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kestrel9 ago

Please see my questions over omissions as a form of tone policing

And this one too, which I had not yet showed up in my comments section:

In addition to my other comment, do you think the two users you told

(yes I am also giving you the consideration despite the fact that I truly dislike you)

may have decided not to respond based on that remark? We can't know so I guess only they know. Perhaps using that isn't such a great idea in trying to bridge gaps.

You're comment here was bizarre as well:

I hope that you give a little consideration and we can work together even if some of you don't like me and viceversa (yes I am talking to you -----). Maybe we can achieve something great for all.

Hope to hear back from all of you. (yes even you -------- ugh... it even leaves a bad taste in my mouth)

If I may ask, why do you believe yourself to be a lead on drafting a "Constitution" when you omit such comments once you decided to go public? (That is, after receiving criticism over engaging in drafting something for the community, without actually taking into account initial input from the community.)

WhiteRonin ago

Hey nigger bitch!

Why you wanna start shit with me?

Go suck some @crensch dick because he know you like it too!

sguevar ago

And the dodge continues... I will leave you to your convenience as you couldn't argue further your superficial accusations... Have a goof night.

kestrel9 ago

There's no dodge. I can counter your response. Whether I decide to or not I don't know yet, since you consistently miss the salient points, what sense is there in beating a dead horse?

virge ago

Don't bother. WhiteRonin (who has various alts) is a disingenuous account. Everything he types is the equivalent of a retarded toddler waving their hands in the air screaming LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME, and he's only happy if he can get attention from genuine users.

Quite simply, if you ignore WhiteRonin, he spergs out and follows you around which is hilarious but he becomes extremely harmless.

WhiteRonin ago

Keep running fag!

@kestrel9 look how this fag can’t even respond to me.

But he’ll say it’s the high road but he is sneaky talking smack about me without a ping.

He gay!

He chicken!

zyklon_b ago

@whiteronin will destroy u

kestrel9 ago

Thanks for the advice. BTW, your point regarding genuine vs disingenuous users gets to the heart of the problem, i.e. the fabled "impasse".

virge ago

Thanks for the advice. BTW, your point regarding genuine vs disingenuous users gets to the heart of the problem, i.e. the fabled "impasse".

Confusion over genuine vs. disingenuous is the fundamental breakdown. Disingenuous accounts come in all shapes and sizes, but the biggest bunch of them feed off trolling genuine accounts, which makes them vampires of sorts. It only works when they hide in the darkness and don't get exposed to the light, because once you start ignoring the ones like WhiteRonin that only exist to feed off trolling genuine (while of course, often pretending to be genuine) they get bored pretty quickly.

Catch 22 for the "uninundated" genuine accounts who don't realize this, because their very nature leads them to try and communicate in a serious fashion with the disingenuous accounts.