WhiteRonin ago

nihilist? Nah, just a narcissist who is good at Newspeak like I said.

Funny how you claim to be a conservative but yet, your statements defend your position and at the same time evade the topic while making fun of PeOple.

Your ego, is humongous too. I like how you claim that you measure your comments and say that words are empty. See, ThAt conflicts because the more I read of your material the easier it gets To pin point your system.

Dang, that’s twice you called me a sociopath. I guess from an egOmaniac that I should feel thankful.

I’m still waiting for the analysis that you said you would give of me.

sguevar ago

I genuinely don't know how effective it was because oddly his posting style changed not once but twice during our conversation

How is this? I started debating you on a single matter and then you starting throwing tantrums at me. I analyzed the way you replied to @WhiteRonin and saw simply how arrogant you were. Then used your entire responses against you. Which is why on the subject matter that we were talking about, despite your good writing, you didn't know what you were talking about. Which I was correct about.

Since you got called out and then tried to use smirky comments like "Oh this will be funny" or that I was projecting because I called you a cheap customer and arrogant ignorant, this from what you showed on your previous comments to other users and the experience I have as a waiter, you do come by as a "bad pay customer". I could be wrong but the simple dismissive behavior you showed and the constant use of insults towards me was simply a confirmation of such assumptions, that were, again, translated from your previous comments and displayed behavior. Until that point I hadn't even noticed your suspicious account activity.

Now we can go around in circles and you can say that your premise wasn't the one I read about on your previous comments (which it was) nor you hadn't deleted the most of your immature comments full with tantrums then you could prove the one behaving irrationally is me. But you did on a desperate move to avoid showing your childish behavior to others and not come by as the hypocrite I know you are.

The good thing is despite the fact that you tried deleting those comments, in which you even tried poorly to trigger by attacking my faith - which made me laugh in fact or tried to use comments like "you sure look like the kind that needs a psychiatrist, what meds are you on?" then it was clear to me that your next comments will be just a projection of your inability to properly debate my points. I mean you even showed proof of what I argued against you and then contradicted yourself with it. This made you look like a fool to me because you try to talk about things you don't know about as if you knew about them and then got offended because you were called out for it like a foolish kid.

similar to how mine does when I get pretty drunk and decide to shitpost, ergo he has my respect if it was unintentional.

Please do not compare me with a drunk. The matter here remains that the one changing his writing style was you. You stopped using your good use of rhetoric and started going out in tantrums like a child. Which then just left me to reply accordingly. And I didn't even had to use them. Having the respect of a drunk is irrelevant to me because is like having the respect of an addict. Not in my interest whatsoever.

Proof: https://voat.co/v/AskVoat/3056680/16984047

That is the link to our previous debate on which I argued your OP. Your initial reply was simply hilarious, too bad you deleted as the coward I know you are. But from that reply you got quoted on the main premises of your positions including the pathetic efforts to offend, as if I was going to be hurt like a desperate liberal (G.G)''

General Soviet-style double-intelligence.

So once again you prove you are a lefty?

I have admitted before that you have a good use of rhetoric but that doesn't hide the fact that your reactions are simply childish. So you may have a good analytical intelligence but it gets simply over shadowed by your child like emotional intelligence - hence the fact that you drink alone in front of a computer. Don't get me wrong I am analyzing through my own experience as a troubled teen which I confirmed to you in here: https://voat.co/v/AskVoat/3056680/16985021

The more I drink, the more Mr. Hyde comes out. It's ultimately no more or less complicated.

And also this quote of you shows that I am right:

I stopped taking things people say on the internet both seriously and also personally in the mid 90's. It's been like sport ever since.

That is in fact a lie because of your reactions and the fact that you sir extended false accusations towards two users with no proof whatsoever and proceeded to delete your immature and childish comebacks. Now I see that those comebacks are not due to the fact that you are in fact a kid, but that you are an emotional kid trapped in a man's body with a drinking problem.

Am I unable to control my emotions, or am I always able to cycle them to make you think you've figured something out?

You have a drinking problem and you resort to tantrums when you are unable to argue anymore. You could presume you are smarter than you really are but you fool no one with your actions: Resort to childish behavior when offended for being called out as you don't know what you are talking about and extending false accusations to others to try to accomodate to your reasoning and not feel desperately defeated. And hence you then stated here that you initially thought that I was SBBH: https://voat.co/v/whatever/3059075/17006599, but got it wrong. I must add though that since I was invited and accepted. Is much like the default comment a nigger does when being called out and says that one is a racist because you called out the nigger like behavior. Or when a (((jew in the letter))) does when calling some one an antisemite for calling them out as well. Is simply a desperate response to try to prove the other one is wrong.

Self taught. Wisdom from experience. Experience from failure. Failure from effort. Effort from curiosity.

I doubt you really have any level of introspection at all due to your drinking problem and childish remarks in our past interactions, I also know you have no effort from curiosity because of the fact that you haven't even shown the proof of the archives you have proving the accusation you extended here: https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/3057324/16990650/10#16990650

So in conclusion, to me you are simply full of shit and I don't have a problem calling you out for it. ;)

WhiteRonin ago

Thank you for that response.

Damn! You are good! Velvety sauve smooth good and a narcissist after my own heart.

Good call on thinking it would be a win/win. I hope you still feel the same way after reading this.

What perplexes you is the part you haven’t filled in yet. So, please elaborate on your ending sentence. I will answer as honestly as possible to your assessment. Possibly, after you have analyzed me, you might figure it out. By writing a long response will provide plenty of material for you to consider.

I knew calling you a liberal would get you going. But what you haven’t figured out was that I picked that insult based on your responses. I have a thing about conservatives argueing with liberal talking points and styles. The content is not point but rather the methodology. Your narcissism is your weakness. It makes your tactical argument lacking and easy to spot holes.

You are a wordsmith. No doubt in my mind about it. You even made this into a smooth “dig” piece on me.

Me a Sociopath, hmmm.

I mean and meant that I think you are intelligent. Definitely a person with a good education. Berkeley wouldn’t be that far off to where you went or could have gone. I would guess your IQ is around 125. I’m not as eloquent as you and my wording is uncouth and uncivilized but that is me.

I just said yesterday that I enjoy loosing a debate or argument because it’s a learning experience. I also enjoy coming up against a strong opponent especially someone who is intelligent and can handle themselves. Very few people here on voat can match your intellect and skill. Your Newspeak ability is beyond what most people here can crack.

Surely, I’m buttering you up for the kill!

No, I was being genuine.

The written word, lacks in its ability to express tonality and gestures. People laugh at emojis as childish but they don’t get why they came about and became so popular. Sure they are “cute” but they have a purpose. People should spend more time learning to read and write. I’m jealous of your wordsmith skills.

Yes, I obviously was baiting you today. Yesterday, I was on the offensive to make you slip up. Why was I baiting you? I wanted a response from you that would produce a result. I got that. However, the result was completely unexpected and who I thought I was baiting turned out different. You aren’t one of my favorite whipping boys who I thought had come back to voat as a sleeper account. It’s a hobby of mine to crack their alts. I, instead. stirred up a different black lister.

This is the first time I have been called a sociopath. Bipolar, yes, plenty of times. You are skilled so why not admit what is a truth? Is there a weakness in admitting a worthy opponent’s ability or to admit when one is wrong? Is this still being bi-polar? I think not. Americans today have lost this ability. Today, sadly, they prefer the world wrestling pompous boasting attitude before loosing a fight.

I haven’t read any new comment replies but I’m gonna take back the burger and beer comment. Instead, I’d offer a bottle of wine and a cigar but I doubt I’d impress with my choices. Yet, I wouldn’t mind smoking a stogie and having a glass of wine with you.

I wasn’t planning on admitting this yet since I wanted to see your assessment that you teased , but since it’s public knowledge on voat why not. I like dropping content that makes people respond. The tip topic is such an example. Back in the 90’s I had no problem with tipping besides I didn’t have that much money to tip. Today I have enough to tip and I do. I just stop going somewhere if the service sucks. But if I wrote like this I’d only get imaginary votes. I find it more sporting to get people to respond to my outlandish accusations and then fill in my actual thoughts as responses to their butt hurt feelings. Most think I’m still an asshole which blinds them and they go on as sheep. Yet, I slowly keep planting seeds. Combative? For sure. Effective? Remember I’m uncouth.

So to end with a totally honest comment. I started off with a much more typical reply. No not like the ones from yesterday. But, I stepped back and reread what you wrote and I’m glad I took a longer time to reply.

Seventh_Jim ago

Having recently done the shitposting thing with you, I'm gonna say I don't think you're using alts to manipulate votes. I wouldn't get a beer with you, but you don't strike me as being that reddit-tier.

Inaminit ago

faggot flame fest... nobody cares.

MadWorld ago

There was a couple of repetitive threads between @sguevar, @WhiteRonin, and @virge. I am not sure what happened at the end.

WhiteRonin ago

Oh! Also needed to add I accused him of brogading since his +4 and my -4 happened through out several comments in our battle. As Q would say, this isn’t is a coincidence is it!?!

MadWorld ago

It caught my attention after Putt interacted with that username, where Putt said he was not on Putt's 'nice' list. I also suspected the 3/4 voting pattern on some of the comments that he has engaged with. Other than a suspicion, I have not looked further at this point.

WhiteRonin ago

Yes, there was.

Sguevar is causality of war. He was just making good debate. It just happened our opinions were against Virgo. Sguevar is innocent. He didn’t even really know about SBBH until I told him about it. If he subs, that is on me.

My points: Virge

Sleeper account, deleted comments, changed narratives and thought he was gonna trap the 2 of us as the big bad boogie man of sbbh.

Me, I started off as debating and called out Virgo which turned into trolling him. My intuition is crying out that Virge is an alt of realprotectVoat.

Why did I call him a sleeper? Look at his history. Goes from created to suddenly active. Also, I think it was a bought account because his content goes from normal to excellent! Really this guy is good at hiding his claims within a wall of text and making it look like he is innocent and you are the bad guy. If only he could control his emotions, he’d be a perfect example of Newspeak. He does have my respect on his control of the written language. Pure craftsmanship, but like I said his emotions screw it up. I want to be trained by his teachers!

@virge: please respond and defend the claims I have made and add your part to the story.

MadWorld ago

Yeah it appears to be a sleeper account, as most comments were made recently. So far he has made 840 comments in the past 26 days or so.

Has he showed his archives so far, to prove that you and @sguevar are alts? You should also keep us updated if he turns out to be another one of those rPV accounts. Thanks!

WhiteRonin ago

When’s this was going down with @virge I also had a thing going on with @con77. Both 77 and sguevar just happened to come in for each of our sides it seems. Sguevar is not my alt and 77 is not Virge’s alt. I had a good ol time going at 77 too but Difference is that 77 was just pissed at me for being an asshole. Because he did seem like an ok guy and a goat I trust spoke up for him, I offered him a beer and a burger as goats! I really mean that offer and I hope he doesn’t literally kick my ass when he agrees. I think he lives within my weekly commute zone so it’s a real offer to meet up and have a good laugh. I won’t curtsy though!!!

As for virge. He can’t prove @sguevar is my alt because it’s impossible. Have putt verify! Sguevar says he’s from way down south, he could be living up here though ... anyways. IPs will prove it.

RPV has a hardon for me and I’m a magnet for his type. Maybe he’s legit ... still the pattern existed and I don’t trust him. No burger and beer for him!

Ina_Pickle ago

I upvoated you, but I also upvoated @virge too, so be sure to add that to your calculations. Thanks for the entertainment. I was having a pretty boring day.

WhiteRonin ago


He is a smart fucker! It was fun going up against a person who probably went to Berkeley or Standford.

But he made the mistake of trying to play me for a fool. So, even if his IQ is 125 or so, he’s still pretty dumb. Maybe age will wizen him some. I hope so!

I’m admittedly an asshole, but not a dick.

BigFatDaddy ago

They should just fuck and get it over with.

NotHereForPizza ago

This is just Reddit all over again...

You are all so tedious and stupid.

WhiteRonin ago

Why is he pinging 30+ people?

I was shit posting in protest against his comment deletions in SBBH (shit post safe space) but he wanted it out in the open.

He thinks he triggered me. 🙃