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Gothamgirl ago

Absolutely, she runs Q and pizzagate, everyone should be aware, they are taking the word, and following an ex convict. That criminal was intentionally running pizzagaters, and Q followers off of here with her gang of thugs. These people feel they own this place. What goes around comes back around, and it's wonderful to see her get a taste of her own medicine. Don't let that whining @theoldones get to you. He is probably just an alt of theirs. He is completely biased.

They looked up court records on me. I sued an ex, and they shared that information here. Through that court case they obtained my bank statements and went through those too.

Shizie ago

everyone should be aware, they are taking the word, and following an ex convict.

So they should just take your word for everything instead? A woman who married a FELON who served hard prison time for attempted murder? That's a "convict" right there, not a woman who got a DUI 10 years ago! But if that's how you want to define "convict", I guess you're a convict too!

thewebofslime ago

It is a fact @srayzie did time. I assume you know that and that you are @srayzie.

Remember, just before you deleted, you falsely accused @kevdude of making an anonymous post and it was obvious you were wrong? You are a known liar.

Nobody should take your word for anything. In fact, I am not even asking anyone to take my word that @srayzie is a criminal. You can ask the state of California.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Shizie ago

It is a fact @srayzie did time. I assume you know that and that you are @srayzie.

Hahahah, ok another nutter saying I'm Srayzie too.

Remember, just before you deleted, you falsely accused @kevdude of making an anonymous post and it was obvious you were wrong? You are a known liar.

Bullshit! I wasn't wrong! I caught him pulling some fuckery in anon and called him out. I would think that someone who pretends to want the truth would help perpetuate lies for kevdude. Suspicious....