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argosciv ago

It really is quite interesting seeing just how... personally involved the malicious party is becoming.

Like, we've all seen someone, at some point on some site, be attacked by a group -- in most cases it only lasts a day or 2 and it's strangers lobbing weak insults around and not really trying to harm each other; just blowing off steam from the safety of behind a monitor.

But this (and other exceptional situations) is a very different spectacle. For people who often seem to pride themselves on not taking life or the internet seriously, the malicious party sure is taking their agenda against someone they met online very seriously. They try to play it cool and act like it's just for lulz, but really, take a good look at their behavior and tenacity (desperation) -- their behavior does not match the illusion of aloofness they try to put on.

@Srayz @Vindicator @Shizie @MolochHunter

ESOTERICshade ago

No Braun is not me. But I know your paranoia well enough to recognize what you think is "coded language." You are like a ziplog bag, easy to see through. I don't know if you noticed but I have been pretty much watching this from the sidelines. I already got my badge of honor, my own sticky and big red flairs, for fighting tooth and nail to save v/pizzagate from being utterly destroyed when it became v/pizzqanon.

Where were you when I was standing up all alone fighting to save pizzagate's life? You were not there were you? Of course not.

Anybody that thinks v/pizzagate would have survived in it's present form by pouring Qanon into is delusional at best, and destructive to pizzagate. I invested too much into pizzagate to watch retards dilute it and destroy. Tards with hindsight should be thanking me because if I had not pitched such a fit v/pizzagate would be dust in the wind.

I'm a long term thinker not a knee jerk reactionary. So you keep thinking that you see me slipping around every corner in the shadows of your mind. It amuses me.

argosciv ago


The fuck are you even doing replying to me? Everyone who is worth their own salt knows that, not only have I blocked you and that any reply I give you is out of amusement not courtesy, but also that you are one of, if not the, main player behind the attacks against myself, Vindicator, Crensch, srayzie, v/pizzagate, v/GreatAwakening, Q, Voat itself, and several others. They know that you have no place in v/GreatAwakening (Because you hate Q and QAnons so much it drives you potty) and no place in v/pizzagate because all you do is push narratives and attempt to manipulate other users into playing along to your tune.


That all you got?

Go ahead and explain that one to everyone, without using your usual and already-proven-to-be-bullshit talking points and those of the others who are actively attempting to silence me.

See, you already know that any further attempt to attack me gives me everything I need.

Where were you when I was standing up all alone fighting to save pizzagate's life? You were not there were you? Of course not.


I was sitting here helping people in the background, because I repaired the bridges you tried to burn between myself an others. Which I know infuriates you. Tell me, how much of a reaming did you get (from yourself or a supervisor) when those months of trying to have me isolated and silenced turned out to be utterly fucking futile...

Go ahead, tell me how much you wish I would kill myself again. Don't think for a moment it won't be presented to the Federal police (of Aus), when the time comes.

No BraunF14 is not me.

Nice attempt at a preemptive defense, but contrary to your self-love, nobody at all even remotely hinted that you're that user. Kind of like how I wasn't actively stalking your comment history that time you accused me of doing so, in order to justify your commissioning of dragonkiller to attempt to downvote brigade me into the negatives...

cc: @Vindicator @Crensch @Srayz @PuttItOut @Cynabuns

argosciv ago


Look who shows up within minutes of an exchange between ES and myself...

Nothing suspicious there at-fucking-all, no no, it's fine, move away, look elsewhere, nothing to see here. Carry on ignoring argosciv.

Everything is above board and it's all just a coincidence.




cc: @Vindicator @Crensch @Srayz @PuttItOut @Cynabuns

ESOTERICshade ago

Apparently down votes are not in short supply around here lately. You triggered because are not important enough to get brigaded?

argosciv ago

Shizie ago

Yeah that's not weird at all that ES made sure to tell everyone that he's not BraunF14!

Gothamgirl ago

You like you have any standing left on Voat, pedo ..

HollaKost ago

You married a pedophile and look the other way when he fantasizes about sodomizing little boys. Hopefully he isn't raping your son you unfit mother

argosciv ago

Yeah that's not weird at all that ES made sure to tell everyone that he's not BraunF14!

Toootalllyyy not weird at all...

"HURR! Everyone thinks I am alts x/y/z anyway, it was a fair defense of self even though the accusation wasn't even alluded to!"

Yeah, no, we look out for patterns and sometimes see striking similarities between himself and his proven alts and some users who inexplicably behave exactly like him. See, to ES, everyone he has deemed to be his enemy/target is inferior to him or otherwise must have character traits/thoughts x and/or y and/or z.

Dude's purely here to manipulate and he can barely go a single comment without attempting it.

ESOTERICshade ago

I just know how you are. You think i'm around every corner and accuse me of a lot of shit. I figured your little cryptic speak was alluding to me. Maybe I was wrong. I don't know. You wouldn't admit it any way. Now I see that theoldones is busy smearing me as a pedo without even posting any content by ESOTERICshade that would indicate that. Yall have fun shredding what is left of Voat that you have not already destroyed. I guess this is the new tactic, smear those that don't share your opinion as pedos. Pretty pathetic. Not surprising for someone who can't keep the Zionist QJEW cock out of their mouth though.

theoldones ago

No BraunF14 is not me.

@ESOTERICshade how very interesting of you to float this theory for us.

Vindicator ago

That is interesting.

ESOTERICshade ago

I just know how argosciv is. He thinks he sees me around every corner because he is paranoid. You guys have sank to a new low tagging people as pedos that you don't agree with, or on such a whim. You guys are single handedly destroying Voat. If you are going to smear me as a pedo use my supposed "pedo posts" instead of making shit up. You won't find any. Yall are really hurting Voat, or what is left of it.

Srayz ago

@Argosciv has been researching and investigating you behind the scenes more than anyone. He’s got you pegged Nigga.

argosciv ago

"But but but... ARGOSCIV DARED TO SPEAK BACK TO THE MIGHTY ES! BRIGADE HIM NAOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

ESOTERICshade ago

Good. I'm glad. You pegged your own self already a lot harder than anybody will ever peg me.

argosciv ago

Tell Peter that argosciv says "hi"

Assuming you even get facetime, kek.

ESOTERICshade ago

Moron some of the shit you dream up is beyond stupid. I don't do facebook, facetime, twitter, or any type of social media. I tried Gab about a year ago, found it boring as fuck, and don't even have the password. You never cease to amaze me with the shit you believe.

argosciv ago

I just know how argosciv is.

You don't know shit about me save for the few details I've shared (guess what, even that was barely a drop). Spoiler alert, those worth their salt (and even one who isn't, who has recently become one of your best buds -- starts with K) have copies of all the PMs between us.

He thinks he sees me around every corner because he is paranoid.

Nice try, but, no, I don't see you everywhere and in the last 12 months or so, after your campaign against me failed miserably, you have been nothing more than a key player in a long list and a joke to me. Save for when I recently learned even more about just how fucked up you really are -- which wasn't funny but did explain a lot.

As for the rest of your gaslighting, bullshit comment*, which is nothing more than an attempt to deflect away from the use of your rarepeeks account and dragonkiller(whether yours or not) to deceive others, manipulate votes/manufacture consensus and enact smear campaigns (in particular, against myself -- which you can't even admit to even though it's all archived, save for that first time you reached out to me in PM via rarepeeks, where you pretended to be some random anon who would direct the wrath of a proverbial army against me. Yeah, go ahead and deny that ever happened; we both nkow it did, but because I deleted the PM, you get a free pass to pretend it never happened -- how honest are you? Can you admit to the PM?)...

* All we ever hear from you is "Blah blah blah", so all we ever do is go "Ya Ya Ya"...

cc: @Crensch @Vindicator @Srayz @theoldones @Cynabuns

ESOTERICshade ago

As for the rest of your gaslighting, bullshit comment*, which is nothing more than an attempt to deflect away from the use of your rarepeeks account and dragonkiller(whether yours or not) to deceive others, manipulate votes/manufacture consensus and enact smear campaigns

Thats rich coming from team crensch considering that you guys just pretty much destroyed Voat with the same bullshit.

argosciv ago

So, you can't admit to your role and instead fall back to deflection and deflated talking points. Dishonest. Typical.

Point everywhere and play pretend all you like. We both know what you did and continue to do.

Srayz ago

Yeah. Kevdude made him feel like he stands a chance to gain credibility. Only among trolls!

Vindicator ago

Well, he's lost his leverage so now it's all he's got. Desperate.

ESOTERICshade ago

I will say this real slow so that even you can understand it.


argosciv ago

^^^^^ @Shizie

argosciv ago

^^^ Re-ping of @Cynabuns, miscounted.

Vindicator ago

She's not even making sense, now.

argosciv ago

argosciv ago

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