AR47 ago

Maybe it's just me, but really looks like you are arguing with yourself in that exchange.

Crensch ago

Sounds like a cognitive error, to me. How can I help?

AR47 ago

You have to admit....the dynamic power failure by your fall from being a person people would at least give some weight to what was now and the consistent bitching.

It's usually with the same people, and it honestly looks manufactured at this point. Just back and forth. Plus it is something Reddit mods are known for.

You got what.......pizzagate and the Q subs?

Who the fuck cares about pizzagate? Media killed that shit the day some guy walked into that restaurant and took everything of value away from the movement.

Then Q......I mean seriously? You want me to believe that a president who can't even speak properly somehow has the level of genius few supervillains have?

Lol shieeeeeeeet

I am glad you lost real influence. Well not just you but quite a few actually.

Don't worry you have no need to quote shit as your persona is known for.

Just know that your really making shit obvious to me, and I ain't even that smart. So if I see it then chances are that others do.

Change up the tactic (even if this one is working) your getting boring.

Crensch ago

You have to admit....the dynamic power failure by your fall from being a person people would at least give some weight to what was now and the consistent bitching.

You mean his fall? Kek.

It's usually with the same people, and it honestly looks manufactured at this point. Just back and forth. Plus it is something Reddit mods are known for.

So I've learned.

You got what.......pizzagate and the Q subs?


Who the fuck cares about pizzagate? Media killed that shit the day some guy walked into that restaurant and took everything of value away from the movement.


Then Q......I mean seriously? You want me to believe that a president who can't even speak properly somehow has the level of genius few supervillains have?

You're not really the brightest crayon in the box. Here: /v/QislegitCMM - what do you see there?

Just know that your really making shit obvious to me, and I ain't even that smart.

That last part - bingo.

AR47 ago

You mean his fall? Kek.

No I mean yours. Kevdudes account is always expected to be childish, but isn't that anyone here is mad at you, we are just extremely disappointed.

Crensch ago

No I mean yours. Kevdudes account is always expected to be childish, but isn't that anyone here is mad at you, we are just extremely disappointed.


I didn't fall from anything. Happier and better off where I am, now. So is Voat, thanks to what I've done.

Then adapt and overcome.....don't keep repeating the same thing.

What a stupid platitude given what's happened... did you pay attention to what was going on, or are you just LARPing as a wise man today?

Act your age for fucks sake......don't act as if you are insignificant as the idiots that use that.

Apparently, I'm arguing with myself in the exchange above. Age-tier problems should probably take a back-seat to split personalities, don't you think?

Meaning that ain't no one cares anymore.

Plenty of people care. Your availability heuristic is not universal.

Even if there was it's time to shift gears and try a new approach.

Thank you for the cryptically vague wisdom, Mr. Miyagi.

I know that, but I also know that you are incapable of an exchange without pinging can't go to the bathroom alone either?

I engage all the time without pinging someone - I ping when the user should see what I'm writing. Just because I write significantly more comments than most, and you happen to see the drama ones predominantly, doesn't mean I'm incapable of it.

You think it's wrong? Check my recent interactions with literally any of the sbbh faggots. They don't ping openly, but you think those votes are organic?


At least I ping.

Yeah I don't have a problem to admit my ignorance upon a topic. However what is funny is you go into insults as opposed to explain your position like someone that doesn't really have anything to prove, but rather alienate everyone.

Maybe it's just me, but really looks like you are arguing with yourself in that exchange.

Exactly how am I supposed to argue against your opinion of what you're observing? You practically invited me to insult you. What am I going to do, beg you and write to you to try and convince you otherwise? How beta do you think I am?

I've no problems alienating those that lack consistency, or that make comments that are demonstrably absurd or unanswerable in the prescribed framework of the question.

Just sad to see.

My previous position on things was a sad sight. What you see now is, at worst, boredom and the occasional lulzfarm. It's not even really fun anymore picking on the users here that pay attention to the meta.

Rotteuxx is one of their big names. They try to keep him looking reasonable and rational.

R-F constantly berates me for... BANNING PEOPLE kek.

And, of course, kevdude, in all his glory.


These are the intellectual giants that are active in the meta of this site right now. Not really much point in keeping up appearances with anyone what gives a shit about appearances. Hell, I don't think there's ever really much of a point in that unless the target audience is fucking huge, and they're actually paying attention.

But whatever, bud. Keep helping them out by tossing out more confusing and laughable hypotheses they could easily latch onto in order to narrative-slide good or useful info. I'm sure it's appreciated by (((some))).

AR47 ago

You are going to be you, I get it.

By the way @Rotteuxx is actually a quite selfless mother fucker. Dude sent me lots of maple stuff from Canada. Also sent me money when shit hit the fan for me and goldfish suggested I make a bitcoin wallet.

See some people wanted to say it was all a scam or anything negative.....thing is that that dude and quite a few others actually helped me.

So human decency should at the very least sway whatever agenda you have and realize that perhaps if that one person that I would vouch means you are nothing more than something to play with.

You make these long ass bullshit replies that are ment to have you appear as something you are not.

Dude you are not intellectual. You are just versed by your days on Reddit. So you can form a sentence and talk yourself up......big deal lol. You have zero connection with anyone here of significant meaning.

Makes you in fact a useless human being. You can't form a relationship with someone unless you get something. See don't work your mind to turn that shit either. All those people that helped me....yeah we all knew each other save one mother fucker.

However that guy was a saint. I still speak with him to this day (well sometimes) I don't get on ark as much as I used to with a real job that I have now.

Also don't say.....but I do my part blah blah. No your do a part, and that part can be done by anyone. Lol

Whatever you won't reflect or even try to understand what I said, because in your mind I am beneath you, and while you are sitting there thinking of something clever to say that makes you feel special I am going to bed.....don't worry when I wake up and take a shit I will look to see what you have to say....

That is about the time I have allocated for you....when I am shitting.

Crensch ago

Oh, look! Trollface made an appearance!

Gothamgirl ago

You have a very femine voice Crensch 😆 and you bitch, and moan on here like a woman every damn day.

My face is just fine, men told me so, all my life and still do. 🤣😂 Sometimes I feel like a dick magnet, but I am not that type of woman.

Crensch ago

men told me so


Gothamgirl ago

So no disputes on your femine voice?


Crackrocknigga ago

Cry some more faggot.

You banned me for asking questions on GA , not even trolling.

Kill yourself, stop sending alts after me.. nobody here thinks you're a legitimate user beyond boomers and naked Spanish jew sluts that cannot be named.

I heard they fucked up your circumcision and left you with a kike stump at chabad bitch. I really fucking don't like you, and wish you'd stop alt stalking me. Its actually hilarious when they talk to themselves.

Diggernicks ago

Hypocritical niggers such as you need gassing

Crackrocknigga ago

You weren't asking questions. You were saying "forget jews, kill christian's! "

Jewishness is against our rules

Diggernicks ago

Fortunately no one cares about your opinioon.

Crensch ago

Crackrocknigga ago

Trump says it's "very easy" to send our brothers and sons to die in fucking Iran

You and the other MAGA bots, feds, and JIDF agents can honestly go fuck yourself.

Donald's love for Judaism

Proof of zognald being a Kushner puppet

Trust the plan faggot

QualityShitposter ago

Remember @crensch's law?

Crensch ago

Remember when kevdude jumped all over shizy for dishing back to zyklon what he was constantly dishing for a month?