Cunty84 ago

Joan Cornella is one of my favourites.

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PaulNeriAustralia ago

Yes but I suggest paying at-risk females i.e. disadvantaged females, not to breed could be a step in the right direction but then I think all humans should cut back on breeding.

copy: @Philomath

CinderBiter ago

Everyone could have 1 sq km of land in Australia with room left over. I'm not a fan of the Georgia Guidestones.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

Sorry to hear that - I am (now):

"A message consisting of a set of ten guidelines or principles is engraved on the Georgia Guidestones[8] in eight different languages, one language on each face of the four large upright stones. Moving clockwise around the structure from due north, these languages are: English, Spanish, Swahili, Hindi, Hebrew, Arabic, Traditional Chinese, and Russian.

Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
Unite humanity with a living new language.
Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
Balance personal rights with social duties.
Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
Be not a cancer on the Earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.". [Voat Library Service]

CinderBiter ago

Why do we need less people?

PaulNeriAustralia ago

  1. the human animal is mostly a terrible thing. Even in its commonplace form it is rather despicable as you would know from knowing people and knowing yourself. Regarding the thing in its more benign form, it's not entirely its fault its disgusting and Philosopher Peter Singer and I agree here. It needs to compete in order to live and competition tends to bring out the worst in us. So if there are less of us then this could lead to less competition amongst us and other races which presents a favourable environment for more goodwill because competition tends to makes savages of us.

  2. people use energy. Most energy comes from electricity from coal-fired power stations. Coal-burning produces greenhouse gases. Such gases can be harmful to the environment. Why should the other living things on the planet die just because of humans? Now that @philomath has four children he needs a bigger car which probably means it will use more petrol (if its petrol powered) and petrol dumps harmful gases into the atmosphere aka smog.

  3. people impose a demand on resources. Forests are felled to provide arable land to feed all the gaping new mouths. Again, why should animal and plant species disappear for humans? And some of us find forests more aesthetically pleasing than clapped out buffalo country.

  4. people cause waste. From the moment we come into the world we crap and piss and use diapers. We then move on to kiddies toys and again resources are needed to produce them. And the waste-making doesn't stop. Even our corpses are waste.

I am now very depressed.

CinderBiter ago

In that scenario you mentioned, you can justify the Irish Potato Famine (British wouldn't help because they hated the Irish and believed in over-population), and China's one birth policy (killing any 2nd child). In what you wrote, you value the environment more than the people of it, because all they do is destroy.

Another way to see it is to affirm life. If you pretend for 15 mins that humans are the most valuable thing in existence (and you are too), you'll feel better. You will compete to be your best self and wouldn't find it destructive. I've played both scenarios, Paul. You'll have a lot of realizations if you try it.

philomath ago

With white population growth at just above 2, we are not a problem. My 4th is making up for the children the rest of my similarly aged family members are not having. The overpopulation is coming from the hoards having 10 with no means to take care of them because of culture.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

Your country on the verge of civil war and you and your missus decide to bring a child into the world. And then there's the Pandemic, Climate Change and then there's ghastly life itself! How could you and your missus be so callous?

murface ago

Fuck no. Reparations are niggers getting the fuck out of the country and paying us money in the form of taxes in whatever place they go to. Similar to how we pay Israel (but shouldn't), the niggers need to be paying us.

Half_truth7s ago

I like the way you think.

Sernie_Banders ago

no need to add the Ben Garrison BS. The real artist Joan Cornella is just as "based"

jwade89 ago

Joan Cornelia is hilarious.

We need more absurd takes on the ridiculous bullshit going on these days. Call it out with comedy.

wonderfuldonut ago

The recipient would probably use it as chewing gum!

Askaboutthefreeplant ago

That looks like a Joan Cornella. Why does it say Ben Garrison?

tomdogg ago

Because people in 4chan have been augmenting ben garrison’s work to be more racist or, like this, attributing other people’s work to him. It’s trolling and it’s funny.

CinderBiter ago

Not sure. does look like Joan. Maybe a hidden redpill?

Valcgo ago

It's the only reason I'm still for abortion at this point.

CinderBiter ago

White Millennials think that they can give reparations without actually paying for it. Bernie economics.

fightknightHERO ago

Assuming Niggers know how to use a condom

PeckerwoodPerry ago

I've read shit about how some of these backwater shithole tribes think it's magic. Something like, missionaries used a banana to demonstrate how to use a condom, and the local chimp population thought that was how to use it. Of course, we're talking about the smartest .5% of them that gave a rusty fuck, but still. It's definitely plausible.

SchwoogNite96 ago

niggers only use condoms to carry crack rocks in their "prison wallet".