gabara ago

This years 10 billion US dollar bag of hush money to Israel just arrived.

ExpertShitposter ago

Looks more like faggot boomers from qrv and the_donald

gabara ago

He done goofed. The consequences will never be the same again!

gabara ago

@freshmeat mad.

15160446? ago

I thought v/aww was the hub for JDIF? /s...

NotHereForPizza ago

Man, it'd just be terrible if voat's nazi shills would be given the spotlight, wouldn't it?

You know, I could make a submission about you. It'd be really simple, especially since demands for the math have already been satisfied by plenty of others. You seemed upset when I helped them learn about it last time.

gabara ago

Hi @freshmeat!!

NotHereForPizza ago

Wouldn't it be really easy to destroy someone's character, then every time there's a dissenter just accuse them of being the person who's reputation you've consistently devoted your time to devaluing.

If it hadn't been for you guys pushing me recently, I never would've spoken to freshie.

Your own stupidity will undoubtedly be your own undoing.

It's leaking.


v/funny is absolutely the worst sub on voat, everyone should have it blocked. Unless they miss reddit style scrolling through image macros and gifs that never make you laugh.

Crackrocknigga ago

The original post is fucking hilarious you'd have to be a Jew to not laugh

obvious_throwaway1 ago

How can you see his IP?

The panic evident in that question was hilarious.

gabara ago

obvious_throwaway1 ago

If I have to pretend to be fresh, does that mean you pretend to be Sane?

gabara ago

Don't have to, PuttItOut already identified @freshmeat as @SaneGoatISwear:

freshmeat ago

He admitted it was a joke, so funny what you shills grab on to. Hey do you have family?

obvious_throwaway1 ago

Nice. Well, since Justin also has my full name from our email conversations when Voat was first public, go ahead and ask him to doxx me and show I'm not either.

Then get bent for actually making me defend such a stupid fuckin' accusation, and maybe we can move on.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

So your response is to link that thread again? I saw it the first time, what's your point?

gabara ago

Best lolcow ever!

obvious_throwaway1 ago

Sorry, I'm an adult that works for a living so I don't know what lolcow is supposed to mean.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

Trying to communicate with Gen Y is getting more complicated by the day.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

It must be really frustrating that you can't get a rise out of me by calling me someone else. I can do this all day.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/SoapboxBanhammer comment by @gabara.

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gabara ago

It must be is really frustrating that you I can't get a rise out of me SBBH


ExpertShitposter ago

Don't worry gabara, i upvote brigaded you to protect you from the monster that is @obvious_throwaway1

gabara ago

hhe touch my no-no

obvious_throwaway1 ago

Ahh, yes. Excellent demonstration of logic. Works well on other Gen Y's I imagine.

obvious_throwaway1 ago


obvious_throwaway1 ago

What's that one from? I don't recognize it.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

Ok then.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

Goddamn I miss Fresh Prince. Until they turned him into a huge pussy constantly crying about his nigger dad leaving him, which basically ruined the show from then on.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

So.. you.. smell yourself.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

Happy to help.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

Happy to help. =)

obvious_throwaway1 ago

Happy to help. =)

obvious_throwaway1 ago

Happy to help. =)

obvious_throwaway1 ago

Happy to help. =)

obvious_throwaway1 ago

Happy to help. =)

obvious_throwaway1 ago

Happy to help. =)

obvious_throwaway1 ago

Happy to help. =)

obvious_throwaway1 ago

Happy to help. =)

obvious_throwaway1 ago

Happy to help. =)

obvious_throwaway1 ago

Happy to help. =)