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kneo24 ago

I'm not sure if these are set up to track and dox users - I don't know. One thing that I think is clear, these sources exist to push narratives (whether they true or not). I suspect Voat has long had an issue of people using multiple accounts to form consensus on narratives. People would love to pretend that is somehow a Reddit only thing, but there is nothing in place to prevent it on Voat, and to be honest, quite a few NPC's here who will upvote anything that conforms to their narrative.

You might have a few false positives in this list, and you might not. I'm going to ping the faggots in question so they can explain themselves. Let's see how many get their panties twisted.

@Kilroy_1962 @RussianIvantheCrazy @GizaDog @Dailytacs @yurisrevenge

MadWorld ago


Some more users from previous submission who may be interested: @GoylentGreen, @theoldones, @Lazmat, @Peaceseeker, @SchwazaRifleCoffeeCo

MadWorld ago

@draaaak, @uvulectomy see submission. Thanks

MadWorld ago

@totes_magotes, @lets_get_hyyerr, see submission.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Very good post. some of these people I have on a separate investigation Ive been working on. Keep me updated please!

MadWorld ago

Looking forward to see what you have found on those accounts!

kneo24 ago

I'd be surprised if he found something we didn't already know, but I'm sure he's more than willing to take credit for already known information and pat himself on the back for it.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

why don't you @ me next time you talk shit so I can read what you wrote instead of being a (((rat))) and talking in silence

kneo24 ago

You have in the past told me I was a nobody, not important, and when I do typically @ you, you ignore it. It got to the point where it became a fruitless endeavor.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

You have in the past told me I was a nobody, not important,

Please feel free to link me the comments where I said that. I would love to see them.

when I do typically @ you, you ignore it.

Because you're very annoying. Case in point: the original reason I commented here

kneo24 ago

Please feel free to link me the comments where I said that. I would love to see them.

Here you go, you dumb cunt.

Because you're very annoying. Case in point: the original reason I commented here

This is entirely the logic of a woman seeking attention. Why don't you stay in the kitchen there sweety and make everyone a sandwich. Oh, and bring us out a beer too.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

This entire response you've chosen to write out perfectly displays the reasons why I think you're very annoying. thank you for that

kneo24 ago

And yet you still crave my attention. Go ahead, tell me more, lady.