fuck-your-world ago


I made the classic mistake of assuming malice when it's really just stupidity as usual.

something_went_wrong ago

Every time Voat.co makes a policy change (or even expresses interest in a change) which adds obstacles to freely accessing content or participating in discussions. And of course the "slippery slope" statement comes up because, well, that's exactly as happened.

cuewho ago

The irony of asking that in this sub.


something_went_wrong ago

Not if you're logged in and have NSFW content enabled

Are you truly content having your favored social media website putting up obstacles for people to get the information they seek? IMHO that is effective "quarantine".

Cantilever ago

I think he’s making the signed-out public-facing page more palatable to attract new users. Once they register and sign in they’ll see everything.

Personally I’d like to see our user base expand. We have a pretty good immune system. We get the cancer mods of the Q LARP to leave. But we aren’t growing at all. In fact I’m pretty sure this site is losing users. What fun is a free speech site if you have no one to talk to?

zyklon_b ago


fuck-your-world ago

I forgot about those kikes. Pizzagate was kiked and died out pretty good. These fucks need to go too.

zyklon_b ago

pizzagate and qrv and (((trump))) are why voat got kiked

fuck-your-world ago

Trump is the premier cuck now. He bent all the way over for kikes. Then he started with the "the women are stronger than the men" beta supplicating. My last straw was his goy slave "anti-semites need to be destroyed" faggotry.

The fact that the qtards are the only ones still rabidly supporting him says everything.

zyklon_b ago

its crazy how they deny facts and believe the billionaire has the interests of us poor folks at heart

MikePence_Official ago

If you don't think that a jew was one of the "angels"that saved voat then I want to sell you a bridge

markrod420 ago

its the Q folks. they think israel is our greatest ally. they have a lot to learn.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Man, I came in here to see u/freshmeat or u/9-11 blaming sbbh....

But they're not here!

GassyMcGasface ago

Open borders for Israel! Actually I hope we help fortify their walls so no one can escape. Then send them all our niggers.

Octoclops ago

if you don't like it go make your own site

People are still using this tired old canard?

Yeah he can go make his own site, then his own domain registrar, then his own payment processor, his own ISP, infrastructure, electric company, his own breakaway society on a floating ocean platform, the goalposts for using our first amendment RIGHTS will keep on moving until you people get your way. But I have a better idea! How about you bootlicking censor whores go make YOUR own society and we can keep America running on the freedom it was founded on.

something_went_wrong ago

Yeah he can go make his own site, then his own domain registrar,

Stop there, and you'll see why deplatforming has been effective. While it may be easy to make any website, people cannot make their own unsanctioned hosting provider, ISP, bank, etc. @kevdude, you're just acting like an idiot and an asshole.

Hydrocephalus ago

If you watch shows like sharktank they always talk about getting a percent of the company for investing. It might be called a stake if it is private and they are stakeholders, or maybe that is just a british thing I don't know. But the point is you're right they absolutely do take a percent of ownership in a private company.

Goathole ago

If it makes you feel better just tell everyone to fuck off in the comments, rant about gassing some fucking jews and then detail how you'd like to see niggers hung from every tree.

They're not "censoring" the comments yet so anyone that reads a post that isn't specifically enabled adult content will be exposed to it in the comments.

It'll be like this great BIG SURPRISE. Oh look at that cute post of two bunnies eating a flower! (click click).......GAS SOME JEW MOTHERFUCKERS! LET'S LYNCH US SOME NIGGURZ BOYS!

I think it will work out even better.

0fsgivin ago


Goathole ago

Anon and the Qtards.

I told you. I fucking told you. Even Putt was all like please guys let them stay, give me this one and I'm like Putt, they are everything we are against bro......

RampancyLambentRaven ago

Voats new angel a Jew?

6gorillion ago

Do you not understand what slowly moving the goal post means?

Niggertown ago

I suspect a lot of the ultra-hateful types on here posting constant gore are probably Jews trying to turn this place into an example of why free speech is bad.


dirty-gypseys-jews and their daily routine of producing poisonous psyop medias... what could be right babes?

Phantom42 ago


Like, some people that claim to be NatSoc apparently forgot the slight detail that thousands of Jews served honorably at all levels of the Reich... It's either hostiles making us few NatSocs look bad, or the uneducated literal trailer trash (did I just use a leftist line?) waving a swastika with tattooed SS runes all over their fucking skull, with a beer in one hand and their dick in the other.

Sad... Very sad.

African_Jew ago

Someone makes a post about Jews shilling, and you shill for Jews. Interesting.

Phantom42 ago

I'm stating historical facts. I'd hardly call that shilling for kikes.

birds_sing ago

They've started a new strategy for farming upvoats on new accounts. Only getting upvoats from themselves is too obvious, so they've been trying to get them from random users.

First they create a new account. Next they make a post that they think Voat users will agree with. Then in the comments section they again try to say things that random users might upvoat them for.

Finding them is really simple. If their account is less than 2 days old and they have already given out over a 125 or so upvoats, they're likely one of these accounts. Here's one as an example.

xenoPsychologist ago

thats good to know.

kammmmak ago

1.4 day acct OP? Fuck off kike bitch back to Reddit. Please do link to something for ex ffs

HST ago

Yeah if this is the default/front argument but rehashed it's just silly. Lurkers, if not retarded, will browse /all.

6gorillion ago

Why are we worrying about wether lurkers are retarded or not instead of just having it the same for everyone? It's called moving the goal post, and if it's happened once as it has, it's going to keep happening and we will end up like reddit or digg.

Samsquamch ago

Voat isn't a publicly traded company, so there is no such thing as buying a controlling share of Voat. That's not to say someone couldn't use their money to influence things, but Putt has been as transparent as any website owner can be, and has kept us running when no one else would. I trust him.

Inaminit ago

That's not what he said, fuckhead.

Cantilever ago

I’ve noticed it too. But it doesn’t take much to be subversive on this site any more. 35 voats gets you on the front page for a full day now

fuck-your-world ago

The kikes working on less popular posts seemed to start up after the angel announcement. Most likely, this is another cheap kike tactic to whip up discontent and division.

They're operating in low voat posts pretty hard.

Cantilever ago

Putt said no such thing

Fambida ago

Er, I haven't seen these downvotes, but if I do I'd assume a fresh wave of Qcumbers or T_D tards did it.

HST ago

Kike love? I have missed it so far. Disgusting.

Don't worry, we'll get em OP

ruck_feddit ago

Have an upvoat, just to make a statement.

Kike foothold. Motherfuckers.

fuck-your-world ago

It's mostly in the nooks and crannies since it's kept out of popular posts. I think their current kike strategy is to disrupt conversation on the margin while leaving the bigger posts alone.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Yes. Agreed.