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ScrubbinOutOldBlue ago

gg doxed her own name. zyklon doxxed joe medina. screensht in over trehd

sguevar ago

Where did gg doxxed her own name?

ScrubbinOutOldBlue ago

eef eye tell u u remov flayre/

sguevar ago

I don't speak niggerish and I have never done so so I will request the same consideration from your part.

Where did she doxx herself?

ScrubbinOutOldBlue ago

Very well, old chap.

I shall need some compensation from you, first.

Remove the Orwellian "possible misinfo" flare from my submission, and promise never to place a flair on my submissions again until you have thoroughly investigated my art.

sguevar ago

As I didn't consider the harassment that srayzie suffered, and defended her against, art I don't consider this hypocritical behavior like it.

It isn't going away for you haven't given proof that this was linked here before. Engaging in similar and might add worse behaviors than the guy we dislike isn't going to appeal here.

So proof this was linked here and any submission that you intend to do here in v/PV will be flaired from now on.

No concessions from my part. Where did the info come from?

ScrubbinOutOldBlue ago

@kevdude yer attack dog has no intentions of addressing this with any civility. ALL of my submissions will be flaired here?

ain' dis da user atkin @crensch for powermodding?

Crensch ago

Oh, damn. That's some hypocrisy right there.

@Vindicator @argosciv @Sandhog

Who is the powermod here?

argosciv ago

Good question.

Another good question is why am I being brigaded for reminding people that zyklon doxed Gothamgirl to me without solicitation and that I told him then, and just now publicly expressed, that I have no desire to possess such personally identifying info?

Might make a ProtectGoats submission outlining the various contexts of the brigading I've copped in the last ~48 hours.

@Vindicator @Sandhog

sguevar ago

Go for it. I don't hide that I have in fact downvoted your hypocrisy.

You said I wasn't transparent, but this activity you are supporting how is it transparent at all?