@TheAmerican is a piece of shit (PieceOfShitOfTheDay)
submitted 6.4 years ago by 2749331?
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14115717? 6.4 years ago
For those not following this attention hoover:
Threatens to quit or worse, about once a day.
I'm thinking low blood sugar, he's also admitted to weighing 400+ lb.
Claims to be black, (... or not) and being employed by shadowy secret organization to investigate and destroy Voat.
.. I could go on, but as the Qtards get told, do your own investigating.
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14115717? ago
For those not following this attention hoover:
Threatens to quit or worse, about once a day.
I'm thinking low blood sugar, he's also admitted to weighing 400+ lb.
Claims to be black, (... or not) and being employed by shadowy secret organization to investigate and destroy Voat.
.. I could go on, but as the Qtards get told, do your own investigating.