14597055? ago

So are we, But I always look forward to having me bits checked. I feel loved.

14594663? ago

Why? That Q fella hasnt been there in weeks

14593285? ago

Theres a MOAB coming...

14592079? ago

They'll target Voat soon.

14592796? ago

Yeah, probably. We should go over backup meeting places for when it's down. The last few attacks people were too scattered.

14597262? ago

On a side note. Would you really want to release all of us on other forums if this goes down? There are plenty of other bridges to sleep under. The deep web has some really good forums like this one. (If you can stand the aftertaste.)

14592052? ago

https://archive.fo/DCBRg :

8chan (8ch.net) on Twitter: "It’s happening again. Breakfast with a side of DDoS.

How butthurt can someone be?"

https://tweetsave.com/codemonkeyz/status/1054329724074262528 :

Ron on Twitter: "Under attack again. Mitigations are beig readied."

This has been an automated message.

14591924? ago

Ha ha ha!

Voat has experienced the exact same problem with DDOS attacks almost since it initially went online.

The result is that Voat adapted.

This attack is much larger than anything Voat has experienced, but the results are than 8Chan will also adapt.

The New World Order's Jewing won't stop us!

14593046? ago

Muh Joooooooosssss!

14593195? ago

Yup, 3,200 years of 1,030 disparate cultures blaming the Jews... for good reason.

Perhaps you explain why Jews are the most treacherous people in human history?

14593277? ago

Are you talking about Zionists? Or ethnic jews?

14593420? ago

Jews in general.

No matter how you label them, the "good Jews" and the "bad Jews" always come as a matching set and cause nothing but pain and death and misery and war.

Their uninterrupted 3,200 year history of uninterrupted Satanism shows that clearly.

14594161? ago

You're a piece of shit.

German ancestry, Southern Baptist here.

14594279? ago

So how do you explain the Jew history of over 3,000 years of evil?

Did1,030 disparate nations exile Jews because of their lovely hair and teeth?

14594524? ago

If you are anti-Christian, never mind, but face it...for Believers, Satan hates the Jewish people because of their place in God's plan and the Bible and because Jesus was a Jew. The Bible predicts--accurately, I believe-- Global Satan-inspired HATE for the Jews especially in end times. Similar to the predicted hatred for Christians.

In my experience, Globalist's 1 world POLICY always favors the Arabs/Muslims and accuses/indicts the Jews, even if many Globalists are "Jews". In my experience, anyone expressing blind hate for the Jews is simply full of Satan.

Instead of expressing hatred for the Jews, maybe--if you are honest---you should make your stand by refusing to take advantage of Jewish "tricks" like antibiotics, polio vaccines, etc....


14594796? ago

for Believers, Satan hates the Jewish people because of their place in God's plan and the Bible and because Jesus was a Jew.

Someone hasn't been reading the Bible. According to you, all Christians are wrong up until roughly the 1970s, where Jewish efforts to teach Christians the truth of the Bible, that all past Christians had completely wrong. Who knew?

You should try reading the Bible for a change. It has some very harsh words to say about the Jews and especially the people who claim to be Jews. Even Jesus repeatedly lashed out and warned of the Jews.

So perhaps you should learn your own religion before you wag a finger at others in the name of your religion.

14595447? ago

What? What new truth was revealed in the 1970's, moron? The KJV is plenty. No changes in the last 19 years or so....

14595664? ago

Doesn't even understand the difference between the Bible and a church.


I feel that Christian love. Hypocrisy is not Christ-like.

14594573? ago

In my experience, Globalist's 1 world POLICY always favors the Arabs/Muslims

What the fuck are you gibbering about?

New World Order Jews, such as the Rothschilds who own 86% of the world's central banks, control everything.

Sandniggers are the biological and economic weapon of the Jews. That is all.

14595473? ago

Globalism's 1 world policy favors Muslim scum; is threatening to Israel. Thats just a fact. Sorry, I know you hate those.

14602198? ago

The New World Order is Zionism and is run from the tables of the Jew-only club - (((Bilderberg Group))), you retard.

Sandniggers are useful to the New World Order because they can be used to entangle stronger white nations in economic ruinous forever wars and those countries can be economically and culturally destroyed with the useless, illiterate, inbred, violent Muslim refugees.