14583176? ago

It is not freedom of speech when that speech is abitrarily silenced by how many upvotes one has. It is cronyism:

"Oh you can't post because you are not popular and some may not like your opinion."

You will note I posted someone's message by request from a comment apparently because they didn't have the points to post it themself.

The upvote/downvote system should be eliminated as it limits freedom of speech and the way it is constructed, some people's voice can be utterly silenced via massive downvote farming conspirators as easily as upvote farming. As was the case with Neon Revolt who has a massive following and whom I spoke up in support for.

Since some, in particular this bot, found such support for other's freedom of speech as offensive and farming, I have subsequiently deleted them.

If someone does not like someone else's opinion. They can practice their own freedom of speech by blocking them from their sight. It is like turning a tuning dial. They do not need to downvote them. Since my own freedom of speech has not yet earned the upvotes to downvote the obvious trolls who seek to silence those of opposing viewpoints instead of offering healthy debate, all I and many new users can do is ignore the fascism.

I do upvote to give others a voice on these forums. So yes it is "organic" as I am nurturing them to grow. It is healthy to challenge the status quo.

I am a member and contributor in 9 groups. This social networking program does not make it very easy to search and find groups. Thus, there are several groups with similar names sharing different information with different membership. I found there is a group called "TheAwakaning" who oppose those in "TheAwakening" group.

IMHO opinion people joined some groups because they were frustrated that it was so difficult to find a specific group. It took me several days of hunting to find and join the ones I'm in and I still haven't found compatriots I was searching for from groups shut down via censorship by Facebook and Reddit. Some certainly could have created groups assuming there was no group as they couldn't find it.

The different groups develop unique "Flavors" if you will because of their different members. If I discover something via research that is IMO very important. I have shared it in the groups I suspected would be interested, yet not in every group I'm in. I note this bot did exactly the same thing it accused me of by hipocritacally spamming my posts with the identical message.

14576202? ago

https://archive.fo/O7w9H :

Media Matters founder David Brock accuses gay ex-lover of blackmailing him for $850K | Daily Mail Online

This has been an automated message.

14576192? ago

upvoated, can u make a thread about this video!


It should be spread FAR AND WIDE and have 1 million views... it's DIRECT PROOF that Trump is going HEAD TO HEAD with White hat US Generals... A M A Z I N G... Real world history..

And since the winners write the history books, maybe the good guys can write and have the truth be spread.

14576230? ago


14576190? ago

This would explain why he was immediately on the News and the big coverup was on as soon as his name was in the media.

Would also explain his stupidity of engaging that kid in the back-and-forth text messaging. Inbreeding promotes stupidity.