14555256? ago

The original poster of this message seemed to focus mainly on how to ensure better communication and the consolidation of info between subs, but the conversation veered strongly towards the direction of discussing ego or "going where Q sent us."

14555915? ago

Yeah. OP here. Maybe my mistake of mixing those two issues together. They are actually separate questions/considerations. One is "why the hell is there three separate Q-subs on Voat? The other is: Is it possible to implement some kind of solution to our information ingestion problem we have on all of the subs, separate of each other. My suggestion is to create some sort of tag-cloud that you can multi-search on.

This is actually a /voat/-META question. Because of VOAT not offering searching capabilities. What is needed to make that happen? Could we maybe make a fundraising of sorts for VOAT (NOT Q subs!) so they could implement search functions and perhaps a tag-cloud !

14556109? ago

Good luck. We're an unruly bunch here--it's like herding cats unless you can catch Q's eye and get an endorsement! But this is not where the primary action is, it's on 8chan. Initially confusing but a lot more tools. I don't have the background or skills to decode much, but often lurk there in search of stuff to bring back here.

14556164? ago

I'm sure you didn't miss?: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3131433.html#3131643



Thank you /BO/

Fully endorsed.

Time to UNITE.


14556758? ago

I did miss this post on 8chan, because I'm that new. Still learning but I want primary source material when I can get it. Was 8chan swamped with newfags after Reddit went down? That would necessitate an alternative (QRV).

14556953? ago

Yeah a little bit to my understanding. But very many people came here to QRV as directed by Q. The 8chan-style is not for everyone. I keep it mostly to QRV.

14558661? ago

Re: the 8chan style: I live in Seattle where speech is "all pc all the time". I was raised in NY. 8chan's a breath of fresh air!

14554930? ago

Can you explain a multi-tag search? If I have info I've put in a comment in one thread that's relevant to another, I sometimes cross reference it with a link.

14555131? ago

Like this. Just without the "author" section. Focus on the searching for different tags. Could be "news", "video", "israel", "QResearch", "meta", etc.! And you could just type any of them, and up to lets say four tags after each other. THEN we could have distributed information processing! We gotta evolve.

14555653? ago

Ok, I get it. I understand the idea of tags just not up to speed on how to do it on social media (I did boolean searches on databases back in the 80s). There are always some tags within the text (e.g., "Assange" "Oct 21" or "Clinton"). Would you suggest that when we have a pretty "meaty" submission, we simply type additional tags not in the text after the text, to make searching easier? (adding terms like "Wikileaks" "hoax" "HRC" that aren't already in the main text). (This example is from the recent discussions on whether Assange will release damaging info on HRC on the 21st if there's no indictment.)

14555817? ago

Yes exactly. That's what I'm proposing or suggesting. Maybe it's not a good way to do it. Maybe there are other better solutions. But I would like a discussion on it. Could probably make a new thread on it if the discussion doesn't go far here.

14555925? ago

Yes, you may need to, since this discussion has wandered rather far off topic.

14554683? ago

v/GreatAwakening mods and v/ProtectVoat are wolves in sheep's clothing.

Proof of their discussions:


14554654? ago

GreatAwakening = SoapBoxBanHammer = ProtectVoat

All of the v/GreatAwakening mods were v/SoapBoxBanHammer mods who are in league with v/ProtectVoat in attacking Voat.

v/SoapBoxBanHammer seem to spam and down-vote brigade the shit out of good Voat communities and when the mod deletes their disgusting images, v/ProtectVoat manufactures a "censorship crisis" and attempts to get all of Voat to down-vote brigade that community.

Then, after the community has been crippled or the mods abandon it, one of the v/SoapBoxBanHammer mods requests to take it over or they create a replacement that their v/ProtectVoat sockpuppets naturally endorse.

All of these shills are pure globalist filth and it wouldn't surprise me if they are funded by Mossad.

Here's a breakdown of how v/SoapBoxBanHammer now own v/GreatAwakening:

plankO [M] - Has an extensive history of karma-farming on v/SoapBoxBanHammer;

Trigglypuff [D] - Archives prove Trigglypuff wasn't just a v/SoapBoxBanHammer cancer-mod but an owner;

MolochHunter [M] - Seems to have deleted all of his v/SoapBoxBanHammer posts since the ban;

srayzie [O] - Has a brief history of karma-farming on v/SoapBoxBanHammer, but worse is the fact this user invited 100% v/SoapBoxBanHammer domination of v/GreatAwakening.

Learn more here: https://voat.co/v/ProtectQRV/2781102

14554579? ago

From comment on: /v/theawakening

"Old goats that run Greatawakening were extremely butt hurt by the influx of reddit refugees. They are the ones constantly commenting things about jews and blacks in an effort to scare away the newbies. Theawakening is run by old reddit mods that may be compromised, depending on what you believe. QRV was set up by chan anons at the direction of Q. For all intents and purposes QRV is the only official Qanon subverse on Voat."

14554227? ago




The following three external (i.e. external to 8chan) research platforms must unify:

  1. v/GreatAwakening
  2. v/theawakening
  3. v/QRV

Our collective research efforts are scattered, diluted and duplicitous. Not all subscribers partake in all three subverses.

If we are to be efficient and therefore formidable enough to repel the cabal, we are to unify!



ANONS are selfless, nameless, faceless, fameless, and FEARLESS.

v/GreatAwakening and v/theawakening are non-anoymized subverses.

The existence of these subverses permits and encourages SELFISHNESS, NAMES, FACES and FAME on the part of mods and subscribers.

Both mod groups selfishly cling to the FAME of their NAME and their positions as power-hungry authoritarians. Both mod groups have failed in not possessing the humility to relinquish their positions and respective subverse by unifying with v/QRV.

  1. v/theawakening's mods proved too trigger-happy in censoring content that would ward off the greater "normy" population and resultantly poorly acclimated.
  2. v/GreatAwakening's mods, in their ignoring of Q's mandate to unify, believe that they outrank Q by merit of their tenure on Voat.

The subscribers and contributors of each subverse, in their clinging to the familiar paradigm of NAMES and FACES, permit and encourage the cult of personality that is FAME.

The time and testing of the degree of the selflessness of your altruism is upon you:

  • Forgo your selfishness.
  • Forgo your name.
  • Forgo your face.
  • Forgo the allure of fame.
  • Forgo your fear to forgo your ego.

If we are to be efficient and therefore formidable enough to repel the cabal, we are to anonymize!

14555362? ago

MUST we unity? Is the time and testing of my selfishness really upon me? Sounds like Judgment Day is just around the bend. Better atone for my sins pretty quick!

14555471? ago

Comment by a v/GreatAwakening mod.

14554966? ago

Didn't realize Q movement had become a religion.

14554307? ago

Cry me a river faggot, if Q wants the original one gone we'd do it. Not a mod.

14554332? ago

Comment is by v/GreatAwakening mod.

14554454? ago


14554361? ago

Comment is by long time user idiot. Not interested in being a mod.

14554380? ago

Sure. Whatever you say. ;-)

14554226? ago

What other subs?

14555008? ago

I've been posting on theawakening. I noticed there was something hinky about GreatAwakening, didn't like it. I like theawakening; it has some shills, etc., but nothing worse than anywhere else. Atmosphere mostly mellow, people with a sense of humor. No reason not to post wherever we like, it's Freedom of Speech we're defending, right?

14554222? ago

Q's Orders: Qanon Subverses Must Unify & Anonymize:


14554493? ago

Where is proof. Q always talk about proofs and logic. Where is yours?

14554600? ago

See provided link.

14555722? ago

What is supposed to be the proof there? I can't see it.

The only thing I see is an okay intro-information on the side, but that ends with:

"Our project is currently in a defensive stage, as we establish/secure territory, and assist those in the Q movement with undeserved assaults outside the walls of the 2 and 1/2 Q subverses."

NOTE THE LINK. What is this? This weird video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QO-JiO1pYbI about "National Academies in 2007 to Microsoft: Gamification is Vital to National Security" is supposed to be the proof that you are Q and under Q orders? What is this? Honestly. Q is the one with the specific hash-key over at 8chan. That's where the ACTUAL Q posts come from - under a secured "account" that tells us he is Q. Everything else is bullshit about something coming from Q. Am I wrong?

14555966? ago

I might now have to reply (because I seem to have changed view): Go to 8chan if you want. They are the faceless purists. Voat will have to be a hydra of subs. Why? Because people want to. Can't stop them. The only thing you can do is maybe say that this is the only one that is endorsed by Q himself.

14554347? ago

Bullshit. Putting words in Q's mouth. Q wouldn't say to take down the existing one that was here when you were in diapers.

14554364? ago

Again, comment is by a v/GreatAwakening mod.

14554370? ago


14554397? ago

Jaded from being exposed?

14554832? ago

You got me. I have to run now.

14554139? ago

I've been monitoring /v/QRV for a while and outside of us old goat trolling, I'm amazed at this subs ability to spam up their own board and thus bury any form of relevant information. The Nazi's would have awarded you the Iron Cross for your faithful service!

By all means carry on though. This 'research' you are doing is hilarious!

14554022? ago

Probably it helps to have three or more separate subs. Each guy who starts a subverse is taking a step toward serving the community. The community needs people to serve its immediate needs. The guy who serves us the best can be called a "leader" in the sense of "servant leadership." More subverses leads to more guys donating their valuable time and effort.

14554008? ago

This is the only one without egos attached. This is the only one pointed to by Q.

No, we don't need multiples. They exist because ego exists.

14555113? ago

"Multiple subs exist because ego exists." Speak for yourself, anon. Yes, I also come here because Q designated this sub as "ours." I honor it as a result. But Q didn't give us some speech telling us not to go here or there or elsewhere, as well. Some here have YouTube channels, I'll wager. Some have blogs. Some may be celebs. It's all good. We're always going to have to run around and find info all over the place. But that's why there are lots of us--we all go different places (and post in different places). Everybody doesn't have to know everything! Most important thing is to be in unity, trust the plan, go with God, serve in whatever way we can, WWG1WGA.

14555152? ago

You didn't understand the message if that was your takeaway. Godspeed Patriot.

14555334? ago

You know, if you honestly think I don't understand, then why don't you try to explain what you meant using a different approach? We are all here to learn.

14554836? ago

Look, guys, as we all know, when we first migrated to VOAT, we had to participate in non-QRV subs in order to be able to post, to downvote shills, etc. Most of us either went to theawakening or Greatawakening. We are still technically anons there since there are no real names, but there is one big advantage: you can actually tell when you're having a conversation with somebody!

VOAT is a decent platform, but it's no 8chan, where you can easily track conversations. Maybe I'm missing something, but I know no way of really do this in VOAT. (If you DO know, please share!)

Also, I enjoy getting to "know" some of the semi-anons on the other boards and don't see anything wrong with that. I enjoy the banter, the easy back and forth. It builds community and it's also fun. I'm not some kind of anon purist who is anti-ego (or to be more precise, anti-identity). If I wanted to renounce my identity, I would have joined the NPC Left.

All of us get plenty of our info from people who are in no way anonymous. Do we think less of the material as a result? No. So there's my two cents worth.

14554955? ago

Alright, alright. Yeah, I'm swimming back again. The diversity is good in a banter-y and memetic way. I like it.

14554861? ago

A river has many sources.

14554959? ago

So true

14554296? ago

Exactly! Q sent me HERE, to QRV, after a bunch of us were banned at REDDIT. So I tend to stick with this sub, not knowing where the other two came from or who operates it. I do peek in there from time to time, but this QRV is my main source for Q stuff, second only to Qanon.pub itself.

14560316? ago

Anon sites are the only safe place for discussion in the case that the powers that be fight back, and they are.

14554354? ago

Voat itself is a great place. Just be aware of your surroundings. Lots of good people on this site.

14554085? ago

The original one was here half a year before the other two, and it was not ego driven, just to be clear, pure love and zeal.

14554129? ago

Make no mistake, I wasn't calling anyone anything. They should be able to see the value in anonymity.

I see good posts in those subverses take abuse because of the personalities. We can't have bias, we can't have anything other than the truth.

14554167? ago

Yes, too many egos for sure. I understand what you mean.

14554014? ago


14554341? ago

Yeah. This is what I felt perhaps was the case!