Psychanaut ago

Anyone who's been deleted by Pizzagate Mods or otherwise harassed by them can DM me for link to sub for deleted content.

Vindicator ago

I did not lie. That post was from MommyLove, not you, Psychanaut. And I linked directly to it when I was asked in this thread by @Kevdude, @VictorSteinerDavion and @Disappointed, an Owner of this subverse, to give my account of the situation. I also told you in advance that I would be sharing your DMs, for the sake of transparency.

As always, I stand by all of my comments, public and private. I welcome scrutiny from one and all.

Disappointed ago

I read in their comments last night that they were dropping this whole thing and making a subverse of their own. I haven't checked to see if they did that or not but they seemed like they wanted to drop it.

Vindicator ago

LOL. Yes, she made a new subverse and promptly banned me from it:

v/PizzagateNoMod (Psychanaut) > Vindicator | Sent: 1.6 days ago on 6/16/2017 3:29:20 PM You've been banned from v/pizzagatenomod :(

Psychanaut has banned you from v/PizzagateNoMod for the following reason: PizzagateNoMod

Also spammed several mods-are-shills posts from the stuff she deleted from this thread to v/pizzagatemods.

I don't think "dropping" is what is happening -- more like moving out of the spotlight.

Vindicator ago

@Millennial_Falcon @Vindicator what's your side of this story?

@MommyLove, a user who is very concerned about parental rights and CPS removing kids from families and the connection this may have to child trafficking, made a post about "medical kidnap" but did not specify how it might be connected, which I asked her to do. The next morning, MF removed it because that did not happen.

MommyLove reposted it, adding one sentence of explanation, but no links supporting the connection. MF removed that post as well.

Then she became frustrated that mods were removing posts and the baby's life was in danger and made a third post ignoring the v/pizzagate submission rules about mods being suspect. MF removed that one as well. He also banned her for repeatedly disregarding the submission guidelines, as we do for anyone who refuses to respect them.

During this, MommyLove DMed me for explanations (I usually give an explanation in comments to try to help people learn how to submit in accord with our submission rules. MF does not have time to do so.) Being in a different time zone, it took me quite a while to get to all her comments and messages, adding to the frustration. When she DMed about the ban, I explained it was only temporary; we unbanned her a couple days later.

Meanwhile, MommyLove complained to Psychanaut, who then DMed me demanding I take action against MF:

Psychanaut > Vindicator | Sent: 7 days ago on 6/7/2017 8:59:27 AM Process for Filing a formal complaint for abuse

Dear Vindicator and Voat/pizzagate,

I want to officially move to have Millennial Falcon removed as MOD.

You are a mod, it's your job to be the gate keeper for the rules.

Therefore, please inform me of the official channels needed to take to make a formal complaint against Millenial Falcon for abuse of power, harassment and arbitrary application of the rules in an abusive fashion, meant to control, harass and intimidate people on Voat.

I want an official channel by which I can lodge a formal complaint and I'll let the process work for itself, but I am formally requesting the proper process by which to file a formal complaint.

Please note that on June 7, 2017, Psychanaut on behalf of myself 5 additional Voat users who's identity I am protecting for now, have asked Vindicator to lodge a formal complaint against Millenial Falcon and request to enact the process by which this formal complaint can be lodged.

My reply:

Vindicator > Psychanaut | Sent: 5 days ago on 6/8/2017 9:30:18 PM Process for Filing a formal complaint for abuse

Hi Psychanaut,

Thank you for the DM. In order to have MF removed, you will need to present a well-documented explanation of why you think this is necessary to the owners of v/pizzagate: Crensch, VictorSteinerDavion and kingkongwaswrong. They specifically chose Millennial_Falcon based on his contributions as a user and his commitment to research supported by linked sources, so you will need to convince them -- with documented evidence in the form of links to removed posts, comments, or screenshots of DM's -- that they are wrong.

Complaining about him without objectively documenting your argument will only make you look like one of the hundreds of trolls who have tried to have him removed since last December when he refused to leave their unsourced or off-topic posts on the board. Unlike most places on the internet, Voat is not a place you can expect manners, sensitivity to feelings, avoidance of offensive language or comments. Voat was founded as a forum for true freedom of speech -- and the sitewide community values offensive speech as a sign of that freedom. Many old school Voaters engage in it gratuitously.

As a result, disgruntled users with hurt feelings due to mod actions or comments that do not violate the Moderation Rules will not be taken seriously. Nor will angry users who do not make the effort to document any Moderation Rule violations they present. Not even if there are a lot of angry or hurt users. That is just the culture of Voat. If you venture outside of v/pizzagate and complain about offensive speech instead of bad arguments or false information, you'll promptly hear "Fuck your fee-fees. Evidence or get the fuck out."

Please note that on June 7, 2017, Psychanaut on behalf of myself 5 additional Voat users who's identity I am protecting for now, have asked Vindicator to lodge a formal complaint against Millenial Falcon

I have not seen evidence that MF has abused his power, harassed or abused users (he rarely comments), or arbitrarily removed posts. Consequently, I will not be making any formal complaints.

@Disappointed @Kevdude @Crensch @VictorSteinerDavion

Following my reply, I received numerous DMs from Psychanaut claiming I was harassing her:

Psychanaut > Vindicator | Sent: 5 days ago on 6/9/2017 10:28:19 AM Process for Filing a formal complaint for abuse

With 7 Voaters preparing this complaint, and counting, we feel we'll have enough. Thank you.

Vindicator > Psychanaut | Sent: 4 days ago on 6/10/2017 5:54:40 AM Process for Filing a formal complaint for abuse

I hope you heard what I said. You could have 600 Voaters with hurt feelings. It won't get you anywhere unless you can set your feelings aside and provide evidence and documentation.

Psychanaut > Vindicator | Sent: 4 days ago on 6/10/2017 10:05:20 AM Process for Filing a formal complaint for abuse

Are you harassing me?

Vindicator > Psychanaut | Sent: 3 days ago on 6/11/2017 6:28:23 AM Process for Filing a formal complaint for abuse

Only in your imagination. I have copies of every conversation we've had, since the day I saw your first Quora post and reached out to help you figure out how to use Voat. My history speaks for itself.

That was my last reply to her and yet...

Psychanaut > Vindicator | Sent: 4 days ago on 6/10/2017 10:11:48 AM Process for Filing a formal complaint for abuse

Just bear in mind, anything you do to intimidate or harass me or anyone involved in this-will go into the documentation I am preparing. And I hope you can hear me saying that to you now. This isn't about me. This is about you guys.

Psychanaut > Vindicator | Sent: 3 days ago on 6/11/2017 7:03:05 AM Process for Filing a formal complaint for abuse

So you are harassing me. Keep it up. You're good cop/bad cop routine with MF is about to end.

Psychanaut > Vindicator | Sent: 3 days ago on 6/11/2017 7:10:03 AM Process for Filing a formal complaint for abuse

Maybe you should stop messaging me since I've already told you you are harassing me. Any rational person would have stopped by now. Perhaps you should take a step back and not attempt to bother myself or anyone involved in this, since we don't trust you any longer and because you keep messaging me about this. No one needs you to message about this, unless you feel you are personally involved. Are you? Does this concern you? Would you like it to? If not, then what is it you actually think you're doing?

Unless this concerns you directly, then you're not involved-unless you keep bothering me and interject yourself into this formal complaint process, in which case, you're guilty of harassment of someone who is making a formal complaint.

Is that what you want?

Is that what you are trying to do?

If not, then there is no reason for you to message me.

I'm telling you right now, I feel harassed by you.

If you continue past this point, then you have done so after my telling you formally that I perceive you as harassing me.

VictorSteinerDavion ago

This issue is far beyond my will to entertain it now.

I'm a-ok to consider any complaints about any mods, but this it is becoming clear that this is less about improving moderation standards and is much more about fee-fees.

I've been DM'd by Psychanaut over the last week or so and at no time did they indicate they were in communication with anyone else about this.

Part of my communication has text like:

What I'm looking for are clear cases of a moderator using the position to act against the interest of the community. This would be things like removal of a specific pattern of information, removal of posts made by a user due to a grudge relevant to a different verse, deletions to create drama etc.

And I can see from your comments we are in alignment on what we consider moderator abuse.
So far I've not seen anything that show unambiguously that M_F is a rogue mod, and so far I've taken no action in any direction.
I'm still open to evidence being presented, but given the drama festival going on about this I'm leaning towards doing nothing.

Psychanaut ago

This is not correct. Vindicator contacted me first. I only replied to to the messages initiated by Vindicator. Otherwise there would be no reason to tell anyone they were harassing me. Vindicator had by that time already messaged me 3 times past speaking with @VictorSteinerDavion, which is totally unessesary. Why would Vindicator even need to contact me at all about this issue. @VictorSteinerDavion, had already settled it with me-check the time stamps on all the messages. Vindicator got involved without being asked after @VictorSteinerDavion gave the protocols to me.

Why is Vindicator messaging me? There is no reason to. No other mod messaged me, so why is Vindicator sending me multiple messages about reporting MF? What possible other reason is there?

So, to correct your erroneous characterization-I replied to you that you were harassing me. I didn't seek out any contact with you past making contact with @VictorSteinerDavion. And I told you were harassing me. And yet you kept messaging me. It's called harassment.

Either this reporting of MF concerns you or it does not. No half measures. Either get all the way in, and come out of the closet as MF defender and join MF in the complaint, or leave, since this doesn't concern you. You can't have it both ways.

Your call.

VictorSteinerDavion ago

The PM's to moderators are not shared or visible to anyone apart from the person you send it to.

@Vindicator has no idea what you've said to me nor what my replies are.

This is part of the reason I prefer full public discussion about this - I didn't even know about this thread until I got pinged.

As for claims of harassment - I have a very specific and stern view of harassment. And I don't' see it here.
I know you consider frequent messages harassment, but you did DM a mod asking for action and then went quiet. It is not harassment when that Mod contacts you trying to resolve the issue in a quick manner.
Harassment is a form of abuse that unfortunately the definition of has been watered down so much lately it has lost it's value.

Are you? Does this concern you? Would you like it to? If not, then what is it you actually think you're doing?

Peppering someone with questions like this is harassment of a softer form - it's a cognitive assault that doesn't let the person being attacked respond and is often used to dis-empower people.
It's aggressive much in a similar way to someone standing way to close to you and pointing their finger in your face.
It's very difficult to feel happy about that being done to you - so don't expect support when you do it to others.

If you had told me @Vindicator was harassing you and showed me proof (to my standards of proof) I would have taken immediate action - but if you made the claim and your only support is what's happened here: I would evaluate you as a drama instigator and your cause would have been lost. All because of an eagerness to jump to accusatory and inflammatory words.

If you DM a mod requesting another Mod be banned, and then go quiet - don't act surprised when you get messages trying to deal with the issue.
In this case the correct path of action would have been to say to Vindicator that you were talking to me and Vindicator didn't' need to spend any more time on this.

I've known Vindicator as a community member and a moderator for a long while and I've never seen anything that would constitute a need for censure, and I've never received a complaint about them either.
Which considering the constant 'mods are shills' harassment that happens here is quite a refreshing surprise.

Reporting MF concerns ALL moderators and ALL moderators should be included in the communications - hence my repeated requests for a public discussion in the relevant subverse.
The entire question of harassment would have been avoided otherwise.

I will continue to participate in the inquisition of @Millennial_Falcon but be aware that there is a very high burden of proof on you as the accuser to demonstrate that MF has acted against the community.
Additionally, from this point forward I will only respond to publicly visible discussion - just remember to ping me in the comments when you make the post in v/pizzagatemods

Also, anyone threatening to post "once per day" would immediately be labelled by me as drama. And if I was a mod on protectvoat I would ban you for spamming.
It's not a useful technique to gain attention to a cause as all it does is take away the energy of the people that could help you.
Instead spend the time making a single, well articulated post detailing your case and allow the time for the community to participate.
Just like writing a high school essay, it can take time to craft up a post like that - patience is essential when dealing with these things, there are no fast resolutions.

This whole issue is clearly getting everyone's goat and emotions are getting in the way of the path to resolution.
I respectfully request all participants to make better efforts to dial down the emotional reactionary responses.
And if anyone want's me to do anything about this topic, it's not a request.

Psychanaut ago

"As for claims of harassment - I have a very specific and stern view of harassment. And I don't' see it here. I know you consider frequent messages harassment, but you did DM a mod asking for action and then went quiet. It is not harassment when that Mod contacts you trying to resolve the issue in a quick manner. Harassment is a form of abuse that unfortunately the definition of has been watered down so much lately it has lost it's value.

Are you? Does this concern you? Would you like it to? If not, then what is it you actually think you're doing?

Peppering someone with questions like this is harassment of a softer form - it's a cognitive assault that doesn't let the person being attacked respond and is often used to dis-empower people. It's aggressive much in a similar way to someone standing way to close to you and pointing their finger in your face. It's very difficult to feel happy about that being done to you - so don't expect support when you do it to others. "


Psychanaut ago

Me asking a series of 3 questions after being emailed 3 times after asking Vindicator to stop messaging me is ME harassing them?

You are literally the stupidest fucking person I have ever met. You are a lying piece of shit shill cunt. People like you make me sick. You are the people who turn perpetrators into victims.

I did nothing wrong and look at how you turned on me.

You are disgusting. People like you are why pizzagate exists in the first place. I can only imagine how you'd react to a child telling you they'd been molested by a buddy of yours.

You make me sick.

Psychanaut ago

"It's aggressive much in a similar way to someone standing way to close to you and pointing their finger in your face. It's very difficult to feel happy about that being done to you - so don't expect support when you do it to others. ""

This makes me fucking crack up.

Psychanaut ago

Go fuck yourself loser phony,

VictorSteinerDavion ago

And this is how you get ignored from this point forward.

Disappointed ago

Seems like you did all you could here, in my book. I notice they are still posting in v/pizzagate too so it's not like they are being singled out to the point of banning. This is resolved as far as I'm concerned.

heygeorge ago

Lol, you even rewrote their submission for them. And you were very patient & full of helpful information the entire time.

But it didn't get posted again with the sourcing.

How does it make sense that @GumShoe cares so much about the investigation yet wouldn't just try... I don't know... Resubmitting while following the submission guidelines?

Crensch ago

I'm of the mind that there is some group that wants to poison the well by any means necessary, and offering solutions to them isn't something they'll respond to.

heygeorge ago

I am of the same mind, but I feel it exposes their actions moreso when one offers them the chance to act like humans and then they do not accept it.

Crensch ago

Fuckin' grats dude. That shit's a miracle in today's climate.

Take your daughter out for a nice steak dinner or something to celebrate.

Crensch ago

Glad you enjoyed it!

Crensch ago


Crensch ago

Very possibly. I find it hard to believe that people don't understand what it means to source your claims. You were beyond patient with that douchenozzle, IMO.

Then again, I've run in to faggots that would do the equivalent of quoting from CNN and call some stupid position of theirs "sourced".

Disappointed ago

@Millennial_Falcon @Vindicator what's your side of this story?

Crensch ago

HAHAHAHAHA actually laughing IRL here bud. I thought you might enjoy it!

Crensch ago

It is indeed a shitshow. I have, however, seen certain genius anonymous autists elsewhere on the net mention Voat as the only current place for pizzagate investigation on the net. I don't really know for sure if something said or done there has effected change in the real world - crowdsourcing can be amazing sometimes.

As it stands, the upkeep on my part is minimal, and they don't leak their shit elsewhere on Voat so I never really have to see it. It's the odd idiot like this or cancermod that I have to deal with, and that's an acceptable amount of effort to make sure the place isn't HenryCorped.

heygeorge ago

This is Voat. Provide evidence to back up your feelings.

Exhibit One shows

'Exhibit One' shows nothing. How are you supposed to be effective in an investigation if you don't understand how to collect and present evidence.

Frankly, I think you should repost the PM which you (presumably, but I can't be sure) sent to all PG mods.

Psychanaut ago

No. I'm dealing with this in another way now. I don't need to answer to you.

heygeorge ago

Yeah, good idea. Make a public post on a message board and then get upset when the replies aren't to your liking.

I'm sure your 'other way' is highly rational and evidence-based.

Crensch ago

Nah, I just thought you'd enjoy the read. The others have a bit of a dog in the fight for one reason or another, but your ping was purely for entertainment purposes.

Crensch ago

@DerKatalog I think you also might enjoy this. I could be wrong, so let me know if you'd rather not get pinged. Basically every other comment nest here should be entertaining.

Crensch ago

@kevdude @disappointed @sensitive @heygeorge @adhdferret

To anyone this idiot OP sent here to show how unreasonable us mods are:

If you have an issue, state your case like a fucking adult. We're not unreasonable, but we don't take to completely bullshit posts like OP very well - especially with his responses below.

No, I'm NOT nice, and I don't intend to be. I will be courteous as long as you do not act like an entitled bitch. You have recourse, but you need to present your links to archives or comments or deletions, along with your take on what/why/when/where/how shit happened.

Crensch ago

Ok, off the top of my head, you write like a fucking nutcase, and threatening to lodge a complaint every day is going to get you a lot of downvotes really quick.

It'll also get your posts flagged as "troll" here, which means many will not even look at them since they trust the mods of /v/ProtectVoat to label posts fairly.

So far you have a bunch of accusations, and Vindicator saying that someone isn't following the rules.

Those rules must be followed by everyone, and the mods MUST apply them fairly.



Psychanaut ago

You know why I was going to post "one a day"? Because fucking ONCE A DAY someone messages me to tell me guess what MF did this or did that, and sure enough there is Vidicator coming on board after and having to explain the actiions of MF. How do you think I have that message from Mommylove, Einstein? did that escape your attention, that it means people write to me about this? DUH Is that how mods are supposed to act? Good cop/Bad cop? Yeah, it fucking sucks to be on the receiving end of that, always with no recourse.

Crensch ago

You know why I was going to post "one a day"? Because fucking ONCE A DAY someone messages me to tell me guess what MF did this or did that, and sure enough there is Vidicator coming on board after and having to explain the actiions of MF.

Your method of typing really sucks, and your logic about "once a day" is not something someone of sound mind would come up with.

How do you think I have that message from Mommylove, Einstein?

I have seen no message, nor can I see a message. Stop referencing your PMs because they're not evidence of anything.

did that escape your attention, that it means people write to me about this?

Very little escapes my attention when I'm active in a thread.

DUH Is that how mods are supposed to act?

I think you have a very rEddit-esque way of thinking about mods here. Mods on Voat are generally nothing but spam-janitors and whipping boys. The PG mods are slightly different due to the nature of the subverse, and what is and isn't allowed to happen there.

Good cop/Bad cop?

I will ALWAYS be the bad cop, because I don't have time to waste on bullshit. You skipped over the good cops of PG to speak directly to me, and all I'm seeing is a bunch of anecdotes and wild accusations, along with a MASSIVE amount of unreasonable and utterly ignorant expectations of everyone around you.

Yeah, it fucking sucks to be on the receiving end of that, always with no recourse.

You've taken your chance of recourse and spit in everyone's face like a feminist.

You could have been reasonable and provided examples of things going wrong, and archives or links to words that can be independently verified, but you went the way of the SJW faggot and just asserted everything as if everyone should just believe you without question.

Psychanaut ago

Then you can't read. What I read is Vindicator explaining how Milennial_Falcon went too far and fucking BANNED someone instead of just messaging them, or warning them. "Fucking nutcase"? This is why no one respects you.

Crensch ago

"Fucking nutcase"? This is why no one respects you.

This is really not going to turn out well for you with that kind of attitude. Your writing sucks. The way you're presenting yourself here is like a certified straight-jacket model.

Then you can't read.

You can't write.

What I read is Vindicator explaining how Milennial_Falcon went too far and fucking BANNED someone instead of just messaging them, or warning them.

You're putting a lot of words where there aren't any.

All this, and you still haven't got a link to any valid text that anyone can see - apparently we'll just have to take your word for it, and that shit doesn't work here.

Psychanaut ago

Thank you for proving every point I had. I'm a user of this service. I'm a Voat user. And you're a "mod" who is insulting and harassing a user of this service. Look at how you treat me. You are the reason why we hate you all. You are the reason why we trash you all when we write about you all to each other. You are the reason why we have an adversarial position with the mods. Congratulations.

Crensch ago

Thank you for proving every point I had.

Thank you for proving that you're barking mad.

I'm a user of this service.

I don't care.

I'm a Voat user.

No, you're at most a /v/pizzagate user here. You're very obviously not one of us. You're part of a single subverse that is hosted here only because of the goodwill of very few (like me) users that thought PG might be useful or worthwhile to have here. Users like you make me question that judgment.

And you're a "mod" who is insulting and harassing a user of this service.

I am the best friend every pizzagate faggot on this website has ever had, and I'll speak to you, or anyone else, however the fuck I want.

Look at how you treat me.

Gas yourself, nigger.

You are the reason why we hate you all.

You and the voices in your head? I'm crushed.

You are the reason why we trash you all when we write about you all to each other.

Your opinion of me could literally not mean less to me. You're not only a nobody, but an entitled little shit that has zero cognitive processes allowing you to understand your surroundings. The only thought in your head is that you're the center of the fucking universe, and everything should go your way because you were raised by a single mother.

You are the reason why we have an adversarial position with the mods.

I'm one of the only reasons any of you pizzagate faggots have a place to post your research.


Kill yourself.