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ScrubbinOutOldBlue ago

family business? other members of the family? phone numbers? Joyce? What does ol' blue have up next?

Time to close shop? Time to fight back? Attack who you like this does not stop.

this is my art this is my satire you are my canvas

Gothamgirl ago

no one gives a fuck

See a year ago when they called my house and kids school and threatened to kidnap my child I upped my arsenal. Bring them to me this time and they will leave with a toe tag. I promise you will be found responsible srayzie/shizy/crensch.

InSaneGoatPosse ago

See a year ago when they called my house and kids school and threatened to kidnap my child, showed up at my home, I upped my arsenal.

Well that's new to the story. What's so fun about fiction is that it can always be changed or added to!

But anyway....



@IMCHAD @HollaKost @theoldones

Gothamgirl ago

No it isn't keep digging asshole.

InSaneGoatPosse ago

That says none of the things you allege.

Nice try cray cray!

Gothamgirl ago

Ok so name the sick crimes I alleged then?

InSaneGoatPosse ago

Dat udon't feed yur kods no reed dat ur boyfriend make snuff fims. Dats jus wrong

Gothamgirl ago

I don't associate with ebonics or pedos. Your times up and your now blocked.

Crensch ago

You literally just married a guy that writes nigger-tier ebonics 90% of the time, and his "art" includes dead children that belong in a Podesta gallery.

@InSaneGoatPosse @hollakost @cerealbrain

Gothamgirl ago

Only 3 people tagged this time, I wonder how that happened 🤔 it wouldn't be that my husband called attention to your bs would it?🤭

Crensch ago

Nah, just those usernames seem to have the most fun showing everyone else what you are.

Your. Husband's. Art. INvolves. Dead. Kids.

Kek. "pizzagate researcher" my ass.

Gothamgirl ago

Wait a second, you called my child who is alive a bunch of names, like nigger and bastard on pizzagate and you are a pizzagate mod. You have no room to judge. At least he provides a warning label. You give nothing not even apologies. Which by the way might have avoided this whole shit show. Me and Srayzie was over it but her lapdog alt just couldn't stop going after my kids.

Crensch ago

Wait a second, you called my child who is alive a bunch of names, like nigger and bastard on pizzagate and you are a pizzagate mod.

I never claimed to be part of that community. YOU claimed to be a 'researcher" yet you have a husband that posts "art" of dead kids.

You have no room to judge.

I have all kinds of room to judge. Your husband posts dead kids as art like Podesta does.

At least he provides a warning label.

Claiming it as his own art. I just called your kids what they are. Niggers.

You give nothing not even apologies.

Why would I apologize to a woman that married a Podesta-tier artist?

Which by the way might have avoided this whole shit show. Me and Srayzie was over it but her lapdog alt just couldn't stop going after my kids.

You stupid cunt. Srayzie kept trying to make peace with you while your idiot husband kept poking and prodding at her. Your idiot husband that posts dead kids as his art.

I walked away from pizzagate specifically because your name is on it, and you're not a good person.


You are one of the sickest people I've ever met.

Gothamgirl ago

But @crensch you forget you have conversations about actually murdering kids

Crensch ago

He only used a pic that was on voat already.



Whatever, "pizzagate researcher"

Gothamgirl ago

Made it his art because he thinks Q is a psyop, and your gang tries to kill free speech here daily.

HollaKost ago

He ain't shutting shit down hoe,

Cept for you carrying on with his friend behind his back.

Cheatin' skank!

Gothamgirl ago

Really? I seen tombstones go up on Skrayzie and shitzy's accounts. Are trying to say they're still here? 🤔😂

I didn't do anything behind zyklons back he is my world and one and only for life. I take my vows serious unlike that 2 bit whore who ran GA.

HollaKost ago

I didn't do anything behind zyklons back

So he a cuck then for allowing another man to carry on with you. But you still a hoe for engaging.

I take my vows seriously

Bitch you had children out of wedlock, and your now husband ain't even the daddy to your kids.

You a hoe!

Gothamgirl ago

"allowing another man to carry on with you"

Got any proof of this statement?

Alot of people have children out of wedlock. So what lol, you sound like a junior high schooler.

At least I am not married, pushing skanky pics to every man on here, whether they wanted or not. Telling everyone my husband (cuck) knows how I am.

That's a hoe!

HollaKost ago

Got any proof of this statement?

Why is he so desperate to talk to you and tell you he loves you if nothing's going on miss innocent?

Alot of people have children out of wedlock.

Yeah, they're called gutter trash!

At least I am not married, pushing skanky pics to every man on here,

Neither am I!