megalist of known shills. massive list of evidence against them. mega shill calling out post. super mega kamehameha post (ProtectVoat)
submitted 8 years ago by SaneGoatiSwear
done all in comments, 5 at a time so they can all refute in one giant thread.
first selection of recent evidential comments
second selection of recent evidential comments
third selection of recent evidential comments
selection of recent evidential posts
heygeorge failure fuzzywords filmia seeprime
expertshitposter markzila SaneGoatKnot cassis bikergang_accountant
goatworrier big_amish innocentbystander nadrewood peaceseeker
tinyrick sanegoatoyswear autoturret seeprime p0ssum
p0ssumsalt tinyrick antiliberalsociety womb_raider tor1
kevdude precipitate tipman79 mrpim lockeproposal
amalekshairyass mick broc_lia rotteuxx oeethagreat selfreferenceparadox
disappointed failure mickgoestojail cynoclast crensch
adhdferret rainy-day-dream tovoatornottogoat womb_raider silversurfers
zombielordzero 0iamlordeyayaya0 norwegianblackmetal markthenerd ginganinja
madetobebroken doctor_strange derkatalog fortressomega superconductiverabbi
crewexpendable thantik anti-stupid bonechip morojax
tzitzimitl liberalpenguin imyourbiggestfat derek 13osiris13
inhysterics aou ipunchnazis candace maelask3
unclespez1 armyseer nerobot phobos_mothership millennial_falcon
tehlolman fujin digitalentity1497 firevine 00ellis
wiseowl623 pawn crazyinaninsaneworld longyybearr 0011011000111001
whitesoimustberacist blacksoimustberacist LA6661 jw48335 1moar
codewow morbo markzila webofslime lemongarb
metalaegis cheap_knockoff cassis tippyc innocentbystander
puttitout silentsmoker sadmanstan kimchiwarrior cancel-cat-facts
goat_watch skillyourself turtlesarepureevil patricoles mattvision
protectdeeznuts truthseaker techius techius22 commonorgardengoat
username list of one shill bot army clone regimine they've let go public; each has about 125 ccp now. 45 accounts. what their commenting and self-brigading style is
@cygnus_tswbq @cygnus_tcmru @cygnus_qeife @cygnus_zjqvs @cygnus_bxtse
@cygnus_cbbte @cygnus_rhsdc @cygnus_xmctx @cygnus_whoui @cygnus_fkqpo
@cygnus_gyrii @cygnus_gbnmg @cygnus_rhsdc @cygnus_prcxl @cygnus_oqmlb
@cygnus_dfjcx @cygnus_ihuja @cygnus_bmuko @cygnus_nyatm @cygnus_qfgne
@cygnus_ujxvh @cygnus_pgffm @cygnus_xoxmh @cygnus_LdqjL @cygnus_vefnh
@cygnus_vdksa @cygnus_huynv @cygnus_naqyb @cygnus_Lrioh @cygnus_ggggf
@cygnus_tvrol @cygnus_uqhgb @cygnus_Lnqgs @cygnus_zjysk @cygnus_jcsso
@cygnus_utejd @cygnus_fzncn @cygnus_qbcyr @cygnus_kxabw @cygnus_mwpev
@cygnus_kscvm @cygnus_iehwa @cygnus_hamgt @cygnus_eynmp
view the rest of the comments →
SaneGoatiSwear 8 years ago
@kevdude @precipitate @tipman79 @mrpim @lockeproposal you've been found to be a shill for censorship. how do you plead?
MrPim 8 years ago
I plead lol
view the rest of the comments →
SaneGoatiSwear ago
@kevdude @precipitate @tipman79 @mrpim @lockeproposal you've been found to be a shill for censorship. how do you plead?
MrPim ago
I plead lol