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theoldones ago

i think he likes me, these comments all came within 15 minutes of each other, one of them was even necroing an old post he had to dig up by looking up my history

@Obrez this is the best ego rimjob i've had all day. don't stop sucking :)

Obrez ago

Let's see how well this backfires fag, I upvoated the post.

theoldones ago

ok cool. let me just post some quotes from you then

I simply said it's not illegal, which it isn't you and your ilk are claiming that Voat will be in legal danger for allowing pedoshit, it's simply not true and this sort of lie is extremely common among you faggots


Fuck of nigger, you are just assmad I called you and your faggot assbuddies out for lying about inane shit because you can't grasp English properly.


CP is illegal not Loli, Sperg.

suck harder bby.