13992322? ago

Its time we all get to learn to submit, post and call out all the bullshit that the controlled media/altmedia/popular platforms are trying to use to divide the people and silence the truth. This is the modern equivalent of 1776 and America is our only hope because it is the only land where Freedom of Speech is guaranteed as an inalienable right !

13983061? ago

yeah free speech i get it, I just dont want to sound like a fukin nigger

13980732? ago

New here - quick catch up? Is "QRV" directly related to Q / is this Voat's Q sub? If so, I'm subscribing. While on that topic - any other "necessary" subs on Voat that I should be subscribing to?

I hear this place is not compromised - that will be a refreshing change from the other place...

13979799? ago

Itโ€™s good to see the upvote total looking healthy. Reddit was so manipulated it was nuts. They could no longer control it so they killed it.

13978639? ago


13977877? ago

Q sent me. I don't take up much room.

13977433? ago

Glad to be apart of all of this! GBY all. WWG1WGA

13977224? ago

Just dab on the haters. If that doesn't work, T-pose to assert dominance.

13976896? ago

This really does ROCK! WWG1WGA

13976075? ago

Reddit x here. Voat is where were lead to WWG1WGA

13975506? ago

What's up with the (lack of) usernames here?

13974744? ago

patriots unite!

13974388? ago

Might want to take a look at the CSS here.

13973951? ago

Goodbye Mr. Rosenstein

13973757? ago

Hi everyone. The previews are coming to an end and the show has begun. ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š

13973726? ago

Welcome all you Euro people just waking up to the changes happening across the Qsphere .. we all new here !( Qberts i mean ) some have been here all night . I checked in this morning after waking up to a new world of Qness on Voat.. Take a look around and follow the links to get yer roots down..

13973443? ago

Faggots already saying "Im going to stay on theawakening" directly against Q's desires to collect everyone here ANONYMOUSLY. Fucking shills leading the blind. Some of you are goddamned hopeless and should just show up to a fema camp near to you and report to the base officer for your suicide.

13973418? ago

Glad to have a good place to chat in a more familiar place than the Chans . It is interesting that it was all set up so quick - obviously well planned in advance.

13973152? ago

Q approved so it must be legit!!

13972703? ago

**I'm new here and Q sent me, can I have CCP so I can post? **

13973663? ago

**I'm new here and Q sent me, can I have CCP so I can post? **

 Me too ! Me too.....

13974469? ago

not you only me

13973116? ago

Im sorry i dont get it !.. Tell me that again !! i cant work this out either.

13972684? ago


13972453? ago

normis own this board

13972448? ago

nice, really does have user names blanked out. @sensible, guess you're the MAN and know about this place. If i can make it past the clowns that have been shadow downvotting some of us, I'll be happy to donate if you need.

13972432? ago

First comment on new board as a test

13972404? ago

fyi, for the new refugees. careful of the Old VOAT GOATS, they are vicious if you dare to oppose their OPINIONs. They don't ban here but they do shadow ban by down voting you into negative so you can't post or get past the 10 comments per 24 hrs. I won't repost my evidence but suffice it to say, their vulgarity and anti-christian came out QUICK. ( or it could be in my comments i guess if they don't delete). ? they ran off a deacon and some good christian posters on purpose. I stayed to push back and see if this place could actually be good for comms, but i get down voted daily because i dared to push back. I guess i have some fans who follow me. LOL.

13985293? ago

oh look a shabbot goy.

fuck q.

fuck zionists

13973690? ago

Found the Jew.

13972082? ago

Whites are the only one that produce. All other races are a drain on the American economy.

13972065? ago

Nice to be here ! woke up in the uk and the world had changed ! WWG1WGA..

13971929? ago

Woke up in the uk and the world changed again.. Glad to be here and still in the loop..

13971767? ago

The SUN in RISING, theirs no where to hide. #TheGreatAwakening #WWG1WGA

13971734? ago

Nah. We'll just block your little neocon shill complacency psyop.

>muh secret wall

>trust the plan

Share blue changed tactics and you're so stupid that you can't even see it.

13973163? ago

Thank you!

13972519? ago

Yes for all you doubters or fence wobblers .. This will help you, In fact you may just be amazed at the beautiful way it all fits together.

13971252? ago

UpV plz!

13973404? ago

Cheeky .. ! i will if you will ! here i go first !....

13971090? ago

Why the hell do you want to make division? I'm fucking grateful that Voat hosted us. I'm also fucking grateful that we don't have to go back to reddit where our speech is censored by faceless mods with no record.

13970926? ago

Don't engage the angry natives. They are irrational, and redirecting answer legitimate questions, as to just how we are harming this site. It's the same accusations, over & over, invades. Rocking "our house" but no one seems to be able to voice how we are doing that. Plus, they will down vote you causing a loss of points. I lost 2 just tonight. I'm almost to ten, but now will take longer.

13985339? ago

because u love jews.

you arr just neon converstaives

13973741? ago

Cus you faggots post your retarded cult shit constantly as if you were receiving divine revelations.

13970659? ago

Presumably Voat will be funded from MI. But, just in case, do they have a donate (pref in crypto) so we can help them out on bandwith etc. After all , there is a lot of s coming over. Personally I'm on the boards but willing to give voat a go

13970615? ago

I hope this site has a means for blocking the spammers, shills and shit-posters. If there is a way, I can't find it.

13971604? ago

fricking anonymous posting option which everbody seems to be this subs default, that prevents the block abilities.

usually, in order to block a poster, you can go to his profile and choose 'block' with the options on the right hand side.

13970400? ago

Hope this one lasts for a while and will be safe from DS shut down.

13970397? ago

I could only lurk on 8chan. I own Apple products and they somehow blocked my ability to post using any device. Happened after a software update months ago. At least I can now comment here.

13969606? ago

Existing Voat users please show some grace, the world is changing and you need to adapt. Everything we have ever known is in the process of being challenged and those who are only now being awakened need a place to come and learn. Q and what President Donald J Trump are doing is being operated like a surgeon removing a tumor that is entwined around nerves, cut the nerves the patient is crippled or dies. Let the newbies feel like they belong without being attacked as we do want them to stay.

13970885? ago

That's exactly what the refugee/migrant says right before he rapes your daughter and kills your wife.

13972127? ago

Thank you for your welcome and understanding. You are right that our numbers are huge and we need shelter here.

13987101? ago

You really thought that it was a good idea to post that? lol.

13970264? ago

Existing Voat users please show some grace

No thanks. We'll treat you like we treat everyone else. It's only fair.

13969391? ago

It would be a lot more convenient if there was app though. Q wants discussion about drops to make everyone talk and have input and help one another piece together information which is why I and most people miss the Subreddit. Love interacting with fellow QAnons

13973796? ago

Seems to me itโ€™d be easier to just speak plain English instead of this cryptic cult shit you dickheads are tripping on

13969168? ago

This goes out to all of you.

You don't dominate voat nor are the natives getting restless. We have dealt with dozens and dozens maybe even hundreds of migrations.

You may be the most annoying group to come here but none of you will last. The fact is you don't understand voat. You think maintenance is due to MI? That is laughable, Putt is not here full time. This is not reddit or twitter. We support out site and the influx of bullshit is just another wave of people who will be filtered out.

Most of us are just waiting for you to get bored and leave. You will go to the next site you are directed to and we will be happy when you leave. If you folks were what you claim to be than putt would be doing a post about the million he just got in funding.

Me smells JQ here

13997689? ago

I like it here, I ain't going nowhere. Go shove a rusty spike up your asshole.

13998680? ago

You better buy me a drink first

13970734? ago

wow, aren't you nasty? No need for that. You have some axe to grind so why are you here, just to criticize -- some people that didn't necessarily come from Reddit, but maybe who have already been on VOAT for years, or who are simply new to forums? Is this your welcome wagon? GFY.

13982093? ago

You're on voat fuck stick

You are the guest stfu

13969116? ago

It's time we get down to business and start getting rid of these fucking evil Jews that are ruining our country. Welcome to voat! Let's get the ovens ready and gas these kikes to hell!

13968759? ago


13968536? ago

WWG1WGA please help upvote ThankQ

13968534? ago

No fuckery. Voat users aren't the most stable bunch. You lie to us or work against us we'll hound you to your grave.

13968486? ago

No doubt a big Q wave is coming to VOAT. I hope there servers can handle it.

13968439? ago

Personally I am happy with voat. I spend almost as much time here as I did on shittit and don't need to think about censorship bullshit. It will be hilarious if reddit goes bankrupt and voat takes off and fills the vacuum

13968742? ago

It will be hilarious if reddit goes bankrupt and voat takes off and fills the vacuum

I hope not. Conservative redditards still love sucking moderator dick and whine about "muh hate speech". Imagine how bad it would be if all the SJWs came too. Leave them over there in their safe space.

13969089? ago

I figured all the pussy SJWs would be too triggered for voat, and conservative redditards as you say need to harden up. If people still haven't figured out how to deal with free speech on the internet then they can go back to AOHell

13968431? ago


13968250? ago

This is all a jewish psyop to make Voat kosher.

13967334? ago

Dying to spread my free-speech wings... here goes... nigger faggot zipperhead spic dike kike fuuuuuuuuuckyoooooooo

[waiting for repercussions].... well, I'm still alive... no one shooting at me so far... this looks promising!

13968859? ago

Level 2 -

Finish this sentence:

"The Holocaust..."

13972063? ago

"...is pure profit!"

13966678? ago

Restless yes and It was a boring time without Reddit and I couldn't get used to 8chan but maybe this will work, I voat YES

13966646? ago

Ok trashed Reddit and now a VOAT

13965960? ago

Why not v/greatawakening???? Geeeee I wonder

13968915? ago

It's not trust. The reddit mods shit the bed. Instead of working with the existing Voat sub they made their own complete with reddit mod drama and censorship. That split things. Then there was a chink of users on the chans.

Q wiped the slate and made a fresh board where everyone could group together. v/greatawakening is still a sub. I plan on using it still.

13974896? ago

v/greatawakening is still a sub. I plan on using it still.

You don't heed warnings very well, do you?

13974912? ago

I think for myself.

13975084? ago

I wasn't contesting that.

13966103? ago

Why canโ€™t you trust (random topic)? The reason is other people have broken your trust.

The reason greatawakening is done is because we donโ€™t trust the current mods 100%.

13974874? ago

Took a while for people to notice, but glad they finally have. Toxic mods can all go to hell.

13966272? ago

God damn right we cant trust those mods... They are the jews for sure.

13967427? ago

Damn kikes!

13967672? ago

Well said good sir.

13965944? ago

OK Little help here would be appreciated. The up/down feature is to encourage folks to participate in discussions. I don't see that as a problem here since we are all about the same reason. Help, support, and interact about Q related crumbs. Is there a reason for me to want to beg someone to up vote my post? Hell you either agree with me or you tell me I'm off base and full of crap and then tell me what you think. Seems a lot less to worry about up/down. I want your ideas and input. Not here looking for hugs and kisses. Ready to get busy when this board is fully operational. WWG1WGA. THIS NOT A GAME.

13965941? ago

WWGIWGA I just joined. Anyone else from Twitter here?

13970453? ago

Me, but I'm not sure how anybody tells anybody here. And I gotta say this feels cleaner than reddit for some reason.

13965939? ago

better than Reddit so far :)

13965715? ago

Time to show the world just how BIG this movement really is!

13965341? ago

The numbers and velocity here are tremendous! It's RAW horsepower. I knew VOAT would take off..

13965152? ago

Old hat slipping in. checkn things out. not bad. nice joint. thanks Q

13965022? ago


13964953? ago

Not only will we dominate Voat but we're about to make Reddit irrelevant. teehee.

13964775? ago

Q sent me

13964766? ago

have a little respect for the people who have called this place home for years after being censored on reddit & twatter. Voat gave us a home here.

13964715? ago

Wow BO probably has his hands more than full of all this stuff. Keep it up Based Owner

13964661? ago

Military planning at it's finest? Sure was quick. As in contingency plan quick.

13964230? ago

The milliondollarextreme folks are good people, I think... But we ex-Redditers need our own containment board. sigh Such is life. :/

13964185? ago

Look at the speed of new subscribers here! Make sure you understand Voat's CCP!

13970972? ago

Explain CCP please, link or describe. Thanks.

13991899? ago

Hi to get to do anything major on VOAT you need to get at least 10 comment contribution points on boards such as v/greatawakening which is not a anon board like v/qvr. So just comment away and reply to this and others can upvoat you which gives you enough CCP to make your own submissions with links etc, once there, you aim for 100CCP so you can down vote any shills posting crap to bugger up the conversation

13964172? ago


13964112? ago

I am amazed at how well Voat is handling the traffic

13964043? ago

This looks promising. Can't wait to see how Q uses it

13963034? ago

All we have to do is not subscribe and the sub will not show up on our front pages. Blocking the sub removes it from v/all. So no, the natives don't give a rats ass as long as the servers don't crash and the mods don't act like reddit cancer. Have fun.

13962965? ago

If your open with your moderation and don't ban anyone for saying kike nigger or faggot we don't care.

13964470? ago

Cant ban an anonymous user...so we'll see how that goes.

13964318? ago

I notice we're anonymous here. It should cut down the upvoat farming, to an extent.

13967979? ago

Whoa that's pretty neat.

13962962? ago

Great to be in a place amongst friends with alike visions.

13962630? ago

Prepare for a GOOD time

13962621? ago

I love the memes! Where's the memes! Moar memes pl0x!111

13962580? ago

Good luck in your new home patriots. I will check back often.

13962485? ago

Reporting for duty

13962478? ago

We should probably find a way to help financially.

13967545? ago

I hate receiving donations for a few reasons but here is Voat's BTC address if you feel called to donate: 3NZvuAk3Csf1UP1KCmzN9dhiXTwvhTgr9k. Please only donate if you have the means.


Above post by site owner.

13968004? ago

Very nice of you to respond to me. I was just thinking that a big influx of users must be trying times for you and searching for some way to help. But you sound a little reluctant; should I not spread the word?

13968475? ago

I'm not Putt, but I think he deserves to get some help in paying for all this. Everyone has shut down all other ways to donate. No ads are possible, no money can come in through banks or cards or whatever. Just bitcoin. If you do spread the word, I'd suggest also linking to his post (as I did) so the address stays correct.

13968713? ago

After you messaged me, I had to do a search to find out what in the world it was about. Yes, I am naive about crypto. It looks impossibly complicated to me. How frustrating that there is no means to donate in other forms. This kind of economic embargo is usually reserved for criminal enterprises; I'm shocked it has gotten that bad trying to stifle online sites like Voat. My blood is boiling. What are we coming to?!

13970254? ago

This kind of economic embargo is usually reserved for criminal enterprises

You haven't been paying close enough attention recently, haven't you? Communists have been deplatforming people to the right of them for a while now, all over the place. It's not just Voat. It's people like Alex Jones, YouTubers, other websites, individuals. The next targets are you and I, and they've already started harassment campaigns.

13968973? ago

It is complicated. After typing that, I contemplated making a post on how to buy bitcoin that most could handle, but I'm probably not qualified to tell people how to transfer it successfully once they have it. Maybe I'll look for some help in putting a post together.

And yes, there was a story on the front page about Paypal banning Alex Jones now. It's getting pretty bad.

Also, this is Hand_of_Node. The numbers are weird.

13969112? ago

I've been reading about it since you introduced the idea but there is a steep learning curve. Any tutorial you could come up with might help a lot of people. But we are an innocent bunch--lol--making people realize why we have to help the providers who are daring to resist the current. Many won't be up to it. How close we are to totalitarianism if the means to buy and sell is being taken from us! In fact it sounds ominously Biblical. Anyway, I would be a donor with some help and there must be others.

13962463? ago

Can i talk about the joos in this sub?

13962457? ago

What's up fam. Joined voat just for this. Was wary of other subverse. United we stand.

13962453? ago

Fawk yeah! These are the only kind of good borders

13962408? ago

Just testing a post; Please ignore.

13962284? ago

theawakening assumed they could overtake us, they were wrong

do not assume you have the power either

13962218? ago

I hope voat can handle the traffic!

13964089? ago

We don't got them deep shekels. Newfags are gonna have to help with server cost.

13967640? ago

I hate receiving donations for a few reasons but here is Voat's BTC address if you feel called to donate: 3NZvuAk3Csf1UP1KCmzN9dhiXTwvhTgr9k. Please only donate if you have the means.


13962154? ago

God bless everyone involved with helping to guide and nurture a warm home for us anons, WWG1WGA. Thank you Q for directing our focus to one place for us to gather again.

13961995? ago

Just a number, no name-laming. I like it a lot.

13961735? ago

Where do toy see that #?

13961675? ago

We are patriots and are here to grow and help grow so let's be patient and civil with the VOAT natives. Aren't we tired of having the DS/Cabal come in and destroy what we create? Are we going to do the same? I hope that we are better than that.

13961313? ago

I mean... VOAT could use more activity if it wants to take on Reddit... most of the 'subverses' are totally inactive.

13963665? ago

We don't want to "take on reddit" you fucking dumbass. We want to be left alone, but niggers and faggots keep stumbling in here and kiking up the place.

13966910? ago

So you don't want the platform to be successful? You just want to use it?

13966976? ago

Amusing how fucking arrogant you faggots are. The site was already successfully serving the Voat community before you niggerfaggots showed up and starting shitting all over the rugs.

13967185? ago

So the literal reddit clone that is trying to appeal to former redditors does not consider reddit its main competition?

A dozen active subs makes the site a success?

Are you retarded?

13967819? ago

Fuck you and "Q".

13967855? ago


13967320? ago

Found another kike who thinks he knows more about us than we do. Literally kill yourself.

13967969? ago

Oh look, another introverted faggot who has made a failing website a part of his personal identity. Afraid of new users because it might change the dynamic of his lil safe space.

13967270? ago

On a normal day we don't even think about the fuckers on that other site. On days like today we wish that other site were a physical entity so we could burn it to the ground after lynching every nigger and faggot in the place.

13965575? ago

Donโ€™t worry about the niggers and faggots kiking up the place. Worry about the kikes niggering and faggoting up the place. Oh... and the throat raping. You probably should worry about the throat raping.

13961296? ago

Trying to navigate.. ugh! Hate change.. but Iโ€™m hanging in there!

13968788? ago

Same here. It's taking some time to get used to.

13961289? ago

This is going to be amazing to watch fill up : )

13961197? ago

I was told โ€œyouโ€™re not from around hereโ€ on my last post... WWG1WGA

13961087? ago

Maybe a cover-up for something?

13961025? ago

Screw the natives. Gently though. With a lot of cupping of balls.

13960729? ago

Shall we start posting solid basics like the community's statement and position and Plan To Save The World and get to upvoting for voat exposure and new audiences alike?

13960592? ago

I think I'll set my beer down... right here.

13960545? ago

It's also going to be shill central for a while, especially after Q mentioned it several times. It's cool, we know how to deal with their kind...

13997487? ago

Staying tuned for THAT shitshow! Popcorn at the ready.

13967422? ago


13967404? ago

Send 'em to the back of the ovens.

13960535? ago

I'm a really old goat and am always happy to see people who choose free speech above anything else.

We can all make our own frontpage here and can block subverses we don't want to see. I think you'll find most here are pretty reasonable as long as you aren't a faggot.

13966995? ago

Hello from another old goat....

13961097? ago

Exactly! People here are thrilled to accept anyone who supports liberty. Most here are patriots. All patriots are welcome.

13967300? ago

Thanks patriot! I longed to be with other anons and the magnificent autists. I miss the digs and sharing of information. Welcome one, welcome all! We serve the President, our country, and each other. Truly, where we go one, we go all! Thank you BO and Q. I think Q also will be protecting this submerse (?). Not afraid. I am prepared to give my all to my country just like when I served. Love you anons, President Trump, and Q team!

13973707? ago

This not just a US thing. Aussie here, watching the birth of world peace.

13960452? ago

We can do again what we did last time. Donโ€™t test us. We pay for these servers Cunt.

13967594? ago

Do you mean leave with your tail between your legs? Because that's what I remember..

13967329? ago

What did you do last time?

13960306? ago

Watch out people looking to associate racism with QRV. I suspect the MSM types would do what they do. They'd ignore reality and create a narrative.

MSM: Context is for old time antiquated journalists. Check out this disingenuous writing and baseless accusation...I smell a Pulitzer.

13972650? ago

Agreed... racism may just be the long stick they wanna point at us and bash our heads with.

13967706? ago

Are you retarded, or a kike?

13964123? ago

Being racist is not something to be ashamed of. It is instinctive.

13960301? ago

We will crash this piece of shit so often they will probably give up.

13960287? ago

v/QRV for the win. see ya there!

13960137? ago

The last page was hit hard -- hopefully the attacks won't be as bad this time.

13960109? ago

Those aren't natives... Same shills that were on plebbit

13960079? ago

Let the natives get restless. I'm restless. WWG1WGA! smiles

13967659? ago

Kys, fag.

13962550? ago

Fucking hate you self entitled fucks. Pay some server costs if you're going to piss in the house we the users pay for.

13963409? ago

You already pay so we don't have to.

13963739? ago

And this is why we hate you.

13963910? ago

Nothing you can do about it, so who cares?

13964026? ago

I suggest you stay on this board then. Those restless natives are about to start mass downvoating every new account name in sight out of principle. Since we can't see your account name, everyone with young registration date will pay.

13964165? ago


13960043? ago


13959943? ago

This is the post that made me sit back in my chair and go, "Ahh-ha!" ... shit!

13959864? ago

You realize vote has the block subverse feature? If you spam too much everyone just blocks you and moves on. Like i just did.

13959798? ago

Looking forward to using the platform!

13959341? ago

This is only just the beginning. It is incredible.

13959313? ago

First post!


13967374? ago


13966163? ago

Good sheep.

13959215? ago

How can I help jist got here

13970663? ago

More sweetly, you can help by passing the link around to those who have a clue about Q. Internally, like on the chans, lurk moar. Helpful is good. Go to Patriot's Soapbox (search on youtube) they are LIVE streaming 24/7 and can always use a hand, just in YT chat, or log in to the Discord (forums, internal). Meanwhile, smile. It's a Good Day.

13971894? ago

thanks for the info will do..

13960870? ago

By not being an arrogant fuck like the rest of these invaders. The fact that the community built and finds this place.

13970682? ago

could you explain for the newbies - about 'the fact that the community funds this place? What should we know about 'the community' and how this was built? thx.

13971417? ago

We have jobs. Earn money. Share that money with site owner to pay rent on the servers that keep the site alive. Site was built to make a final stand for free speech. Itโ€™s the last (non anonymous) forum on the internet that is free from censorship. The cost of freedom was denial of the use of the financial system of the West. So digital currency became the only option.

13959160? ago

This didn't happen without some planning. Q team wouldn't have backed it if it wasn't secure.

Timeline ...

  1. Reddit shuts down.
  2. Voat announces maintenance. (Made secure by Military Intelligence, providing hosting?)
  3. Q announces 8chan BO to manage new Voat board, new Voat board ready within minutes with all kinds of fancy anonymous special coding.

This place is my new home ... all the great stuff from Reddit without the bad stuff ... all the great stuff from 8 chan (anonymity) ... loving it!

13997996? ago

It's a start. Definitely better than reddit though. I still want to do an old school 4chan raid on reddit though

13994535? ago

This new board is so refreshing to use, even with tga and ta available, I'm staying here.

13975345? ago

Hello, number 3, where did it say Q asked 8chan BO to manage new board please?

it'll help me trust this is not another psyop.

13975597? ago

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 27c3e6 No.3130330 ๐Ÿ“

Sep 21 2018 19:39:53 (EST)

/BO/ thank you for your service

People are scattered since Reddit termination

What about starting a trusted VOAT board under your direction?

If you build it - they will come.


When he said /BO/ he was talking to the board owner on 8chan because that's where the post was made.

13974758? ago

yeah without all the self deprecation and insecurity. THANK YOU!

13973705? ago

Trust the plan....

13973544? ago

And so say all of us! Trusting Q, POTUS and the Plan.

13973487? ago

Fucking yes anon.

13972623? ago

I like what I'm seeing so far!

13972558? ago

We just need a good android app for voat now. The options blow

13972253? ago

you forgot 4. create eleven boards to discuss the exact same thing. typical bureaucratic inefficiency bogging everything down.

13975907? ago

That's not a problem for people with half a brain.

13986694? ago

its a problem created by people with half a brain

13990382? ago

You're just jealous that Q is so popular compared to your Bronies sub, that it would warrant more than one sub.

13998156? ago

brainlet reply


13969561? ago

Puts feet on coffee table. "Look at me... We are Voat now."

13968491? ago

announces 8chan BO to manage new Voat board

To be clear (ADR), I believe Q thanked the 8ch board owner for their service, then Q suggested s/he build and help maintain a new Voat subverse (#2266), which is her /v/QRV .

13968171? ago

Niggers are intellectually inferior to other races.

13967339? ago

Voat runs MUCH more smoothly than it did in the past. Might be onto something here...

13966899? ago

Very happy - that's what was needed - the Q team to directly get involved

Now am beginning to think Voat can go somewhere. When v\QRV swells to levels like r/greatawakening was at, and then beyond, it will help foster an eco system effect for Voat in general. People will at that point start to see Voat as the better Reddit which doesn't censor subverses because of their political affiliations. When the Normies come then Voat will start to take off.

13966285? ago

This place is my new home ... all the great stuff from Reddit without the bad stuff ... all the great stuff from 8 chan (anonymity) ... loving it!

Honestly, I'm so glad - I had essentially left Reddit because of it.

13965530? ago

Correct 1 2 3 Times!

13963949? ago

Who is BO?

13968087? ago

Board Operator

13963480? ago

The fuq are you talking about. Voat has always has anon sub functionality. Any properly aged accounts can set up a subverse. No magic dear.

13967156? ago

Properly aged?

13967328? ago

Yeah, because we had people trying to crash the site any which way before. Creating accounts and subverses to take up server space was one of them.

13963057? ago

Is this the only Voat board with anonymous coding?

13963537? ago

No. There are several that get regular use. v/voatanon for example. All of the anonymous subs tend to have the sub's subject+anon in the title as a courtesy to users.

13962302? ago

Everything you said!!!

13962291? ago

Wow great points there!

13962146? ago

Voat announces maintenance. (Made secure by Military Intelligence, providing hosting?)

You people have imaginations that border on mental illness.

13962365? ago

Everyone wave to the wrongthink police. Hi wrongthink police.

Make sure not to spoil his world view, he might cry.

13962558? ago

I just happen to know for a FACT that the military did not come into Voat and harden it. You guys make up so much crazy stuff its unreal.

13962868? ago

How long have you been using Voat and you still haven't figured out how to not browse shit you don't like?

It's called a speculative hypothesis. If you don't like it then go read your Bronies voat.

13963141? ago

I'm in the process of blocking this sub as we speak

13963236? ago

Blocking this sub?

I don't get it. I thought you loved masturbating to posts you don't like. My bad.

13961509? ago

Have to agree with your timeline, especially #2 - MI hosting would alleviate the previous objections of concernfags, and guarantee that the board is secure and not able to be censored like Reddit.

13967293? ago

You dumb motherfuckers don't even know modlogs are completely public. Nothing new needed to be added

13961144? ago

Since that maintenance shit has been running so smooth. I thought this influx would crash it but so far it's stable.

13960536? ago

^this... maintenance <bam> New Ferrari

13979902? ago

V/theAwakening had problems when some people naturally came over here when Reddit shut down. Q references and it has no hiccups at all. Seems they definitely beefed it up in between.

13974180? ago

Good call

13960237? ago

Exactly. Definitely coordinated. Much appreciated as well.

13959552? ago

Not sure I like voat but will give it a shot. Iโ€™ve come to really dislike the upvote/downvote mechanic as it is ripe for abuse. Was just getting used to 8chan and really liked the filter option so you can get rid of all the asshats so you donโ€™t have to waste your time reading their bullshit.

13992176? ago

You need to give it the best shot you have, as this is a censorship war that we are fighting to take back control of the information that good people need in order to be aware of what needs to be done.

13981210? ago

It's actually not "ripe for abuse" at all, especially compared to other systems I've seen involving points/flags/upvotes.

But if seeing the word "nigger" ruins your day, you're fucked.

13982380? ago

Racism doesnโ€™t bother me, it just makes the other person look like an idiot. However to me it just seems like itโ€™s a way to discredit the Q movement. Have a bunch of people invade a sub slinging slurs and not contributing to a conversation then have media come in here and report on the โ€œQ conspiracy โ€œ and blam, lock at all the racists that believe in Q. Itโ€™s a shaming tactic so you donโ€™t associate with Q to your friends and family.

13987013? ago

Do you brag about having black friends too?

Your generationโ€™s obsession with not appearing racist is an anomaly of history that will soon only exist in books.

13980942? ago

If you enjoyed 8chan you should continue to use it. I think the main purpose for this Voat board if for the people that do not like or cannot use 8chan. Most normies fall into that category. It's a good thing you use 8chan and like it.

13970447? ago

You arw the asshats now

13967018? ago

yeah, there's a pretty large bullshit factor on Voat - bunch of folks that go around spewing their own personal hobby horse beliefs into subverses where their postings are not at all on topic. Then they defend it by saying Voat culture is all about free speech - but evidently not about respecting subverses and their stated purpose for topics discussion

13972242? ago

Whoever told you about "voat culture" lied to you. Insanely yelling racial slurs as a greeting was started by leftist types (who also larp as nazis) to portray a bad image.

13982637? ago

Every time I've seen those kind of shill post and have gotten comment hatred, it has been from old Voat goat user accounts - that means its coming from what has been the entrenched native Voat sub culture

13963586? ago

It's ripe for abuse but it also helps to get good content up to the top where it can be seen easily. Chans simply cannot handle the type of traffic that Q brings these days. Good posts get lost in the noise and the entire bread is basically a slide even when everyone is trying their best to contribute simply because the posts come too fast.

On a system here like Voat has, you can leave a comment behind for hours and people can come by to read it, reply to it, etc. It definitely has a purpose. Chans can do this too if the breads move slowly (stay alive for weeks), but like I said earlier, that just isn't happening right now with how much traffic the /qresearch/ board is getting.

13962524? ago

There is no wrong is switching back and fourth between here and 8chan.

13963325? ago

Not at all. A lot of people here use both sites.

13961326? ago

It's ok. You can be a nigger faggot and everyone else can be cool.

Welcome to voat.

13974238? ago

No place for this kind of hate

13989949? ago

Fucking die schlomo.

13979854? ago

No place for niggers or kikies either, faggot.

13977085? ago

No place for your faggotry. Fuck off with your virtue signaling. Toughen up buttercup. You'll find no "safe spaces" here.

13964757? ago


13970078? ago

Free speech is beautiful.

13961244? ago

The up/down vote mechanism generally works very well here. The catch is that it's not Reddit which is designed to artificially manipulate votes to shape discussion and perception.

Vote farming and manipulation will be harshly punished. See /v/ProtectVoat.

13975315? ago

v/ProtectVoat is certainly a go to to keep all the funny stuff in check

13972167? ago

ProtectVoat? Those guys spammed v/theawakening with sshit posts and concern trolling last week, fuck those guys.

13981691? ago

That's the immune system which the mods purposely triggered. When bad actors come in the immune system responds to force them out of the site.

13966606? ago

Iโ€™m still giving upvotes though! ๐Ÿช

13972172? ago

Which won't count, as this is an anon sub

13981847? ago

It doesn't count toward that user's points. It does, however, bring the cream to the top of discussion.

13981892? ago

The scum to the top of the slop bucket perhaps.

13966747? ago

That's why they are there. To encourage shaping of discussion. They should not be used to censor or control. That's the difference. You see good content, let them know.

13961046? ago

All I have to do is comment and participate and u will be able to down/up vote before u know it. :-)

13972826? ago

sorry, sucker. This subverse was set up so you cant earn them here

there's other great awakening subs here where you can

13961859? ago

yep I've only been here an hour and I'm up to 88 votes :)

13962341? ago

upvotes don't count in an anon verse, faggot.

13963284? ago

XD It's like they learned nothing from the vote farming attempts over at v/theawakening. We have protections protecting our protections. That's right newfags - Voat triple layers its condoms.

13976922? ago

Wise old ๐Ÿ

13968098? ago

Not true! VOAT says it will pull out at the last second... then doesn't!

13970723? ago

Spooges inside like a true Chad.

13960224? ago

You can block users here just the same

13968088? ago

How? Your number sequence offends me.

13972114? ago

In a non-anonymous subvrrse, click the users name to go to xer profile page, side bar has a 'block' button. You will no longer see notifications (red envelope) from that user or receive pms, though they can still see you and respond to your posts, thus if you look you can see their reply.

You can block "hate subs" and porn subs if you have thin skin, go to v/all and every post has a "block subverse" button. You can reverse this or manage blocked subs in the "sets" area of your profile.

v/all shows everything you haven't blocked, though subs can be hidden from v/all by certain settings

v/default shows a list of the top bar subs

voat homepage only shows posts from subscribed subs

SCP is submission karma, worthless at the moment but that will change when sub voting for rule changes and mod changes is implemented

CCP is comment karma, going negative throttles your comment cooldown. +10 allows you to submit something or pm. You will have limited upvoats to be handed out until +100ccp, where then you can we old the downvoat. Your total up/down coats given are public. Moderation deletion and ban logs are public.

go to v/all/new and upvoat good content so it's visible,

People who hate us (lefties) prowl v/all/new and curate voat, counter them.

Click the light bulb at the top right to enable nightmode.

13974947? ago

Wow, I was pulling its leg, but that was valuable info.

13974963? ago

My number changed!

13959511? ago

Iโ€™m really curious about this. Voat in the past shits the bed at any new user influx. We have 10k now but I assume itโ€™s all of Voat wonder wtf qrv is and why itโ€™s taken over all.

13977035? ago

Nobody is wondering shit. you all act like that everyone here doesn't keep up with all of the same things, faggot.

You all will fall just like everyone else does. no one survives voats immune system for very long. when this place is flooded with porn, gore, and all sorts of other degenerate material and there's not a damn thing anyone can do about it because it's completely Anonymous and none of your downvoats count, then those big numbers you're flaunting will drop to almost no one.

13975175? ago

Private subs can't take over /all. Unless the maintenance changed that. It will never take over voat otherwise

13974311? ago

Q (approved) R (formerly reddit users) V (Voat)

13974210? ago

I'm a PG refugee and have been here since Johnny Pedostar misplaced his hankie. I think this is good for voat. We have been building up an immune system, and we finally get to use it!

13972818? ago

New users can't handle voat. Jews did 9/11 and niggers are inferior humans doing the Jew's bidding. This is common knowledge and acceptable here. Everywhere else online, except maybe anonymous image boards speech like this would be banned.

13963607? ago

You should question why you where sent to one of the most anti-Semitic forums on the net. You newfags gonna see some stuff you can't unsee.

13981895? ago

We were sent here for the censorship free means of comm and to learn how to self censor. To learn how to filter out the NOISE of the anti-Semite shills. It's like using CB radio. Very simple and effective and free comm but you have to filter out the noise.

13982152? ago

Or maybe what you think is white noise is actually a message that you never realized you shouldn't be tuning out...like using a CB radio.

13977123? ago

Lulz. Ready The SCAT Launchers!

13975676? ago

So fkn stupid. What do you think 8ch was like? Rainbows and unicorns? You really think niggerkikefaggot comms will dissuade us or scare us off? Go sit in a corner and learn what a useful edge is.

13978453? ago

But have you fully appreciated the depths of (((their))) subversion?

13975433? ago

I've always found it uncomfortable but at the same time there are good points made worth looking at.

Just to be clear, are we saying Jews as a whole are some boogie men or are we more or less saying leadership is what/who is corrupt?

Because I'm sure there are plenty of Jewish folk who are trapped in 9-5 with no political power and it would be a shame if people were unduly prejudiced.

I look forward to what I learn here in the Lions den and I hope that with everything we share and discuss we can hold ourselves to a higher standard and preserve the integrity and moral constitution of this movement.

13974236? ago

Cheap price to pay for free speech. It's so cheap, even the jews would take that deal.

13995290? ago

HAHA I like that Jack. That was good.

13972845? ago

for the record, the most virulently anti semitic users here have usually proven to be agents provocateurs made to make this site look ugly and scare off the normies

13981318? ago

"usually proven"

Hi newfag. You'll find that most shills here actually accuse Trump of being a Jew.

13978518? ago

Wrong. Our anti-Semitism is real. There are many threads supported by facts about what jews do to nations that foolishly allow them in and how they view us goyim.

13976121? ago

False. You are a kike.

13972311? ago

to smother the wrongthink of course!

13970148? ago

love these comments, act like we havenโ€™t โ€œseenโ€ the worst of the worst in the internet in the past 30+ years. might be voat n00bs but guessing a lot of us have been around here a lot longer than the goats spewing โ€œnigger, kike, blah blahโ€. good stuff for a chuckle. now get back to doing your chores before mom throws you out of her basement

13995326? ago

Yeah fuck being PC. PC is killing the internet.

13976153? ago

Gas yourself, boomer nigger.

13997251? ago

Doubt OP was a boomer nigger. You want to know who is to blame for this shit? Dirty hippies, that's who.

13970843? ago

So you are one of the old assholes that let the world go to shit during your watch, huh?

13972392? ago


13963929? ago

Free speech is free speech. If Q has the resources they claim, they could make this site a monster.

We are here to discuss ideas even if they question our definition of racism. The problem IMO is too many edge lords. Iโ€™m not here because I can be racist if I want. Iโ€™m here to talk about issues I canโ€™t talk about on reddit.

13988814? ago

Ok Kiddies... It means that you have to get the band-aids out for the hurt feelings, as the adults are able to talk real stuff. IMO and in my life I use the golden rule.. It crosses all religions and all faiths... "Do unto those as you would have them do unto you." Being in the Military for 20 years does make one pretty calloused in the feeling department. However always open to a different point of view and able to discuss it...but it does lead to hurt feelings sometimes....but that only means that We The People are talking...!!! with out it and with censorship we are like mushrooms... Fed Shit and kept in the dark...

13970142? ago

This is why the majority of subscribers are here. We are not trying to change the native culture here. Myself and likely the majority of subscribers here will self-quarantine and never venture out into voat.

13968241? ago

Like how niggers commit most crime.

How percentually most crime is black on black.

That the Clintons are "suiciding" the people that s0oke out against them or know something about them.

13966421? ago

*While saying it however the hell you feel gets the point across without repercussions from shitters

13966239? ago


13967943? ago


13965067? ago

We aren't edgelords. You are attaching emotional value to words where it doesn't belong. You are not ready young padawan.

13966455? ago

Even a few hundred jedi could not stop a force of over 10k padawans and growing. I have no problem being a padawan. Research and learning brings knowledge. You'll find the QArmy to be some of the most knowledgable ppl you have ever been around. Glad to be in your world.

13976105? ago

Cringe as fuck star wars Jew manchild. Gas yourself, faggot.

13976186? ago

Hahaha. Someone is having a temper tantrum.

13972383? ago

dunningโ€“kruger effect is hella drug

13975948? ago

Have fun in October. Watch and learn.

13986677? ago

your blue wave aint happening, the only thing you accomplish in reeeeeing about it is making yourself look silly

13967298? ago

take your gay star wars shit back to reddit

13975886? ago


13976085? ago


13976247? ago

Hahaha. A racist term made on an anonymous board. Tough one, you are.

13976471? ago

You have no idea where you've landed.

13976523? ago


13966671? ago

Q had to tell you guys stuff about the deep state that we here figured out on our own. Maybe one day you'll learn to be self guided.

13975909? ago

You know nothing about me and you never will.

13978391? ago

I know you are being lead by the nose like cattle and can't be bothered to think for yourselves. You need a magical anon to tell you truths that are plain as day.

13965914? ago

Most of you are edgelords. Donโ€™t take it personal unless you take it personal. If so, fuck off.

13966792? ago

I suspect you are too redditarded to know a real edgelord if you encountered one.

13964885? ago

Well said / spot on response.

13964846? ago

Well said / spot on response.

13963444? ago

This is an anon board. You guys can fuck around here all you want and never pose a threat to the site. Anon boards earn no ccp, dipshits, and the sub is easily blockable if you start getting annoying.

13969964? ago

Don't tell the faggots that! They think they are being empowered by brigading v/all

13970060? ago

XD. Sorry Qtips for interrupting your wet dream.

13960842? ago

v/whatever is already erupting over it, but you're right. They with have to deal with it.

13977090? ago

yeah let's see how much they have to deal with it when does anonymous board is flooded with porn and Gore 24/7 and there's not a damn thing anyone can do about it because once again your moderators made it where you can turn up those are down boats here at least not any that count toward the rest of the site.

Good luck faggots, I guess you all forget that this happens every single time bans go on at Reddit and that every single time the result is the same in the end.

13977679? ago

You didn't read who actually set this one up. This time Q commissioned the BO from 8chan to set this up personally.

The headline for this thread didn't need to be entered the way it did. That was disrespectful to you guys that have been here a long time. I have been trying to tamper that down and will continue to do so. I appreciate the welcome most of you have given us since we have arrived and and understand where you're coming from. Are we cool?

13977970? ago

Also everyone here should understand that a ton of people on voat don't follow Q other than just the drama and could give two fucks less about who set up this subverse.. these old goats have weathered much worse storms than this and it is exactly the attitude of this thread that is going to do nothing but throw fuel on to the fire and you're all going to see exactly how the immune system works. And I promise you it has never failed, but the storm is upon us so I really hope all of this settled down quickly because we all have work to do.

just know that even though this is the second attempt and even though both times had good intentions the people who set up this board have once again corralled you and made it very difficult for you all to participate in the rest of the website, while simultaneously trying to make it Anonymous like the chans, which will turn out to be a disaster because you're going to be flooded with gore and porn 24/7 that you absolutely cannot stop. which is exactly why I said they should have come and spoken to the other two well-established subs that have existed faithfully for a combined 40 months here, long before Q ever existed. I was once again that mistake and it's also most of your mistakes to underestimate the resilience of the people on this website. They protect their home and don't going a shit if you're 10k strong or 10mm strong, the results will remain the same.

Good luck and God speed.

13978335? ago

I understand your point. I'm also glad to know that, in many ways, we really are on the same team. I was investigating on my own for a long time. I wish I knew about Voat back then, even before I knew about Q. In any case, I've been checking around here ever since I joined and found that many things I thought were true for years (the "conspiracy theories") were right on the money and tie in to many things the Q team have found on their own. We truly are one team.

Good luck to you too, brother.

13977811? ago

Yes sir. We all just want this to work out. there is also a lot more going on behind the scenes that you all probably don't know about. But that is neither here nor there, as of right this second you are Q endorsed and that's all that matters until proven otherwise.

But yeah it is kind of messed up that they didn't at least talk to the moderators of the well oiled machine that is pizzagate and GreatAwakening who have both been here for 1.8 years and over 8 months respectively. it's an absolute slap in the face to the several thousand members who have been loyal Patriots for almost a year now.

Good luck and god speed.

13978493? ago

I don't know if they really knew or intended that to be the case. I read in the messages an attempt to bring in ALL the subs together into one, not just to accommodate us recent refugees. Hopefully that can be addressed better soon.

Good luck to you too.

13978638? ago

You too, hope you have a wonderful weekend!

13978726? ago

And you the same!!

13971263? ago


13963804? ago

This is just a theory, but I have come to believe that a lot of the users that were on Voat in the past were simply shills who were squatting here to keep discussion low-brow and away from important topics. I've been keeping my eye on this place since it first popped up years and years ago, and something has always felt 'off' about this place. There are definitely legit users here - people who want free speech and hate Reddit, but I never was able to shake the feeling that there was a lot of divide created on purpose in order to keep this place as small and irrelevant as possible.

Basically what I am trying to say is, fuck what v/whatever is saying. Anyone that's genuine will understand our legitimacy sooner or later.

13974657? ago

Fuck off you faggot kike, the only thing about this place is that people can say whatever they want and not be censored.

13967275? ago

This is just a theory, but I have come to believe that a lot of the users that were on Q boards in the past were simply boomer faggots who were spewing demoralization propaganda there to keep discussion shapiro-tier and away from important topics (like AIPAC, SPLC, and the holohoax).

I've been keeping my eyes on the Q boards since they first popped up years and years ago, and not a single serious arrest has yet to be made. All of the contributor's appear to be inexperienced at using the internet, and extremely fragile when they are faced with actual right-wing presence. Perhaps they're all effeminate soyboys? Or maybe they're just inane boomer morons who plan to be shepherded around the web by their jewish masters, oozing from site to site like a fucking plague until all actual free discussion online is smothered by their idiotic WWG!GAAW! bullshit.

You're a plague. kys

13966213? ago

Your "legitimacy" claim is questionable, but your homosexuality is blatant.

13966361? ago

the GALL on this guy

13959802? ago

They wonโ€™t have a choice but to accept it. A Q approved board will make overwhelming numbers appear. D5

13976843? ago

accept it

You poor soul, you have no idea what you're dealing with.

13967116? ago

If Q is so super, why can't he give you fags a .gov site to post your inane bullshit on?

13967113? ago

if v/QRV grows to size of r/greatawakening or larger, then the native old Voat goat population will become a very minor blip

13967273? ago

Nobody cares about that if you stick to talking about q. If you try and turn the whole site into reddit you will be surprised by the backlash.

13966991? ago

If you're here to help lynch the niggers and gas the kikes, welcome aboard.

13995205? ago

High cost of livin aint nothin like the cost of livin high. MAGA

13958956? ago

10k Users here now. Other Voat Q sub users are normally around 800. I been here since GA exploded. For your OP: Future will prove past.

13958945? ago

This is going to be hilarious

13958926? ago

These natives are annoying with their stupid edgy bullshit talk

13959731? ago

Lmao, being able to say โ€œnigger, kike, and faggot,โ€ is a voat pastime that will never go away, free speech is not hate speech, and the natives here are fully aware of all the propaganda waged against them, try to pretend we arenโ€™t the reason you had a place to run from Reddit, faggot :)

13959439? ago

Right!?!?! Can we have some dignity please!? Let's bring morals back! Treat others as you want to be treated! Let's keep out the trash talk!! WWG1WGA

13959209? ago

Better if you don't just show up and shit on their carpet though...

13972594? ago

No point in creating division in the off.. Yeah its hard to believe tha there are acually free speech newbies in the world.. I never thought i would say that or even think of it.. Hey Free speeach newbs this is what it looks like .. Try not to take it personally... Sticks and stones used to be a tenet we lived by.

13959280? ago

They don't own this site. And they don't need to be here either

13967742? ago

I'd advise you to self-terminate.

13963721? ago

We pay for the site as well as code it you giant fucking nigger.

13960767? ago

We pay for the site you arrogant little fuck. Our money pays hosting to keep this site alive. Many contributed to its code. Have sustained endless harassment by paid shills to make this place exist. If this is the attitude of people then there is nothing worth fighting for here. I yield. These people donโ€™t deserve another moment of my energy. Iโ€™m going to go withdraw the liscensing on my contributions to this sites code base.

13960754? ago

Bad news. Actually many of the people here both coded and paid for hosting. You're being rude and very ungrateful. Stop trying to create division. Remember, WWG1WG1.

13972781? ago

They're the ones hating on us. They don't want us here. Stop acting like they are welcoming to us

13960395? ago

Stop. Just stop. Comments like these will cause a mass brigading that will make this board unusable. Trust me, we saw it last week.

Q and BO gave us a gift. Donโ€™t shit on it.

13972767? ago

I'll say whatever i want thanks

13959192? ago

And you invaders are annoying with your shallow meaningless pretense of patriotism.

13959319? ago

Good one faggot

13959937? ago

A faggot is a bundle of sticks. At least thatโ€™s what they taught me in 5th grade

13958848? ago

Holy fuck you people are boring.

13973996? ago

Ur a nigger

13959271? ago

you're quite the snoozer too.

13958747? ago

Let's roll until they shut us down then.

13960214? ago

this is voat, we won't get shut down. Although people often cannot handle actual free speech which occurs here.

13960667? ago

The Reddit/Voat meme will be used in 3...2...1...

13960621? ago

Just wait until google flags this site as unsafe and all apps accessing it are banned. It will happen.

13973732? ago

and Google will be broken up too. Bring on the Internet Bill of Rights!

13967439? ago

A couple years late to the game their, bucko. Normies already hate us because we tell them the truth about jews raping babies (ITS ALLOWED IN THE TORAH)

13970211? ago

It's why the foreskin breath insults ring true. Who in their right mind thinks sucking on a mutilated infants penis is okay?

13970460? ago

The line I'm thinking of goes something like "if a Jewish man has sex with a gentile girl younger than 2 it is nothing"

13967097? ago

and all apps accessing it are banned.

I cant wait to see them ban web browsers.

13968202? ago

I'm not a bot. The president can create an open source channel to communicate under law, with branches as needed. I love the first amendment. But it must be vetted, as all Patriots are and do. Don't get me wrong. Liberty expects response. If you linger, you can't bitch about it.

13967060? ago

That will be great.

13964241? ago

m8, we've already had our payment processors banned for some years

13964077? ago

Don't you think Q has anticipated that and has a plan?

13964147? ago

I expect it to happen. Not sure why Q wouldnโ€™t.

13963832? ago

Google already hates us for about 2 years now.

13959489? ago


13959267? ago

And then we'll just find somewhere else! This train can't be stopped now.

13958676? ago

Once we get close to 70k, I suspect we'll be silenced again

13961980? ago

Not this time, Q and MI has got it covered.

13961018? ago

Short of a DDOS, that's simply not likely. Reddit's entire business model is censorship, control, and propaganda. Whereas the number one rule on Voat is freedom of speech. Vulgarity is used as a canary in the coalmine. It's known as Voat's "immune system." If someone can't acknowledge free speech, they then are part of the problem which is destroying the entire world. As such, the intention is to repulse those who hate human rights.

Your freedom of speech exists to say that which may offend others. If literally has no other use. Remember how "outrage politics" became the norm? That's the point. Those who do not support this, do not support freedom of speech.

13961619? ago

This guy gets it.

13970317? ago


13958668? ago

I predict many who did not register on the other board(s), but only visited them, will register here. If for no other reason than to show solidarity and the power of sheer mass. People also love to be in on something from the beginning. Great idea to consolidate, Q.

13981637? ago


13968926? ago

I did

13966936? ago

Agreed....I'm one of the lurkers on the other board and have registered here

13964717? ago

Also this being anon will help people to feel better about posting as opposed to those who just hovered on Reddit. That should also help the count to be more accurate! WWG1WGA

13963388? ago

Right you are:) Glued to Q since Halloween 2017. Never registered/posted anywhere until today. VOAT!

13961690? ago

My first board registration...confirmed. Ancient lurker though.

13974353? ago

How do you register... Outside of following a board?

13974156? ago


13963223? ago


13961122? ago

Exactly what I did!

13959536? ago

I can confirm this as seeing i did

13973664? ago

3979th here. Number has tripled in 4 hours

13966854? ago

Now all we need is the mods to make this non-anonymous so votes count.

13973548? ago

anon is only defense against paytriot subversion campaigns. enjoy the bonus of being on same level as cia professional faggot assets here to fuck up your movement.

13971334? ago

one user account, one vote...beautiful. Patriots are selfless, anon users...genius! BO da man!

13972565? ago


13963911? ago


13962403? ago

Same. 6th?

13959859? ago


13960542? ago

Same here!

13962281? ago


13962551? ago


13958393? ago

Already 12000 here O_O

13973774? ago

I would love to have a TRUE rally WW of Q followers.

13970545? ago

I've been on VOAT for a couple years but not very active. Where do we see the number of subscribers? Thanks.

13968434? ago

I see 3819. where are you getting that number?

13967191? ago

where do you go to find out the traffic at a given time? Thanks!

13963454? ago

Looks great and site is winning bigly, just what I need in the morning with my first Coveffe!! Hop over to Qmap then over to VOAT....

13963415? ago

where do you see that count?

13962873? ago

v/pizzagate good players coming over. Bad players can move on. QRV is the new norm.

13962516? ago

where do you see the count? I'm not seeing it anywhere.

13963096? ago

Look over there on the right --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->

13970573? ago

nothing on the right; on a laptop. thx.

13963459? ago

even with your shnaazy arrow.... I still don't see where the count is.

13964052? ago

hmmmm.... I don't see that anywhere on my screen. Perhaps it has something to do with some setting. ??

13997992? ago

I did not see this either on my iPad until I turned it horizontally!

13970157? ago

You might need to zoom out.

13966325? ago

Perhaps your kippah has slipped over your eyes?

13964686? ago

I can see it on the laptop, but not on phone

13962437? ago

That was Quick. No doubt this sub will be a top sub on this site.

13977182? ago

Lol, so says every single fucking new group that comes here.. yeah you all are the special lot, such special snowflakes.

I hope you like porn, scat porn, Gore, and all sorts of other degenerate shit that you can't possibly block because once again your moderators have set up the place to be a fucking disaster.

14022637? ago

Bitch i grew up on 4chan. Nothing phases me.

14028922? ago


13966067? ago

probably another hour, hahaha

13967363? ago

Then give it 2 days and you faggots might disappear again

13959877? ago

That's slightly more than /v/niggers, congratulation.

13961578? ago

Just slightly though.

13958516? ago

Without censorship and suppressing algorithms.... it's going to be YUGE!

13960982? ago

My question was why do ppl use reddit anyway if they get censored there?

14002915? ago

Because there are still some good areas on reddit that arenโ€™t related to Q. Like r/Keto r/jailbreak r/hackintosh r/zerocarb r/Addons4Kodi

And Iโ€™m sure there are more.

13979966? ago

I like fucking with them, personally. Red pills some people that happen to catch it. The app works pretty good for mobile users. Mobile here is a bit harder.

13969795? ago

limited options

13961838? ago


this was short story of what happened to the The_Donald when they came here, and why they went back

13962219? ago

Sounds about right.

I grew up on the chans so I thought it was funny how conditioned those who apparently want free speech are. They don't want free speech. Most people don't. Most people lick kike balls and like it.

13973510? ago

They get nervous when the salty kike balls are no longer in their mouths and start sucking dry air.

13964866? ago

"Freeze peach" is apparently "speech I like, not that other stuff" to some of these folks, while simultaneously complaining about "reee don't censor meeeeee!"

SJWs with less colorful hair, and they'll never see it.

13961558? ago

That's what everyone else is asking too, besides the people who stayed until the last minute after everyone else had already been banned.

13958978? ago

I can only get SO erect!

13966470? ago

Freedom boner ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

13961013? ago

muh nipples

13959304? ago

If this condition persists for more than 4 hours, please consult your doctor.

13973491? ago

Or don't. They really hate that shit and wont be gentle when draining your dick blood with a syringe.

13962141? ago

+5 upvotes if possible

13963648? ago

Upvoats don't count in anon and upvoat farming will be punished.

13961088? ago

Hello, I'm a doctor and that's one serious erection.

13961298? ago

Hello, Iโ€™m a nurse and I concur.

13958385? ago

With Q posting like that I see 20k by this time tomorrow, easy.

13973591? ago

109k on qmap linking right to this sub.... easy 20k yes

13958351? ago

I suspect you are right.

13958310? ago

Careful there. You know what happens when immigrants make the natives restless.

Naw you're right voat gonna blow up now.

13969109? ago

What a quality post on such short notice.

13969743? ago

It is a louvre level masterpiece.

13969356? ago

Credit to shekelstein6m

13958249? ago

Very likely, especially if one frames things in colonialist terms, niggerfaggot.

13963948? ago


13963974? ago


13963998? ago


13958701? ago


13958133? ago

Reddit Great Awakening was up to 70,000 subscribers... we can get 100,000 here for sure

13964199? ago

Q said the real number was 297,000

13962451? ago

Easily. This movement is still growing.

13963689? ago

wait for the 6 gorillion t_d fags

13967325? ago


13973553? ago


13978095? ago

They're a bunch of faggots, sure. But they are probably bringing over the moderates and fence sitting leftists. So, that's good.

13961341? ago

Its only been a few hours too. This will grow bigly

13973981? ago

Huge if tru

13973635? ago

I concur. Growth will be exponential imho. WWG1WGA

13958471? ago

13958410? ago

I think we were way higher over and our numbers were misreported. I bet being here now will shed light on that fact with the growth of our newly found home.

13971238? ago

At least the truthโ€ฆ.that in itself is worth watching. Red wave next

13961133? ago

M I L L I O N S ssssssss

13962783? ago

I was the 50-something-thousandth subscriber at Reddit.

I was the 81st one here. AND I already have my posting and down voting privileges. I went from semi-newbie to crusty veteran overnight.