as is exactly what Q wants us to do. We can meme, dig, and vote, but during on our ass is what they want.

What they don't want us to do it rise the fuck up and demand Justice. This niceness has purposefully pacified is for whatever reason. My point is that "patiently waiting" is what this movement is about. 2 years ago we were so close to having a violent revolution.

And then we were told to not get mad: our savior is here.

14878361? ago

Yeah! Don't question the Qult.

14878262? ago

There ain't a rabbit that I ain't been down, I've probably forgotten more shit than you will ever learn. One thing I know for sure, Donald trump didn't get where he is at by assigning some dumb fucking keyboard warrior like yourself to be his mouth piece. Anons brought this movement to the attention of the world. The world has come here to see what it is about. Unlike mindless drones like yourself, they will question everything and demand results. Hile shitbags like you sit back and call them shills and other dumb ass shit. Wtf is wrong with you people.... Trump calls for the world to unite, meanwhile fucktards like you sit here trying to divide. Claiming to be all so superior in knowledge. Fact is, you are the damn shill.... You rude sob, learn some fucking manners.

14877905? ago

Love the reply, thank you for taking the time!

14877173? ago

I agree. We must remain patient and realistic.

14876135? ago

+1 to the voice of reason.

The shills marching orders are to concern troll and demoralize. Fucking children demanding chicken tenders at a seafood restaurant.

14877194? ago

I concernshill’d at first....but anons have reassured me of the facts. I now feel confident again. I’m in this for the long haul. I trust Trump.

14877715? ago

Can you link to whatever comment section you were reassured in? Because I'm feeling real uneasy about this and could use some reassuring. I mean, Q was so clear - there'd be a "red wave." They didn't wink at us or say "analyze closely and you'll see that there was a red wave, even though it doesn't look like it." Q said, over and over, "red wave," and there wasn't one. Simply as that. I definitely wanna see a legit explanation because I've been desperate for something like Q for years and I really want them to be real.

14879325? ago

Things actually went really well this midterms. Losing the house, while disappointing, is unsurprising. This happens all the time. Presidents almost always take a loss in the house and in the senate and lose them. The fact that we not only hold the senate but gained in it is actually historical. This does not happen very often at all.

We have legislation that was passed in the house before midterms to sit and wait for a majority in the senate. This is why the senate was so important. We don't "need" the house, but we do "need" the senate. Losing the house was an inconvenience, but ultimately not the worst case scenario.

We know a sizable chunk of the house and senate dems are dirty, so when shit starts to go down, the dem's majority in the house will take a hit. (notice how the majority that retired or didn't seek election were republicans?) This allows "clean" republicans to take their seats, so that seat won't get hit when the the house of cards comes falling down.

14876569? ago

Shills = blasphemers

14876891? ago

Shills = "When's muh Q do ennythang?!"

You faggots are out in force today.

14877171? ago

Losing the House was definitely part of Q's master plan.

You've sure convinced me.

14875823? ago

The best defense isagood offense.

14875752? ago

I think if anything this has taught a lot of us that it's time for action. We can't be sitting around eating popcorn, sharing memes, and watching praying medic videos all day. And we can't wait for some illusive entity from the dark web to suddenly emerge into reality and save us. We need to get off our collective asses, organize and mobilize. This war 'aint gonna win itself.

14875700? ago

The longer you stay, the more you will realize this was all bullshit. The goal posts continue to get moved and the sheep that now make up this movement attack anyone who questions anything. No one will ever get arrested because this was all a LARP.

14875686? ago

you have no power here concern troll

14875457? ago

In my best David Spade impression— “Buh-bye.”

14875413? ago

The overreaction fags that cry about serious questions like yours doesn't help. You are right 100%.... time for Q to do it or move along

14878992? ago

Exactly what "serious questions" are you referring to?? It asks no question.

Just bitching from another petulant child, concerned ONLY for self.

14875396? ago

YES! This is getting old. We're always waiting on some big "GOTCHA!" moment than never arrives. It's always some mass arrests or some big trap that is going to be sprung and we'll all start winning again. But, that day never comes. Just more lies and empty promises and dreams. Nothing ever happens in the real world. We just keep slipping and losing a little bit more ground.

14875366? ago

You sound like you need more meth, than anything.

14875362? ago

Need a nap, honey?

14875275? ago

Bye Felicia...