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Vindicator ago

But that is how you beat trolls.

You're not beating the trolls.

IF admin is going to ban users we need a clear definition of:

Dox. What is dox? What is the definition @PuttItOut will be using going forward.

Manipulation. What is it? (Although if you go to the Voat preview site you will see Putt is working on some functional changes that I think will put some serious speed bumps on brigading.

I agree with this.

mimes4peace ago

@thewebofslime went missing from Poal over a month ago. I see now why that is but I listen to the podcast and it would be concerning to me if he was a shill. It is something I would really want to know. I think a lot of his other followers would want to know too.

He has had a number of replies to you that you havent addressed and I see that as problematic. Ive tried to do some analysis to understand who is telling the truth and he has way more independently verifiable information than you do. Your response is to use ad hominem attacks. I have concerns with your dishonesty but you can clear something up for everyone if you want to be believed.

A few quick questions here.

This fucker makes posts here to lure people to his website, where he admits he captures their IPs and then compares them to hacker lists of data breaches so he can find out their RL identity. He bragged about it.

Voat captures your IP. Right? It says so. Voat is on the lower end of how much users get tracked but has a voting system in place so you can't hide unless you go out of your way. Facebook steals your entire history beyond even just the Internet. They are two ends of the spectrum.

If someone attacked Voat do you think admin wouldn't use as the first step? It is standard operating procedure in IT.

If someone logged into your email account and Google reported a security breach and listed the IP address is that not the first thing you would look up? You would be able to see if it was your own device, someone you knew or a random intrusion from Russia.

If someone posted the logs of an attack on their site wouldn't you want to know who the malicious attacker was? For the good of everyone?

From the outside looking in you are acting guilty because you seem terrified that your IP address is exposed.

Google Analytics is easily blocked by uBlock Origins. If you right click and "View Source" on you can see that it is VERY bare bones. Your own device is tracking you a lot more than that site and is making your browsing history available to Amazon and Google.

Here are multiple examples of Voat tracking that Voat has ZERO to do with.

It looks like you are being very dishonest and acting very guilty.

You and I can independently verify that the IP address from the second probing attack is legitimate. We can verify the username is legitimate. We can verify that CACI and QinetiQ work together in "Integrated Projects" using the same money earmarked for "Project Earnest Voice." was attacked within minutes of your hostility and now you are caught being dishonest about it.

then compares them to hacker lists of data breaches

This is publicly available information and @thewebofslime shares exactly how to use it. hosts this information. PMYB2 downloaded the 300 GB download for anyone to use. Why should we not be allowed to see what is in there? Why would you want that material censored? You deleted the post about this in your own subverse. What do you have to hide if you are telling the truth? If you dont understand that your entire Internet history is out there being traded by companies and governments all over the world then your outrage is sorely misplaced.

Did you actually get doxxed? At any point? If you did then you are guilty.

One last question.

Why did you describe the attack as a DDoS attack?

@kevdude @NOMOCHOMO @think- @crensch

PS: This is why WoS has not been online for a month. It really makes you look like the asshole in this situation.

flotus - Wonderful to be back at @WRBethesda today. It was an honor to present the Purple Heart & meet some of our wounded warriors. Prayers for a swift recovery & thank you to the incredible leadership & staff at Walter Reed. God bless all our men & women who serve!

If you dont get past your feelings on this one and produce a legitimate explanation you can expect backlash from a lot of WoS fans from Poal. This will be discussed at the next podcast and I will be providing your response or lack thereof to the crew.

Vindicator ago

He has had a number of replies to you that you havent addressed and I see that as problematic.

Oh? How about some links?

One of the nice tactics of this fine, upstanding guy you admire so much on some other platform is to make multiple posts in multiple different locations, writing long, wordy monologues (similar to what you just wrote, in fact). He won't keep the conversation in one place, so it makes it very hard to reply. Since I don't know what specifically you find "problematic", I can't really address this.

Since you've only been on Voat for 18 days, though, you probably didn't notice he had a habit of doing this.

mimes4peace ago

Im trying all your suits on. "mimes" "miming"

Vindicator ago

What girl? What are you talking about? Links, please.

mimes4peace ago

If you say so. Its gonne get me downvotes. The people who dont like this person cant be quicker to tell everyone about it.

Vindicator ago

Are you pushing the idea these are srayzie? That's not srayzie.

Why would you be pretending that it is if you're here to defend WoS? You realize how bad this makes him look, right?

A lot of people in v/pizzagate really care about srayzie and take the lies being told about her personally. When they see WoS is connected to this, they're definitely going to think he's a bad operator.

mimes4peace ago

I "mimed" multiple people. Took on their countenance. It worked because everyone came out of the woodwork to engage.

@kevdude said @srayzie was sending mude pictures to multiple parties. I believe @kevdude is telling the truth.

I believe @thewebofslime is not someone who is going to stop defending his brand and that is something you should reflect on.

A lot of people care about @srayzie because they were manipulated into it but she is blatantly an unstable jewish princess. In the eyes of 99% of viewers she has discredit /v/greatawakening and /v/pizzagate. Shill mission accomplished in most peoples view.

I think @ESOTERICshade is right about you. You made some procedural errors. But like @srayzie and @crensch you refuse to admit a mistake.

I recommend you reflect on how your people started taking pussy pass on credit and turned on honest researchers. @thewebofslime may have a different opinion but my little chart shows him and @kevdude to be very closely aligned.

Stop blaming people for your problems and start fixing your problems.

@zyklon_b is literally part of Voat's immune response by challenging people who are unable to have a sense of humor about themselves because they are the easiest to outrage and WANT TO BE OUTRAGED. People who received naked pictures of @srayzie saw the posted pictures and claimed doxx. Notice @kevdude was first on scene because he was pinged.

Your group was busy taking pussy pass on credit to hunt fake shills when the real shill was under your nose the whole time. At no point did anyone put together the attack that went after and the one on immediately after. "Project Earnest Voice" is factually here. Do you think they were or were not part of this recent drama?

I think you are gullible and I think you maliciously labeled a "potential security risk." You either are not smart enough to understand how websites work in which case you should ask someone other than @srayzie what to think or you are malicious against legitimate researchers or both.

Try stepping into other peoples shoes once in a while. @ESOTERICshade and @thewebofslime have both made rational appeals to you. You are the one spurning rational researchers while trying to look rational. That is the gripe. Now your friend @crensch is on a rampage and you can expect /v/Pizzagate to be next. I assume that was the original goal. To break it down until no one cares.

ESOTERICshade ago

@crensch already brned v/pizzagate. He is nothing more than an internet punk and thug. I have not given up on @vindicator because I think he means well. @kevdude is cool. This website is under massive attack right now by trolls. @vindicator and @kevdude are both solid. I support both of them.

Vindicator ago

There is nothing you can do about Crensch...which is what is so glorious.

ESOTERICshade ago

There is nothing you can do about Crensch...which is what is so glorious.

Yes there is. i can walk away. I have stood by you through a lot of shit. I promoted you and supported you. I didn't appreciate the Q nonsense but I withstood it because I believed in you. I never called for you to be removed, because I don't want you to be removed. I took Falcon's head on a stick because I still cared back in those days. I don't care anymore. I don't have to read gutter shit like "gargle bloody nigger cum" from ignorant rednecks like @crensch. You can rest assured that yall can run this shit without me because lately its all just a little sewer. I still like you @vindicator. @crensch is just pure intellectual trash.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

i can walk away.



What do you think of my new archive bonus JPG?


I think I'm going to post this after every single archive comment. Such fun we're going to have.

Want to play?

@Crensch @Vindicator @think- @argosciv @kevdude

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

@NOMOCHOMO @gamepwn @bopper @Sandhog @heygeorge

Look what i made. ^



I support this!

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Think i should add anything?


naw, I've avoided ES like the plague, but I appreciate the dive it takes to find a juicy comment like that.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

No dive, saw it awhile ago, waited for him to get me good and mad, went and retrieved it.

Moral of story - don't piss me off, please.



how close have I ever gotten? and have I ever said anything comparably stupid?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

how close have I ever gotten?

You're a guy, right?

have I ever said anything comparably stupid?

Not to me, but...

You're a guy, right?


Fair enough. You're enough of a Misandrist that it doesn't trigger me.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago



Stop trying to honeypot me Srayzie.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago



same behavior


shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Which one?


everyone I disagree with ;)