14126791? ago

Fake news. Nobody cares here. We’re doing what we want, where we want.

GA can do the same.

Why would we bother? We have more important things to spend our time on and if GA wants to whatever then more power to them. They have my blessing to run their board and do it how they like.

14126755? ago

so one guy (could or could not be one of us) does something and we are now planning a takeover? lmao really you cant be so gullible, the majority of us wouldn't even know where to start.


I may watch in awe at 4 chan, 8chan, Voat, at what you guys do, and I respect it and personally love it. however, yall also scare us "normies" just a little bit. I seriously doubt yall have anything to worry about. I for one have ventured out to many subs and have participated. Some of us are discovering this side for the first time. Personally, been at this 30 yrs, but w books.


Maybe show some understanding an patience, there are some great minds among us. there was a time you were also new

14127033? ago

Why do those that act in bad faith always think others should tolerate their existence?

14127384? ago

whom is acting in bad faith? I have ventured out and earned my way. My issue is you are accusing all of us for the actions of one. something inherently wrong with that. All I am saying is take a breath, and consider it could be an attack meant to look like one of us. The attacks on every platform have reached a crescendo. I was led to the correct threads on 4-8chan by an (oldfag). In some ways I agree, we might've came wrong here at first, although were led here, and your way still prevailed.



14128353? ago

I talked to enough of the Qfolk to know that 90% or so should be sent back. Fuck your special exceptions. The pattern of behavior is clear.

14128502? ago

Fortunately, you don't own. so basically, you got hope in one hand and shit in another. this movement is more important, than your silly whims. At what point do you become part of the problem? IMHO you are already there. Now this is not an insult, more an observation. For the first time in my lifetime (50) that America has awoken to Her greatness, people are asking questions, wanting answers, looking for themselves. Why would you want to discourage that? Your ego, your playground got crowded? We should be banding together, as misfit as that may be, for the greater good. Get your ego out of the way. I visit 6 subs other than this one, yet this is the only one that yall go to flex your "muscles" It makes you look childish, petty, and honestly, scared of us.

14129114? ago

Goats have been having these important discussions long before Q was a thing. Not everyone needs a face less Messiah figure to show them what is evil and what is good.

Voat is more important than your Qult. When the circus is over and you all lose interest, voat will still be here having the important conversations.

We don't like refugees that don't contribute to the greater good of voat. I'm not really sure what is so hard to understand about that.

14131660? ago

You are not exclusive in that club, either. I have been having these discussion, more than likely before you were born. I have just recently added a new tool to my bag, and I do appreciate that, and why I have ventured out to other subs.

14134114? ago

If old guard had have been half as diligent in creating awareness of evil and political corruption as so many of you claim, the world would not be in the state it's in.

14134901? ago

again I have been in this war for 30 yrs or more. I myself have been seen as crazy by friends and family. The only thing new to me is a PLATFORM, which you do not own, have power over etc. Again is your own EGO making you believe you do. Fascist much?

14135045? ago

So you were ineffective even though you had decades to hone your message?

That's why it's time to step aside.

14135573? ago

your are funny I have upwards of 6k followers however it isn't about me. something mayb you should learn. your bait is juvenile

14135787? ago

So for you speaking up holds the condition of needing to be praised even if by faceless sheep?

14140342? ago

I have enjoyed our conversation; however, is getting boring more interested w real time events. Take care. Work on that EGO its your weakness

14140563? ago

Sorry, can't return the sentiment. Feel sorry for you actually. Enjoy your bread and circuses.

14140769? ago

well at least we have a mutual feeling

14140820? ago

So you were pointlessly dishonest in your previous statement? Noice.

14141031? ago

I have no idea what you mean I meant I feel sorry for you as well dumbass EGO EGO get over yourself

14131607? ago

This is the thing though, again you don't own, second, we could careless what you think. I said the movement, not just Q, the movement is bigger than Q. Your arrogance will be your downfall. you have no real power, you just think you do. you are no more important to me than dirt. in fact, I have very little respect for any of you that have come here to sow. You have nothing better in life to do than bug some, "normie" Do you not see the idiocy of this? I have much respect for Old Goats (oldfags) that have taken the time, to give suggestions as to where to go, how to act etc. Again YOU WERE NEW ONCE ALSO. Get OVER YOURSELF.

14134059? ago

Why do you think being new excuses poor behavior? Instead of ceasing the shitty behavior, why try to justify it and defend it? Act like assholes but everyone else is bad because they call you out on your shitty unproductive habits and mindsets.

That's why we liken you folks to Muslim invaders.

14134860? ago

I only see shitty behavior form your side. Those here only wish for yall to leave them alone to their own world here. You chose to not only come to what you hate, but then harass intentionally. Antifa much?

14134981? ago

You don't get to make no-go zones and use them as a launch point to a subvert voat's values.

14135691? ago

seems you think freedom is saying repulsive things, childish, so childish. you need some real world experience. I have personally been to around 30 countries. I know the true value of our Freedom.

14135921? ago

Objectively define repulsive or childish.

14135666? ago

umm I agreed on that in fact Romans v/ga is mine and in fact v/ta was hammered, and crushed, so in fact community won. the glorious thing about freedom is just that freedom. as much as yall talk about it you don't practice

14135870? ago

Disagreeing with you is not a violation of your free speech. Blind sheep need to be needed back from whence they came.

14126716? ago

People don't attack things they never think about. Fuck off.

14126680? ago

we're busy pulling each other's dix. stay away unless you're joining in on the fun

14126697? ago


14126615? ago

This is getting ridiculous. There are maybe 3 people trying to start fights and create division. Most of us dont care, it only results in some weird posts that get downvoted quickly. Most of us want to unite and read and participate in all 3 subs plus others. There's nothing to see here...movin on.

14126579? ago

LOL = like anyone gives a shit about the finger pointing to the moon - we are focused on all the heavenly glory.

14126751? ago

Leviticus 26:1 1 "'Do not make idols or set up an image or a sacred stone for yourselves, and do not place a carved stone in your land to bow down before it. I am the LORD your God. Psalm 31:6 6 I hate those who cling to worthless idols; as for me, I trust in the LORD.

14126463? ago

Shill post--moving on.

14126427? ago

Why not? The results would be hilarious.

14126420? ago

They want us divided. We are about unity. Don't fall for the shit that is being sewn to drive us apart.

14126503? ago

Thank you for using and spelling "sewn" correctly.

And, I agree

14126472? ago

Here we go... this.

14126395? ago

Did they say why exactly they are planning to attack GA? I subbed both, this and GA. We all want the same end goal, nes't pas?

14126540? ago

what did they say? good fucking question.


i open my fucking message box to see i got fucking pinged, and do you know why i got pinged? one of you cunts wants to try shit, it would seem, that's why

14126510? ago

Bad actors don't share our goal. It makes them glow in the dark. Stay comfy, anon.

14126643? ago

fucking glow in the dark CIA niggers are a blight on humanity