QRV has a search option now? This new? (QRV)
submitted 6.3 years ago by 2794299?
Tried to search in the past and now there is one. Was I just retarded or is this new? Sweet!
14509373? 6.3 years ago
yes, its awesome
14508778? 6.3 years ago
Voat's search function has been turned off and on a number of times over the years because it consumes a lot of server resources.
Perhaps Atko and PuttItOut have optimized the code or perhaps we got a server upgrade?
Here's an alternative if you want do you slightly more advanced Voat searches: https://searchvoat.co/
14508924? 6.3 years ago
Servers were upgraded about the time the Q crowd joined.
14509675? 6.3 years ago
We also got a software upgrade when the search was enabled again.
Now we can edit post titles for ten minutes after submission.
14509719? 6.3 years ago
Really? I didn't know that. Thanks!
14508768? 6.3 years ago
This is new. Someone asked the mods to add it. I use it before I post something to make sure someone else has not beaten me to it. Having a set of eyes helps too which would have eliminated 15 to 20 YouTube posts in the last hour.
14508754? 6.3 years ago
The irony of not using the search function to answer your own question.
14508925? 6.3 years ago
I knew it was new, dude. Just shitting out the news.
14508747? 6.3 years ago
Newly reinstated: https://voat.co/v/whatever/2792011
14509373? ago
yes, its awesome
14508778? ago
Voat's search function has been turned off and on a number of times over the years because it consumes a lot of server resources.
Perhaps Atko and PuttItOut have optimized the code or perhaps we got a server upgrade?
Here's an alternative if you want do you slightly more advanced Voat searches: https://searchvoat.co/
14508924? ago
Servers were upgraded about the time the Q crowd joined.
14509675? ago
We also got a software upgrade when the search was enabled again.
Now we can edit post titles for ten minutes after submission.
14509719? ago
Really? I didn't know that. Thanks!
14508768? ago
This is new. Someone asked the mods to add it. I use it before I post something to make sure someone else has not beaten me to it. Having a set of eyes helps too which would have eliminated 15 to 20 YouTube posts in the last hour.
14508754? ago
The irony of not using the search function to answer your own question.
14508925? ago
I knew it was new, dude. Just shitting out the news.
14508747? ago
Newly reinstated: https://voat.co/v/whatever/2792011