14767045? ago

Q researchers, Q tubers all need some name recognition to have people return to their site or channel. They have brought hundreds of thousands of people into the Q movement. Q researchers and Q tubers provide extremely helpful information, service and entertainmen. So many Q followers never used 4ch, 8ch or reddit! If you like someone that publishes Q or promotes Q, then great and more power to them! The bashers and shills are pure mean and have bad intentions.

14759657? ago

This submission was linked from this v/CalmBeforeTheStorm comment by @Silverlining.

Posted automatically (#6796) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

14756850? ago

Been subtly trying to redpill my mum for months... she's coming along, but not there yet. About to send her this and see what happens. God bless ya'll.

14754750? ago

My FAV: Bernie of Truth and Art TV. I love his videos, and his approach. I listen to many channels but for me Bernie floats to the top.

14753467? ago

Ihave to say this. ALL the autists are trying to make money on Q. not one single one i have read isnt trying to make money ...not one. They either sell hats, t-shirts, end of the world flashlighs. the soalr ones. food with shelf life of 25 years or more. credit card processing! they ask for money they get money diring their posts. so to say neon is only in it for the money then you had better open your eyes. one and we know who keeps pushing on about his dreams and now he is pushing his Q book. these are the big names on Q. so do not want to hear it. they are all doing this. ALL of them. I have none the less been involved in the movement. if you dont want to shell out money then dont. but Neon has had some very good threads as most of them have as well.

14753258? ago

You're welcome! Glad to hear it and glad your dad is on board! Wwg1wga!

14753490? ago

:) now maybe they'll stop accusing me of being you ...

14822203? ago

Not likely LOL.

Anyone who defends me is automatically "Neon." It's like Reverse-Spartacus. "He's Neon! No, wait, he's Neon! THEY'RE ALL NEON!!!"

14822857? ago

hashbrown weareneon

14752368? ago

Good deal. Congrats.

The shills are trying their best to try to sell the Neon is a shill crap. It's amazing what some soulless people will do for a little Soros money and a pat on the head from their leftist masters.

Neon is a patriot. Bank it. Time will show it.

14752074? ago

His Introduction to Qanon is the only valuable thing he's done. The rest of his blog is partly blathery diversion and misdirection, partly about himself and how he struggles to provide this information, partly public information that's not news, and partly obscure information no one gives a shit about.

14752167? ago

I don't think anyone ever accused him of being news. He provides his two cents and when I don't understand a Q drop I like to get his analysis as well as some others. He has an easy to read writing style and it has personality. I get the feeling that you kinda wish you were Neon

14752352? ago

I didn't say anyone ever thought he was providing news. What I meant was that he writes about current topics that's public information and not difficult to find. Yes, his writing style that reflects his narcissistic personality. He is not the story. As for your last sentence ... good lord, how old are you? That's pretty juvenile. If I wanted to write blog with recycled information from 8chan funded by selling shitty Chinese merchandise, I'd be doing it already.

14751693? ago

WooHoo! for your dad, I am happy for you both!

Neon attracts a few lame grinders who appear as many because they use multiple posting identities. It comes with the territory. If they'd spend as much time selling Trump merchandise as they spend shilling, they'd probably be getting rich by now. But I don't foresee Neon changing his wit-on-insight writing stye to accommodate the LD any time soon, so I have to practice ignoring them.

14751208? ago

Neon's shirts and hats don't bother me because he is not forcing you to pay him to read his blog. You can buy if you like, I do believe it's called free enterprise. You can read everything for free and comment. I for one think that Neon tells his version with an easy reading style that makes it easier for me to follow along. Some people just read the Q posts, I can do that too, but deciphering the nuances are beyond me, so I appreciate Neonrevolt and his efforts in bringing things into focus. Neon also makes it clear that he could be way off base too, but in the interests of letting everyone know his thoughts he puts out what he feels is right at the time and I have read where he will modify previous comments because someone was able to present a better explanation than what he had. A friend and fellow patriot was able to awaken members of his family as a result of Neon's Q intro, so I know firsthand that Neon is not what the shills and haters would have everyone believe. If you don't like Neon's writing, be a big boy or girl and move on to what sources interest and inform you rather than being a Debbie Downer. I also like other sources of news that put the fake media out of the picture in my personal life. I learn more from online sources than I do from the old mainstream media companies. Just my 2 pennies worth of thoughts. Thanks for reading. 🙂

14751102? ago

Great job Patriot!

14750831? ago

Thanks for posting this - it gives me hope for my family!

14750775? ago

Sure, Neon is a NameFag - as is Serial and Praying Medic ... but they DO GOOD WORK and redpill a LOT of normies - that can only be a good thing right ??

You don't have to buy his merch - it is 'optional' - at least he doesn't sit his articles behind a paywall.

Considering 99% on here do fuck all - we need these guys so a bit of support perhaps ?

14750416? ago

Maybe I can red pill my Dad brother and sisters with Neon's post! It just might work!

14750449? ago

If you're being serious, then I have to say that I laid some groundwork before I sent him the link. I dropped small truth bombs during conversations, I retweeted conservatives knowing my dad reads my tweets, and I asked questions that made him think. I didn't just send the link cold. So maybe don't just send the link cold.

14750331? ago

What sets Neon apart in my view: 1) He openly criticizes Q when he need be. 2) What he sells he sells to support his effort. Remember his comment regarding illness, and having no health insurance. 3) His logical well reasoned articles are easy to understand and vacant of any hate tripe. 4) He is not "pamphlet" whom my first impression of him was a attention starved self-serving ego maniac who demands control and verbally strong arms his interlocutors. (Sorry, this was my impression of pamphlet during my viewing of the UNIRock video. He could be the nicest guy in the world and my impression could be wrong) 5) He responds to his followers inquiries, albeit not as much as he should.

14752030? ago

Your first point is exactly what turned me OFF NeonTshirt. I remember being very interested in his blog after reading his introduction to Q, and I kept up with it for about a month. I stopped paying attention when he did two unforgivable things:

1) He made his posts about his quest to "decode" Q drops and interpret current events. No one fucking cares about what Neon is going through to get us this valuable information.

2) He's petulant when he doesn't understand what Q is saying and whines that it's repetitive, cryptic, confusing, and sometimes less than helpful. Yeah, no shit. We all find it that way, but don't write a 1,000 word article bitching because you can't figure it out. If NeonMerchant believes Q is real and the information he drops is real, let Q do it in his way, otherwise shut the fuck up.

NeonFaggot is not the story, and he needs to stop interjecting himself into the story. I tried expressing this in a comment to one of his posts, but he moderates comments and only allows those that suck his dick go public.

14752221? ago

Thanks for your reply. I think it's nice that we can discuss things without "calling" each other names.

14749934? ago

I liked that article too. But your dad better not be a Boomer; Neon Revolt HATES Boomers.

14758314? ago

I was on Gab reading Neon when he posted about boomers. It’s not the age of boomers but the ones who think they deserve special treatment cuz they think they paid their due. Neon doesn’t hold back or sugar coat things

14749714? ago

NR is a patriot ... Thank God your dad has come around!


14749499? ago

I like his stuff and I'm not forced to buy anything to read it. To each is own. Good job Patriot!

14749563? ago

I think you mean "PAYtriot!"

14749770? ago

No, I meant patriot ...

14749465? ago

Trump,is a Zionist. They plan to create a modern silk road and exclude america from thier,new world currency, gov't, etc. We will have,to comply or else we will starve. Its the only way they can defeat us without guns. We could make a physical stand so if they cant take away our guns they will make us wNt to join them. Tjats why china, Russia and Israel are throwing,money all over and in many cases making,agreements to create the web of rule. Thats why the left got so,much crazier so that most people would support Trump and follow his lead. He keeps denying,us trade deals and,making,it seem like things are getting better (and they are to an extent, I dont deny that) but its a lead up to something, the real plot for the nwo.

14749427? ago

Anti Neon Shills. . . You can Fuck Right Off.

For those who don't know. Here he is at www.neonrevolt.com

Read ANY of his posts and decide for yourself if they resonate with you and if they provide any good solid information.

As for him selling any Merchandise. Should I feel the need to buy such a thing. . . I'd always support someone who is committed to spreading the word and to help keep their platform running.

Just saying.

14748903? ago

Edge of Wonder got my red pilled to all this. Which lead to a search on Qanon, which led to Neon Revolt's page.

His webpage provided the easiest catch up and understanding of the Q phenomenon and also gave me a proper intro to 8chan.

So what if he's selling stuff on the side. Some people don't get free rent staying in momma's basement and getting momma to do their laundry and dinner like most of the folks on the boards. Some have rent, and internet to pay. It's like complaining that a priest or pastor gets paid for leading a church instead of doing it for free. Sheesh.

14749057? ago

All that other stuff is great, and I agree, and imma let you finish: But Edge of Wonder is the best channel of all time! Of all time! lol

14748787? ago


14748725? ago

He's a faggot. Downvoat and move on.

14748678? ago

It's hard to sell tshirts without convincing people they need it.

14748468? ago

Hate Neon all you want but that article is what did it for me.

He sells stuff to make $$$$.

Does that diminish the impact of the article or my own realizations about Trump and the past 2 years? Nope.

14748528? ago

Does the article cover Trumps extensive jew connections?

14750643? ago

Folks, I believe Q has made it clear that the organizations/religions in-and-of-themselves are not "evil" per se. They are organizations that have influence and "power" over their members and so were infiltrated by the DS/Cabal to take control. This doesn't make the organizations' original intent or the majority of the members evil. Not all Christians or Catholics are pedophiles. Not all Jews are out to control the world. It's a few. Remember this. Most are victims of these people in power too.

14755843? ago


Something to consider. And not the merchandizing the writer focuses on, but the mysterious "new people" who took over the prank, and appear connected to Trump. Are all those jews who invested in Trump just ignoring them, or...

14750241? ago

I have extensive Jew connections, fuck off.

14755639? ago

Get ovenized, jew. It's going to be 6 gorillian all over again. And again. And again.


14752361? ago

I can tell Schlomo

14748461? ago

Neon supports Trump. Q supports Trump. I support Q. I support Neon. If I could buy a tee shirt from Q I would.

14749559? ago

Then you're a gullible idiot.

14752603? ago

Those T-shirts at the POTUS rallies that Q has proudly posted in his drops were bought from someone. Seems to me Q is fine with T-shirt sales.

POTUS is all about entrepreneurship and small business, I figure he agrees with the T-shirt sale.

The shills have taken one instance where Q was talking about AJ and Corsi and tried to shut up everyone by applying it to them. Just because someone sales T-shirt or caps, as long as they are promoting Q and POTUS, they aren't bad or shills. AJ and Corsi were trying to take Q followers and make Q look like a hoax. Big difference...and anyone who can't think well enough to see that doesn't have enough sense to be in the Q Movement.

14754788? ago

Not only that, but Corsi was trying to sell ACCESS to "special information" that wasn't available anywhere else. That's what being a "Paytriot" truly means.

My whole site is free. If people appreciate my efforts, they're more than welcome to support me, which, in turn enables me to do more. There's no special super-sekrit mystery gnostic access being sold.

14755703? ago

Exactly. I've been riding this roller coaster with you for a while now. Keep doing God and Q's work.

14750253? ago

Yea, I'm smarter than all of these dumb faggots. Who wears T-Shirts anyways? I make all of my clothes myself because anyone trying to profit is EVIL!

14750664? ago

What is evil is acting like a Jew and trying to exploit a situation for your own financial benefit.

14748554? ago

Starting a cult can be financially lucrative.

14748420? ago

Neon Revolt is a faggot

14748061? ago

Glad your dad has woke up. Wether it be through Neon or you, it's cause to rejoice.

14748017? ago

From what I can tell Neon was trying to sell T shirts

14750172? ago

And pens. And he tried to censor and control everyone here. And he lied about being one of the mods. When he was outed, he told everyone to leave Voat. Neon Revolt almost singularly destroyed the Qanon movement on Voat. He should be treated accordingly.

14758137? ago

When or where did he tell anyone to leave voat? I never saw that and I look for every post about Neon Revolt!

14759815? ago

He has multiple accounts. After the censorship fiasco he told everyone to leave Voat for 8chan. Q stepped in and requested the creation of a new sub since he shit on the original one and discredited the one he and his created.

14760723? ago

No, thats not the way it happened!

14763750? ago

i was there. That's exactly the way it happened. That idiot even steered people away from where they were originally headed from Reddit into his own sub. Which is what kicked everything off. He steered it via qmap.

You're either ignorant or a liar. If you're ignorant you shouldn't tell me what happened when they observed it first happen. If you're a liar, well... there's that.

14753339? ago

Pens? Lolwat. This is news to me. I've never sold pens, of all things, ahahahhaha!

14750314? ago

What movement on Voat? You guys were irrelevant until we came here from R /GA

14750544? ago

You are misinformed and misguided. You were steered to Voat for multiple reasons. One of which was because of a pre-existing Q movement.

14752377? ago

@neonrevolt is still shilling, refusing to actually post under his own name, because he is such a cunt.

14752091? ago

BTW I went lurking through the subs where you guys all bitch and moan about us on QRV. Obsessed much? Methinks you're all a bit jealous that we took daily views from 500K to over a million in September. 300 lurking in v / GA meanwhile we got over a thousand lurking in here. BTW, your phrasing smells of fartyshorts

14752409? ago

@crensch @srayzie I am sad to hear we were irrelevant. How can I go on living this lie?

14752535? ago

You guys don't see any good in someone being successfully red pilled. You just focus on the fact that I credited and thank Neon for it. That says a lot about you. You guys keep saying "we" so you must be an organized group of people who all think the same or you're the same person using alt accounts. I had my fun having this back and forth but now I'm off.

14752836? ago

You are saying that everyone who was here that followed Q before is irrelevant. The “WE” is the entire fucking community. If you wonder why you’re hated here, @NeonRevolt, this is why

14753681? ago

Ahahahahahahahahahahaha that's not Neon. I'm Neon.

I love how confused you shills get when you can't see the usernames. You just blindly accuse everyone who disagrees with you of being me! You're worse that Twitter-leftists, and everyone can see your credibility slipping away with each subsequent post!

Go ahead, post again! It's not going to hurt me, it will only hurt you dummies!

14752893? ago

LOL i'm not neon you silly goose. i'm just trolling you coz you keeeeeeeep replying.

14752879? ago

If you had posed a threat to the deep state they would have tried to close you down before we migrated here from r/ga

14752591? ago

You’re a child and with childish arguments. Your entire argument is a logical fallacy

14752621? ago

Buy my shirts

14752389? ago


14752189? ago

On a post with you sucking your own cock you're claiming others are obsessed. WTF?! I never think about you until you post to promote yourself. What a narcissistic scumbag you are.

14751983? ago

I like the way he writes so I'll take that as a compliment.

14752065? ago

You guys were irrelevant

Condescending, narcissistic, egocentric, and completely contrary to the very nature of the movement. It's not really surprising that you like yourself now is it, Neon Revolt.

14752125? ago

NR isn't the only person who can see through you guys. p.s. Neon, if you have happened to have come to this sub, I swear I'm not intentionally posing as you. These fools just think that because we must write with the same attitude.

14749536? ago

Yep. Profiting off the faggots who hang out here. Fuck him. Anons dont' need named celebrities.

14747734? ago

Oh, the wanker begging for money for the smallest things he does?

14747888? ago

Does more than you

14748492? ago

I don't scam at all.

14748794? ago

the more you crybabies who hate neon reply the longer my post will stay at the top. thanks!

14748219? ago

Neon, you have no clue who you're talking to.

This is anon, you're just attacking anybody who wakes people up to your shit.

14753354? ago

Lol I like how you can everyone who disagrees with you "Neon."

Let me make it easier for you.

I'm Neon. That guy is someone else. And you're a butthurt shill.

14753486? ago

Samefag is same.

You think alt accounts are some secret knowledge?

Good luck with your shirt business.

14755716? ago


14755790? ago

All right...... That's just fine.

14753659? ago

No alts here! Just tons of hilarious confusion from shills like you, eroding your own credibility by accusing anyone who disagrees of being me! What a joke you clowns are!

And thanks for the compliment on the T-shirts, it's going great!

Why, Q and the Secret Service just featured one at POTUS' rallies, front and center, VIP status, last week!


What have you done recently? Anything noteworthy?

14753690? ago

Selling T-shirts is noteworthy?

Why are you so concerned with fame? Just like Alex Jones, hmmm.

No, I haven't sold any t-shirts, I'm afraid, so nothing noteworthy over here!

14754674? ago

u upset? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


14747663? ago

Neon is awesome. He provide tons of content. The 'paytriot' criticism is ridiculous. All the pundits have advertising and push products, why should Neon be singled out? He runs his own server which he has to pay for.

14748237? ago

Why does he deserve payment for reading the same things I read for free?

14747919? ago

man the hate this post is getting is crazy. a man was red pilled! another soul awakened. should be cause to fucken celebrate. do you think these are goats with a grudge against neon or are these shills?

14749585? ago

Because we know that Neon Revolt is a faggot who comes here to pimp his own brand.

14748051? ago

We think you are new and don't have a clue. We are right.

14748134? ago

We? Fartyshorts?

14747532? ago

This submission was linked from this v/QRV comment.

Posted automatically (#6742) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

14747466? ago

So the original poster is clearly new to this, yet he comes on here talking shit. This movement has become a total jokes with faggots like the OP sucking off paytriots like Neon, even after Q called them out. I'm done with this gay ass shit that has been over run with teenie boppers acting like they are worth a damn to this movement.

14749603? ago

It's a psyop by Neon Revolt. Pretend you're a "satisfied customer" and stop by to drop a testimonial. It helps T-shirt sales.

14747678? ago

if that's all it takes to get you out of this movement ...

14747417? ago

Awesome! I wish I had someone IRL to talk to about Q. Congrats!

14747323? ago

If you're a named individual in the Q movement, you aren't necessary.

The only reason to build up a name for yourself is to be a paytriot or manipulate your little following away from Q at a later date.

Only named individual I have any respect for is prayingmedic, but if you watch his videos, last thing he tries to do is "decode", he just explains what others have concluded on 8chan and isn't afraid to say "I don't know".

14751851? ago

If you're a named individual in the Q movement, you aren't necessary.

Horsepucky! ALL are important, WWG1WGA.

Your words make it obvious that you are headed elsewhere.

14757244? ago

I suppose that means Corsi is important, as well as Alex Jones. And how could you possibly understand what Q is saying without converting every word said into a number with SerialBrain2?

14749176? ago

Praying Medic turned me off because he's pushing his own ' miracle healing' agenda ($ books) latched on to his Q decodes.

Mark Taylor gives me the same off vibe. Mixing in God's powers and $ with commentary on events.

14757249? ago

Never heard that one, I agree that's inappropriate.

14750903? ago

Mark Taylor wrote a book. God's powers and $ … ???

14750590? ago

Praying Medic writes books in his 2nd career post-retirement (he was a first responder medic for ~30 years, hence the "praying medic" handle). He didn't just start writing and shilling...

I trust him the most!

14747524? ago


14747298? ago

If you really want to redpill someone go show them Mackeys Encyclopedia of Freemasonry and show them how the Jesuits invented the higher degree system called the council of kadosh. Arresting Democrats isnt going to do anything. The Republicans are probably all Masons and knights of Malta as well.

14750275? ago

Are you sure Q is against masonry? All of his dark to light and other phrases that literally came from sun worship is the only thing that's troubled me. It makes me think Q is a Jesuit, society of Jesus, a sun worshipper.

14749370? ago

What page??? Just downloaded a pdf of the book

14749458? ago

Pg 741.

14747341? ago

away with you shill

14747465? ago

Oh yeah I'm a shill because I'm against Freemasonry. Last time I checked so is Q.

Their symbolism will be their downfall.

14747541? ago

Clearly the OP is not a Q follower because he doesn't even know the basics. All hes learned is the words shill and fag. Maybe because the OP is actually a faggot shill?

14750400? ago

I proudly don't know the basics of internet speak because I live my life outside of the internet and only came to reddit and then voat because of Q. Some of us don't spend our lives glued to computer screens dipshit

14752717? ago

Why dont you and your cum guzzling daddy go back to licking Neons asshole, you retarded faggots.

14752771? ago


14748516? ago

Possible troll, actually.

14748229? ago

Buy my shirt guys!

14747279? ago

You should have linked the article.

14747293? ago

It's the intro to Q article, like it says in the title of my post lol

14748472? ago

You should have linked the merch store...

14748119? ago

Tee hee. Still shoulda linked it. Pfft

14747213? ago

Fuck that kike faggot neon

14747112? ago

Post just as well might be truth..

Just because NR goes against Q post saying don’t trust money grabbers (my interpretation), doesn’t mean that some of their work isn’t effective....

as time progresses we look more carefully and learn nuances...

I remember the first time I got my son to eat Tuna and Pasta.... (“I’m not eating that! Have you had it before? No! How do you know it’s not nice? Umm, err, OK, but just one forkful...”). Now he won’t eat my recipe any more, because he’s moved on the bigger, better, more sophisticated......

Qanons works like 5hat too...

14747141? ago

I remember that post about not trusting people profiting of the Q movement, AND I've noticed that NR sells hats and shirts and stuff. I haven't been sure about how to reconcile that. Until I'm shown something concrete then I'll let other people be suspicious. If NR is not to be trusted, then he's being way too subtle in his subversion

14747331? ago

I don't think he actually trying to subvert anything, he's just using the Q movement to cash in.

14747356? ago

To be fair he's providing value. When I want to understand what's going on, and I don't have time to research myself, i find his articles very helpful. He links to a lot of sources. includes the relevant tweets. that shit takes time.

14747558? ago

So basically you're just a cock gobbling faggot

14747078? ago

Did you buy him an overpriced chinese made hoodie?

14747117? ago

you goats are pathetic. you had no power or relevance until we patriots came here from Reddit GA. you know. i know it. we all know it.

14747003? ago

He is a shill and a pedi piper. He showed his true colors when he came here. Lasted a day. Faggot

14753746? ago

u upset? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

14747042? ago

If you're gonna say that then drop some proof fag

14747952? ago

Easy! Go to his website and check out his merch store.

Q has repeatedly said not to trust anyone who tries to profit from awaking people.

14761728? ago

Q/Trump likes him -- positioned a Qanon wearing a NR shirt, right behind Trump in that rally..

14750205? ago

Q has never said that.

14750552? ago

Well, he does talk about being aware of "paytriots".....but I think he had AJ and Cernovich more in mind, but who knows?

14747676? ago

They hate Neon because hes popular and can help expose them he realized he was getting shilled in this article https://www.neonrevolt.com/2018/09/14/surviving-the-onslaught-fighting-for-victory-patriotsawoken-voat-qanon-greatawakening/. Srayzie is part of a shill group on this website called SBBH and PV. She used to mod SBBH but quit it to cover her tracks after people started noticing them more http://archive.is/DYLm8 she is currently modding PV though. They run a very large vote brigade and suck up to the admins. I've been here for 4 years and I've seen them brigade and ruin countless communities. It's not a coincidence the same group of shills is modding /v/pizzagate /v/greatawakening and /v/protectvoat

14752085? ago

Ian you’re still a faggot

14748660? ago

This is a real world example of psychological projection. Ladies and gentlemen, we found another Reddit shill who’s mission is to divide and conquer. This is why the QRV sub was set up as anonymous by the same hack Mods from Reddit. Some former Redditors, Ike me, are the equivalent to immigrants who spend the thousands of dollars and years of time to come the right way. Other Redditors are like an invading army of migrants. They demand to be let in, could care less about assimilation to the culture, and attempt to subvert the new culture to what they flee. I don’t know Neon, I’ve read some of his/her work. There’s some good stuff there. BUT, Anyone who is trying to capitalize from this “movement “ is disingenuous in my opinion. IN ORDER TO CAPITALIZE YOU NEED TO PANDER TO YOUR CUSTOMERS, WHICH IS NOT ALWAYS COMPATIBLE TO YOUR PERSONAL BELIEFS. Therefore Neon is just as likely not to mean a word of what he/she types, but she is making money- and money is God to some, therefore write what they want to hear in order to stimulate sales.

14752108? ago

Even Q said don’t follow people who are trying to make shekels off the movement

14747695? ago

I read that article ages ago and suspected this to be the case. Thanks.

14748040? ago

It was a real mess when we first came here. Neon didn't exactly integrate the best with the community here.

14748395? ago

We're typically not supportive of scammers.

14747360? ago

Yah no this faggot is just in it for the shekels. Neon Revolt isn't bad for red pilling people. We just don't want him here.

14753305? ago

Too bad! I'm here! You don't get a say over that, and you'll never be able to censor me, no matter how many concernfags and shills and disinfo you throw my way

14754645? ago

Censor you bitch I could care less what you concern fags do it. Your more than welcome to be a fucking faggot here but we're gonna call you out for you bullshit. Freedom of speech goes both way. Be a faggot get called a faggot

14754658? ago

u upset? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

14754727? ago

Nope not at all kike faggot in fact I an enjoying trolling you fuckers Fill my salt shacker bitchtits

14747368? ago

He provides value, you provide nothing

14748199? ago

Neon, you have no idea who you're talking to.

You just attack EVERYONE who questions you.

NeonMerchant is a piece of shit.

14748265? ago

lol if Neon is reading this I wonder how hard he's laughing at you

14748296? ago

Well he's a piece is shit, so I don't mind if he laughs at us.

He'll be gone soon anyway.

14748403? ago

Your days are numbered deep state shill

14748417? ago

Anybody who questions NeonTshirt is a shill!

All hail NeonTshirt!

14747424? ago

I give enough fucks to reply to your post and that is all. Neonrevolt is a fucking paytriot shill Fine for newbies but the rest of the Q community fucking hates him If you wanna be a smarmy lil faggot go right ahead but you will find no love here.

14747076? ago

Well, if you’ve been around longer than a month, then you should remember. I am on a cellphone right now, but knowing @srayzie and @crensch, they will still have the proof.

14747074? ago

neonrevolt get attacked most days by the same group... one poster and a second account who pretends to be a crowd of people who also hate neonrevolt.

i'd support neonrevolt simply because he makes the shills reeeeeee so much.

anyone using this time, one week from the midterms, to attack president trump supporters must be a shill or a troll or mentally ill.

14752121? ago

He was a faggot, he is a faggot, and he will continue to be a greedy kike faggot

14747095? ago

I remember neon got attacked for calling out Q but I actually read his posts and they have great value. and like today they prove their worth.

i've noticed a lot shills and trolls on here this week.

14747138? ago

I suspect if these shills were able to cripple someone as popular as neonrevolt then they'd simply move on to the next most popular q researcher and start posting attacks and false rumors.

14747209? ago

Quit talking to yourself neon.

14747281? ago

I'm not neonrevolt, but these daily shill attacks have made be become a fan.

I never knew who he was until shareblue started attacking him!

14753279? ago

You do realize that there are plenty of people who don't like him that are not shlls right?

14757009? ago

Sure and most of those people just don't read his blog, rather than spreading false rumors and shitting up this community with attacks against him several times a day... for over a month.

14752145? ago

He is a cunt. He knows he is a cunt. When moderators don’t shield him, his followers REALIZED he is a cunt. Suddenly we are all shillblue though. Even though I’ve been here for nearly four fucking years

14748451? ago

Do you also still revere Bhagwan Shree? Oh, remember how the shills mocked his followers for wearing all red clothing and buying him 93 Rolls Royces? Those darned shills are always attacking the popular cult leaders. Sad.

14750218? ago

False equivalency.

14755493? ago

True, the Bhagwan was actually a real person, and open about his intentions. "Q" started out as a prank on the chans, that turned into a genuine psyop once it was taken over by "whoever is running it now", according to one of the pranksters in that article yesterday. I'll go find the link for you.


Interestingly, the writer only focuses on the t-shirt sellers and merchants, and virtually ignores the implications of who might have co-oped it, and what their purposes might be.

14747037? ago

I like Neon.

If you don't like him then just don't read his blog.

There's no need to have a Hillary Clinton mud-throwing bitch fit - every QAnon blogger accepts donations or sells cheesy caps.

14748155? ago

every QAnon blogger accepts donations or sells cheesy caps.

Anybody trying to get money to read 8chan is a scam artist.

I can read Q posts myself, thanks.

14748204? ago

Every QAnon podcaster that I appreciate accepts donations.

You are a retard.

14748258? ago

I read 8chan, too.

I'd appreciate money now, thanks!

14750492? ago

You don't take the time to distill it down to where normal people can digest it. The Q podcasters are spending time to provide a service. You are spending time being butthurt. We value information more than butthurt.

14751280? ago

You're blinded by feels.

You have no idea who I am, anon. How can you say what I do or do not do?

This is why your argument fails. You're basing it on your emotions, not reality.

14753229? ago

Great! I'd love to take a look at your blog, I'm always looking for new high quality sources of information. Link plz

Until then, BTFO butthurt boy

14753455? ago


This isn't about you, and anyone trying to get rich and famous off of the sacrifice of others is a pathetic loser.

14755394? ago

So... You don't have analysis and therefore don't deserve my support. Got it.

We don't know Neon's name or face. How is that fame? And you really think he's getting rich off t-shirt sales? He's doing it to put food on the table. He spends hours each day making his readers' life easier by dredging through the research so we don't have to, and by the way gives that analysis away for free. If I want to reward these efforts by shelling out $20 for a t-shirt then that's between him and me and I'll thank you to keep your butthurt nose out if it.

Ditto for all these other podcasters and analysts. So put away your Communist BS. He's providing a service that people are willing to reward him for. The US is built on that ethic.

You think the Q team aren't paid? Presumably they're government employees drawing taxpayer-funded paychecks. I don't hear you bitching about that.

14755495? ago

He's doing it to put food on the table.

Maybe he should get a job, like the rest of us.

So put away your Communist BS.

Oh, is Q Communist now? Was it Marxist propaganda when Q said watch who you follow, be wary of people trying to make money off of the movement?

14755592? ago

Self-employment is a job.

Wary is one thing. Wary gets us away from Alex Jones, et al. You take it way too far by disparaging the profit motive entirely. That is Leftist thinking.

14755687? ago

I kike how you had ZERO rebuttal! Haha.

Really painted yourself into a corner with that whole "Q is a communist" thing....

edit: ha, I accidentally put kike. Total freudian slip, didn't MEAN to call you a kike.

14755764? ago

At some point idiots are self-evident and don't require rebuttal. Here's your head pat, cutie

14748055? ago

They hate Neon because hes popular and can help expose them he realized he was getting shilled in this article https://www.neonrevolt.com/2018/09/14/surviving-the-onslaught-fighting-for-victory-patriotsawoken-voat-qanon-greatawakening/. Srayzie is part of a shill group on this website called SBBH and PV. Srayzie used to mod SBBH http://archive.is/DYLm8 and recently modded a known SBBH shill named clamhurt_legbeard http://archive.is/w8yxR and she is currently modding PV. They run a very large vote brigade and suck up to the admins. I've been here for 4 years and I've seen them brigade and ruin countless communities. It's not a coincidence the same group of shills is modding /v/pizzagate /v/greatawakening and /v/protectvoat. SBBH hates the Q community and this Srayzie modded them to /v/greatawakening and she used to be one of their mods. .

14750528? ago

Are these the same guys responsible for all of the pro-violence stuff?

14749299? ago

Wtf @clamhurt_legbeard is sDbh. Was is @clamhurt_legbeard doing with sBbh now? This is like mixing meat and milk.

14749422? ago

Yeah, Neon doesn't understand the SDBH/SBBH distinction.

14748173? ago

Oh cool! clamhurt_legbeard is awesome.

Puttitout has gotten help from clammy, too.

14748733? ago

They are all satanic trannies.

14747988? ago



Maybe rethink the equation.

14750860? ago


14750997? ago

Don't be hard on yourself. You'll do better next time.

14749729? ago

Turrible analogy ...

14748096? ago

Every QAnon podcaster and blogger accepts donations or sells cheesy hats.

And I'm glad that they do because I enjoy helping patriots who provide content that I value.

Only a Zionist cunt of the highest order would be attacking Trump supporters one week before the midterms.

14752297? ago

False equivalency, faggot. The midterms have fuck all to do with @Neonrevolt being a faggot. On Nov 7th, are you going to say that we are only 2 years from the presidential elections and you can’t call someone out for being a cunt because of that? Your point is invalid, and is the type of argument I would expect from a Zionist Boomer Faggot

14748158? ago

No one attacked you, or him. I made a statement of fact about his behavior. You can view things how you wish for now, but any of these people who have been profiting from the movement are going to severely regret it if they have been profiteering.

This is a war. Make no mistake. God bless you friend. He's watching.

14747359? ago

I don't read his blog but someone is always on here stoking his cock for us. IE you.

14747402? ago

I do read his blog... why does supporting a Q supporter upset you?

14748178? ago


14747622? ago

Go thank NR on his blog. You are jerking off all over us. We don't need to hear your thanks directed towards him.

14747654? ago

Your shilly REEEEEEEs sustain me.

14747848? ago

You dumb bastard. https://voat.co/v/theGreatAwakening is the Q page NeonRevolt set up with his douchebag buds from r/thegreatawakening. Go there and suck his cock. Notice there isn't anyone over there? Wonder why? Obviously you don't know your history. You are level 1. Welcome to the party, noob.

14752320? ago

But this window licker thinks he can ducking lecture us.

14747860? ago


Ha ha ha ha.

Squeal piggy, squeal!

14748379? ago

Low level cult member.

14748031? ago

Hahah. Willful ignorance. Hope that works out for you. Take your Neon Revolt bullshit and shove it straight up your ass. NR posts will never get any traction here. Keep being ignorant and never understand why. Have fun, turdlinger.

14752676? ago

and yet I got 200 upvotes so far. your measly 23 downvotes have done sweet fuck aaaaaalllllllllllllllllllll

14753153? ago

This is the single most pathetic comment I've ever seen on the internet. I could take a screenshot, post this, and get a zillion bullshit internet points if I cared. What's truly funny is how fat you are sitting around in your old, stained sweatpants. You should take a picture of your "success", frame it, and put it on the wall as this is as good as it gets. It's all downhill from here, fatboy.

14747068? ago

every QAnon blogger accepts donations or sells cheesy caps

Are you sure about that?

14747115? ago

Every blogger that I've seen, yes - especially my favorites including Praying Medic, Dustin Nemos, NeonRevolt, Destroy The Illusion.

And I'm more that happy to support patriots who's hard work I value, in the hopes their good works will continue.

Everyone had to eat.

Are you planning to attack all of my favorite QAnon bloggers, just like Shareblue does?

14748341? ago

patriots who's hard work I value

Cult merchants.

14747150? ago

You missed my point.

Point being that not everyone who supports, writes about or researches Q/Q-drops, is taking donations or selling merchandise.

Take that as you will.