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thisistotallynotme ago

lol. I even waited days to pull the comment down, just because I knew you were waiting to pull this trap.
4/10 got me to respond/ban.

Vindicator ago

You think I'm a concern troll, huh? You must be new. I've been making and contributing to research threads about Q on Voat and feeding pizzagate information to /qresearch/ since November 2017. I've defended Voaters' right to discuss Q in the face of serious spook fuckery for over a year.

Just goes to show, you can kick the retard off Reddit, but you apparently can't get the Reddit out of the retard.

thisistotallynotme ago

I've watched you for years.

That's why you're banned now. You're the worst thing to happen to v/GA.

But continue singing your virtues. maybe someone newer will believe you.

youllrememberme2 ago

Look into Vindicator and his alt Esotericshade.

Here's a crensch alt trying to corral people into srayzies sub too..

You'll have to go through the comments on that one it's a doozy. Hahaha

Octocopter ago

Keep it up deep state schlomo, the more you post the more Q followers can see what you are up too.

Shizy ago

Your lame little sub is irrelevant jackass 😂! I'm sure @vindicator is really torn up about being banned from a useless sub no one wants to go to anyway! Wow your ego is just obese.