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BeastofBalthazar ago

lets see you suggest something better? can you faggot? if not


Decidueye ago

Oh no, did I unmask a malicious idiot? Whatever will I do, being threatened on the Internetz?!

theoldones ago

well that's a dumb suggestion but it seems the fucking situation is going unresolved and you're not doing anything about it.

please tell me at what point something actually gets done.

CantBuySkills ago

Bro... how are YOU helping? All you are doing is wasting your time, and our time, by continuing this outrageous show. @decideueye already told you how to help... post more content.

Decidueye ago

You flat out don't get it. I don't support the slippery slope of mob rule, nor will I accept ex post facto bannings. I've suggested you ignore the faggot by downvoting and moving on many times already. Aged is a worthless bastard, but the cliff you're heading for is far more destructive to Voat.

theoldones ago

what the fuck do you support then?

the mainline gaming sub here is intermittently dead because a pedo spams it and you wont do shit about it.

Decidueye ago

Then post content that doesn't demanding a lynching and continue downvoting his crap. Until he breaks actual rules on the sub and the site, he won't receive a proper banning.

theoldones ago

you want proof?

"jailbaitanon" explain that subverse please. i'll wait.

Decidueye ago

Were they naked? If not, then it technically violates no laws or rules, even as abhorrent as it is.

theoldones ago

even as abhorrent as it is.

you admit its bad but you let it happen.


Decidueye ago

Your smears don't even faze or graze me. Clearly those posts are fully clothed, otherwise @Aged and that sub would've been kaput by now. But avoiding direct linking to those proof posts is clearly useful for your puritanical agenda. Unfortunately for you, I've built an immunity to shaming and guilt tripping, and my douche-ray vision is excellent. Attempts at manipulating me are pointless.

theoldones ago

do you think it fazes those kids?

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

Why would it? Unless you repeatedly told them they should feel bad about it?

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

Fuck off dickhead