Crensch ago

I was just alerted to this submission. You label it "my" soap opera when it is only a continuation of theirs that has been going on for 7 months. I find that to be worthy of responding to.

Irritating? I don't see anyone bitching at (((SBBH))) for being irritating. Why is it only me, now that I'm responding to them?


Asshole: does thing constantly that is irritating and stupid

Guy: calls them out finally

?: Attacks guy for being irritating or being a drama queen, etc.

Crensch ago

My actions are a response to theirs. If you don't want to get involved in what's going on, kindly stop mentioning it.

Crensch ago

That accounts for his high comment rate. In fact most Qubes do hang out in their own subs and it's really the Crensch soap opera that causes the trouble.

You mean that thing that only happened because of the PV/(((SBBH))) soap opera where they couldn't keep their bullshit in their own subs?


It's pretty easy if you don't care to say anything meaningful and just echo the other person's comment back to them, or mumble some hollow platitudes while adding "patriot" onto the comment.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Yeah. Pretty easy for one guy to make 37,000 comments or more on an account 1.3 years old.

So you get night shift huh? Hope you're getting paid good money to get embarrassed by me day after day.


Who do you think you're talking to?

Joe_McCarthy ago

Not entirely sure. Could be the Southern Poverty Law Center. Could be the FBI. This is a fairly sophisticated operation though. Seems to run in shifts. And as you're targeting Q it looks pretty ideological. Interesting to place an Indian looking poster in the Q subs. Afraid the Q movement might turn racist? That seems less FBI-ish. More SPLC-ish.

Not entirely sure though I don't need to be to counter it anyway.


You think that I'm those things?

Joe_McCarthy ago

Whatever it is you're part of it. You have 20966 total comments on an account 1.6 years old.


Here I thought honestly engaging you in the discussion posts that you make means and not joining in with the rest of voat when they talk shit about you would be appreciated, but apparently that just made me fodder for your persecution complex. I'm not going to dox myself by telling you the circumstances of my life that make it so I often have a few minutes every couple hours to visit voat, but since you've already incorporated me and my post count into your persecution complex I don't think you would believe me anyway.

Joe_McCarthy ago

You guys need better scripts.


Yeah don't worry, you won't have to see any of "my scripts" any more

Joe_McCarthy ago

Or maybe he tries to mold and control Q. A lot. Or maybe they do. On different shifts. On the clock. Just a suggestion.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Potentially about 40,000 total comments in about 15 or so months. Certainly over 37,000.

KosherHiveKicker ago

Has LokotaPride has done anything but post truth?

Feel free to provide direct evidence to the contrary.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Haven't spoken to that. But that's a fine nonsensical non-seq. Good job.

KosherHiveKicker ago


The nonsense is objecting to the quantity of his comments without considering the quality-truth in them.

Try again Kikestein.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

I thought you are a Nazi? You're siding with a Injun? oy vey

KosherHiveKicker ago

I side with the truth being told, for it's own sake.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Actually, it's not entirely clear what you side with.

scandalous-goat ago

truth (n.)

Old English triewð (West Saxon), treowð (Mercian) "faith, faithfulness, fidelity, loyalty; veracity, quality of being true; pledge, covenant," from Germanic abstract noun *treuwitho, from Proto-Germanic treuwaz "having or characterized by good faith," from PIE *drew-o-, a suffixed form of the root *deru- "be firm, solid, steadfast." With Germanic abstract noun suffix *-itho (see -th (2)).

Joe_McCarthy ago

Should be fun if we spend the early part of the year watching y'all come to each other's assistance. Though I also need to remember that alts are possible on Voat.

scandalous-goat ago

Yeah, amalek ;)

VoatContainmentGuard ago

kek You side with jewish Q movement too. What else you side with?

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Different possibilities:

  1. They have one or more bots which make(s) some of their comments.

  2. They have a pathetic life and just make lots of stupid comments on Voat rather than participating in the real world.

  3. They have developed time travel and thus actually have more time to spend on Voat than the rest of us because they can keep going back in time and adding more comments.

Joe_McCarthy ago

I actually understated the count by the way. 29,576 was for last year alone. His total is over 37,000.

deadvoat ago

Voat is dead. Who cares?

Joe_McCarthy ago

Not if I have anything to do with it.

KosherHiveKicker ago

And yet you continue to advocate, and complain about everything that sets apart from other similar sites.

Joe_McCarthy ago

I'll get to how much you posted here last year later. Be patient.

KosherHiveKicker ago

What of it, exactly?

Are you going to continue the lies you have repeatedly told with no evidence? Let us recall what accounts were banned for vote manipulation after you cried wolf about me specifically.

letshavemimosas ago

Don't understand what you are getting at. How would you interpret it?

Joe_McCarthy ago

Could be multiple people using the account. Could be a few things.