14184219? ago

I fail to see the problem with 5G. Because of the high frequencies and low power, they need more antennas. The signals get absorbed by trees, etc., so users' equipment has to be in the line of sight of the antennas.

The high frequencies aren't anything new either. You can look up the FCC frequency allocation charts and see that every frequency band proposed to be used by the various companies is already in use for multiple purposes.

The purpose of the higher frequencies is to carry more information. That's why TV uses higher frequencies than AM radio. There's more information to carry.

The low power means that there can be very little effect on anything. A microwave oven can cook food, but the microwave TV station relays have been around for over 60 years with no effect.

14181448? ago

  1. Find a tower
  2. Destroy it
  3. Find another tower....

Repeat as necessary until the problem is solved.

14182233? ago

Man uses tank to destroy 5G network https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRjnmaEGXFA

14180836? ago

Smart move by Trump.

14188017? ago

14180646? ago

Nothing beats Fiber Optic and Blockchain