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grace8 ago

They are very likely the source of the spam on the donald. If you want to protect your sub form them change the sub from a system sub to a shitposting sub and then ban every user who posts crap. When you are a shit posting sub your mods don't have to answer to protect voat. Protect voat agenda is to weaken subs here and on Reddit that don't agree with their political views, They are a cancer on Democracy.

For more info go to v/greatawakeningmeta or talk to at Crensch. Vgreatawakening just changed to shitposting and nw there isno crap on our sub.

There is a new trump sub that is a shit posting sub and moderated by Crensch who is setting us free from these assholes. Its

Enjoy Democratic Freedom there without being harassed by Protect Voat Fascists.

awwisnotafarmpromise ago

Protect voat agenda is to weaken subs here and on Reddit that don't agree with their political views, They are a cancer on Democracy.

Ya, I've known this for years. It doesn't even have to be political, they'll attack any sub or user based on feefees alone. Seen it many times.

What do you mean by "change to a shitposting sub and nw" ?

The thing about @crensch is that he has always been right there with @kevdude for years making voat shit. All with the seal of approval from @puttitout and @atko. I'm dubious about this falling out their having.

I'm also fairly certain there is no sub that is untouchable by the cancer that is crenschdude and CO.

I'll check out that sub though.

grace8 ago

Ask Crensh aboout how to change the status of a sub to shitposting. I dont know how to do it.

Yes, Crensch was on the inside of that crew. Nothing can destroy a corrupt group more than an insider turned whistle blower. America is changing. People are waking up. Putt's failure to act and allowing this for years is the bigger concern.

Hopefully Crensch has truly flipped. His actions have been nothing but honorable since the break. If we have been hoodwinked we will start again in a new sub. Nothing can stop this movement. The Dems are so split they cant succeed. The candidates are pushing so far left they will even wake up some lefties to the dangers. I cant imagine anyone over 35 thinking everything can be free and wanting taxes to go up. They have to trust the gov a whole lot to let the gov have all that tax money and then have complete control over who goes to college and what gets covered by health care.

Check out v/greatawakeningmets and repost questions there. Ive told you everything I know. And go over to vgreatawkening and notice the huge decrease in racist comments and other crap. It was almost all them. And Crensch has band tons of them.

awwisnotafarmpromise ago

Putt's failure to act and allowing this for years is the bigger concern.

@puttitout has acted in some big ways, just not for free speech or the integrity of voat. He's a fucking sleezeball in the extreme. Or just incredibly stupid.

grace8 ago

His actions are what a man is judged by. What was his motivation in starting voat and allowing it to be abused? Only he knows. Voat is a great containment structure too put things you don't want others to be exposed to. As long as Putt doesn't stand up for subs integrity and allows ProtectVoat thugs that is all it will ever be. He has a choice to make the same as every American today.

I don't believe we can blame events on a lack of intelligence. Everyone here has intelligence. There is sits Putt. If you stand up for subs Voat will take Reddits place in no time. If yu dont it will remain a containment structure for untouchable topics.