SaneGoatiSwear ago

character attack from a confirmed shill

Rotteuxx ago

Good Sir, you need to enlarge your perception of reality.

This is not a character attack, it's a working theory based on scientific field observations corroborated by many out-to-pasture Goats.

@FuzzyWords is our leading researcher.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

provide evidence that actually proves your claims

first op you provided admitted to lying on one post and the rest were bait/shitposts.

the other op was correctly deleted for rule 3 violations.

both were told to resubmit with correct posts and titles.

your claims of me being reddit cancer have been proven false

my claims you're shilling have not been refuted at all.

Rotteuxx ago

Holy crap, you almost formulated a sensical retort... except :

1 No sources to back up your claims.

Whereas I had when I declared my opposition to your childish manners.

2 Once again you distort facts in an attempt to control the narrative.

I never opposed the removal of the posts, I objected to your lack of manners & immature temperament.

3 There's only one "OP" that can be referred to.

I got on your case because of months of observations and 1 instance of severe douchebaggery.

4 I have never personally claimed you were Reddit Cancer.

Again distorting facts to fit your narrative.

5 I would never gratify your apparently complexe ensemble of mental issues.

I won't dispute your claims because I'd be acknowledging & encouraging your social disabilities.

Nice try, have another go at it ?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

no sources

distort facts

no proof to these claims

there's one op

no it was oeethagreat and dougle_mchaggis 's two groupings of bait posts that you shills used.

...? what?

you aren't quoting me. those arent things i said.


Rotteuxx ago

Common, put dome effort into at least making sense & having a basic level of readability.

Try again

SaneGoatiSwear ago

also note i have 2000 downvoats. fuzzy probably has a bunch of upvoats.

SelfReferenceParadox ago

What a faggot, people agreeing with him and shit.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

note the shilling of the shill. no where have i said that. the intent of it is to defame me.

SelfReferenceParadox ago

Wow, you just immediately resort to ad hominum, huh. What a failure.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

wait. did you just... fallacy fallacy fallacy?


no really though, you're shilling right now.

this is clearly


character attack

baseless allegation without any source nor proof that "sanegoat uses fallacy fallacy."

defamation is a crime, @failure.

Rotteuxx ago

Good point, crimes must be punished.

So file a suit against him & doxx yourself at the same time, get this circus to pack up & hit the road.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

confirmed shill

Rotteuxx ago

Liar, you can't even be true to your word !

I've JUST lost confidence in everything you ever said, my world is crumbling down on me !

No, wait ! That's just my buzz hitting a downer, time to roll one.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i voat with this always open you stupid faggot shill

failure is a known sjw shill