frenemy ago

who gives a fuck? why would his internet points bother anyone?

ex-redd ago

Why? What good does it do?

Beorn ago

I blocked him a few days ago, but I can still see his posts. What does blocking do, if anything, on voat?

Beorn ago

Also, besides being over 100 to downvoat, why does it matter?

gabara ago

How is it farming?

kneo24 ago

I think people view it as farming as he will make posts that appear he's trying to gain legitimacy. It doesn't take a whole lot though to view their submission history and see something different.

gabara ago

Oh I'm familuar, I just wasn't sure what OP specifically meant. SCP is pretty meaningless, but I see the point.

kneo24 ago

While you and I know SCP doesn't do anything for your account, it does give off a certain appearance to the easily manipulated or unaware. People see "large numbers" and become more swayed by that alone for some appeal to authority. The psychological effect is real.

ex-redd ago

not once have I checked that on anyone.

"This guy is posting naked children?!! On the other hand...wait, let me check...well he does have a score of 3 trillion Voat Bucks redeemable nowhere. Wow, I need to be like him...v/loli here I come."

If the effect is anything it makes Voat, and Goats, look about as bad a you can get by association. Then again: Voat Goats obviously hates this trash, and I believe that it would be apparent to all that Voat takes such behavior as that of an undesired outsider.

gabara ago

I would gladly trade in 100,000 SCP for @PuttItOut to give me an account badge like his favourite chosen fortunate son, @heygeorge, or to at least take the old Tombstone badge off mine and @Nadesdha's undeleted accounts.

Look! What I did... I did because of drugs and alcohol. I'm sorry. I'm getting help now. And Nadeshda's a girl so you HAVE to give her a pass!


heygeorge ago

I actually want one of those tombstone badges. I should have gotten one when @failure was busy exploiting the code.

Failure ago

Hey man, I don't think I ever actually did anything that Fuzzy didn't discover, at least past the core idea. Give her the credit.

heygeorge ago

I actually want one of those tombstone badges. I should have gotten one when @fuzzywords was busy exploiting the code.

I miss your face.

kneo24 ago

Instead, @Puttitout should ask you what you want on your tombstone.

gabara ago

"I'm hearing sobbing but no wailing. Don't make me come back!"

sguevar ago

Check my previous comment.

He does this from time to time. Posts things that will be taken favorily in Voat's community to overlook his constant loli degenerate postings.

gabara ago

Ah. I was just thinking SCP farming is always meaningless. But I get it now.

sguevar ago

I agree with you but then again the user needs to be called out for being what he is.

That includes any of his posts that may be in favor of our views. After all is still shilling.

sguevar ago

Is sad that people know he is a pedo and they keep upvoting his farming just because it is convenient to their position...